January 01, 2009 - , any data
errors were reported on the Submission Reports that enabled the practice to correct the situation … We created a validation monitoring report that
calculated the percentage of agreement between the submitted
February 20, 2014 - created an
electronic medical record-based medication reconcili-
ation system to enhance medication monitoring … ambula-
tory care clinicians and to nurses making home visits
with the aim of increasing appropriate monitoring … The alerts provided key
information, such as changes in clinical status and
new medications and monitoring … needs to improve
medication monitoring and followup care during
this high-risk transition … Field’s study of medication monitoring and
followup care for complex elderly patients transi-
July 13, 2010 - the floor
– Administering--nurse gives medication to patient and
documents this on the MAR
– Monitoring—assessing … Possibility of new errors being introduced
– Incomplete compliance with scanning
– Need for ongoing monitoring
April 25, 2013 - nurse gives the medication to the patient and documents this on the MAR and then
there’s subsequent monitoring … there’s always the need as with CPOE and any kind of
technology, there’s always a need for ongoing monitoring … In this situation the impact
of dose-dependent effects is significant such as Lasix.
June 03, 2008 - So there are all sorts of arrangements out there and they can really vary
from situation to situation
January 01, 2019 - the healthcare professional that includes information about the toxin, expected clinical effects,
monitoring … situations evolve, the PCC and ED are in regular communication, and both parties assess and reassess the
situation … The focus was on the sufficiency of the content for understanding the patient’s
situation, the ease
December 01, 2017 - phase would become an integral part of opioid prescribing as States enhanced their monitoring
technology … The category also could include
monitoring algorithms that check a patient’s ongoing use of prescribed … (ND) Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs. … Retrieved from http://www.ncsl.org/research/health/prescription-drug-monitoring-programs-
postcard.aspx … /research/health/prescription-drug-monitoring-programs-postcard.aspx
January 01, 2020 - ) to manage information flow with external medical
organizations, no comparable system for making, monitoring … As
such, monitoring and tracking referral follow-through usually relied on patient recall at a
January 01, 2014 - ANALYTICS 27
3.1 Genomics and Other “omics” Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2 Personal Health Monitoring … Devices
A growing number of companies now produce personal monitoring devices
to measure various … There is an opportunity for personal health monitoring devices to play a
larger role in future health … As for personal monitoring devices, measurements can be taken at fre
quent intervals and the results … As dis
tinct from the situation described above with personal monitoring devices,
the data quality
January 01, 2008 - evidence that the use of information technology can improve the quality
of medication ordering and monitoring … state of the national health information infrastructure and the expected state in five years
if the situation … However, the impact on staff time and the potential
costs of developing CDSS in this situation have
April 01, 2009 - Let’s start with, where will prescription monitoring programs fit into this scheme? … I’m not sure where the state prescription monitoring programs will fit in. … input that asked us
to test the standards in a long-term care setting because of the unique workflow situation
January 01, 2014 - application designed around the concerns of this population that provides information,
education, monitoring … For instance, mothers looked for blogs written by other
mothers in the same situation.
January 01, 2009 - care, improved patient outcomes, improved access to
information for healthcare providers, and better monitoring … Most
participants agreed that in the ideal situation, interoperable systems could help physicians
provide … Monitoring preterm infant motor development: Web-based
decision support. Neonatology Toda.y.
January 01, 2017 - The interview started with the
identification of a critical incident regarding the specific situation … the
following feature names have been changed: “Breast Cancer Facts” to “Breast Cancer Basics”, “My
Monitoring … Randomized trial of print messaging:
the role of the partner and monitoring style in promoting provider
January 01, 2008 - The RNs suggested that the situation could have
been remedied by better training, change management, … A safety survey was instituted at the go-live as a means of anonymously
monitoring error rates in our … we do believe the tool and
process used offer real promise for simple and cost effective rate for monitoring … unrealistic” over time as RNs became more comfortable with rating and
having ready access to a means for monitoring
January 01, 2017 - high school, 67.2% graduated from high
school, 25.6% completed a 4-year college degree.
• Living situation
June 30, 2007 - Microsoft Word - FIP_ExecSumm.doc
June 30, 2007
Privacy and Security Solutions for
Interoperable Health Information
Final Implementation Plans
Executive Summary
Prepared for
Jonathan White, MD
Director of Health IT
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
540 Gaither Roa…
June 12, 2014 - a guide designed to help the reader plan a program evaluation and adapt it to their own
needs and situation … have mandatory reporting,
antibiotic-resistant organism surveillance, and population health quality monitoring
January 01, 2016 - MATHflow can represent this complex situation by placing a boundary event on the nursing
task that catches … time savings, it will allow
case managers to work more at the top of their skill levels, have greater situation … The situation required a clever approach to support the needed workflow. … information that is relevant to a decision but distributed throughout
patient records is a common situation
January 01, 2008 - of care processes that are required to
achieve optimal diabetes outcomes – including screening, monitoring … collectively demonstrated positive effects
on knowledge and self-reported behaviors (e.g. blood glucose monitoring … ' compliance with outpatient
preventive care45,46, inpatient preventive care 47 and inpatient drug-monitoring … evidence about the long-term cost
effectiveness of patient-centered decision support systems and patient monitoring … Establishment of
blood glucose monitoring system using the internet.