January 01, 2013 - Considering the specific patient situation, ask yourself and your team:
How often should the assessment … example, a neurology unit may have a high proportion of cognitively impaired patients requiring closer monitoring
September 26, 2023 - Placement 6,508 0.07 8,570,449 89.87
3: Administration 318,364 3.34 8,888,813 93.21
4: Measurement and Monitoring … Placement 7,023 0.07 8,357,638 87.64
3: Administration 413,746 4.34 8,771,384 91.97
4: Measurement and Monitoring … Placement 5,969 0.06 8,514,201 89.28
3: Administration 379,140 3.98 8,893,341 93.25
4: Measurement and Monitoring … Placement 4,390 0.05 8,887,726 93.19
3: Administration 231,933 2.43 9,119,659 95.63
4: Measurement and Monitoring … Placement 2,145 0.02 9,288,466 97.40
3: Administration 75,720 0.79 9,364,186 98.19
4: Measurement and Monitoring
November 01, 2016 - I don't know the backdrop to the situation, but I would encourage the organization to reach out to the
August 12, 2014 - And clearly, what’s happening in this particular situation is that both of them do not have a shared … So, the first thing you might do in this particular surgeon’s situation is separate the people from the … What do we understand about why providers think they need this or do they truly need hourly monitoring
April 23, 2004 - The five-step medication use process model
(prescribing, documenting, dispensing, administering, and monitoring … dose is missed; includes assessing ability to adhere, allergy
info, meds from other physicians
2 Monitoring … Many offices admitted that
representative management of the drug samples and subsequent monitoring by
December 01, 2017 - And clearly, what's happening in this particular situation is that both of them do not have a shared … So, the first thing you might do in this particular surgeon's situation is separate the people from the … What do we understand about why providers think they need this or do they truly need hourly monitoring
June 01, 2010 - Montana Psychometric Testing: Not specified Summary: This is a new, web-based data collection and monitoring
January 01, 2003 - world-wide respondent access to the survey document and the need for
ongoing data analysis as a means of monitoring
May 01, 2023 - Improving Workplace Safety in Hospitals: A Resource List for Users of the AHRQ Workplace Safety Supplemental Item Set
SOPS Workplace Safety for Hospitals Supplemental Item Set Resource List 1
Improving Workplace Safety in Hospitals:
A Resource List for Users of the AHRQ Workplace
Safety Supplemental Item Set
May 06, 2008 - Using an Anonymous Web-Based Incident Reporting Tool to Embed the Principles of a High-Reliability Organization
Using an Anonymous Web-Based
Incident Reporting Tool to Embed the
Principles of a High-Reliability Organization
Paul Conlon, PharmD, JD; Rebecca Havlisch, RN, JD; Narendra Kini, MD, MSHA;
Christine P…
January 01, 2024 - Several publications describe how organizations have implemented diagnostic safety monitoring and
improvement … methods domain included low rates of operationalizing reporting
tools clinicians can use and limited monitoring … care safety: a novel method to develop context-sensitive interventions to reduce quality gaps in
August 01, 2022 - an integrated multilevel reporting system, or "one big system," rather than the current fragmented situation … Other common goals include monitoring the types and occurrences of patient safety events (surveillance
July 01, 2019 - This situation is of pressing concern, given the association between obesity in children
and a broad
July 01, 2018 - Skip to main content
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November 01, 2004 - Monitoring the redesign. … Diagnose the situation.
3. Formulate the work design.
4. Consider the wider context.
February 01, 2018 - Appropriate Emergency Department Fever Management for Children With Sickle Cell Disease
Appropriate Emergency Department Fever
Management for Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Section 1. Basic Measure Information
1.A. Measure Name
Appropriate Emergency Department Fever Management for Children with Sickle Cel…
April 01, 2018 - Appropriate Emergency Department Pain Assessment for Children With Sickle Cell Disease
Appropriate Emergency Department Pain Assessment
for Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Section 1. Basic Measure Information
1.A. Measure Name
Appropriate Emergency Department Pain Assessment for Children with Sickle Cell D…
January 01, 2004 - Decision Support System Design and Implementation for Outpatient Prescribing: The Safety in Prescribing Study
Decision Support System Design and
Implementation for Outpatient Prescribing:
The Safety in Prescribing Study
Adrianne C. Feldstein, David H. Smith, Nan R. Robertson,
Christine A. Kovach, Stephen B…
June 30, 2004 - This situation led aviation safety reporting system (ASRS) investigators to
develop a four-step analysis
November 01, 2016 - Skip to main content
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