January 01, 2024 - expertise in community engagement, patient-centered research methods, creative use of existing data, data-sharing
January 30, 2012 - The Scientific Director provides a vital link between AHRQ and the USPSTF, sharing valuable guidance
January 17, 2023 - STI),
∙ not using condoms consistently, especially with partners who are at increased risk, and
∙ sharing … recent
STI; not using condoms consistently, especially
with partners who are at increased risk; and
April 01, 2019 - The Affordable Care Act requires insurers to cover these services with no cost-sharing (i.e., no deductible … individual health insurance coverage shall, at a minimum provide coverage for and shall not impose any cost sharing
April 01, 2019 - The Affordable Care Act requires insurers to cover these services with no cost-sharing (i.e., no deductible … individual health insurance coverage shall, at a minimum provide coverage for and shall not impose any cost sharing
January 01, 1996 - Americans, 1 is a major cause of new infections with HIV, HBV, and hepatitis C virus 4a through sharing … users in Bangkok, risk of HIV seroconversion was much lower among those who reported they had stopped sharing … infections as a direct result of needle exchange programs. 67 Based on changes in reported needle sharing … Drug users have reduced needle sharing in response to the threat of AIDS, 78 but it has been difficult … Persons who inject drugs should be referred to available drug treatment facilities, warned against sharing
January 17, 2023 - recent STI;
not using condoms consistently, especially with partners who are at increased risk; and sharing
August 22, 2023 - infection (STI); not using condoms consistently, especially with partners who are at increased
risk; and sharing
May 26, 2023 - Our communication approach also supports
widespread understanding and encourages
sharing Task Force … its Federal and Dissemination and
Implementation partners along with a toolkit to
aid in the sharing … A well-oiled media
operation builds trust by consistently sharing
information about new recommendations
January 16, 2025 - transmission routes (e.g., maternal-fetal transmission, blood transfusions, inadvertent needle sticks, sharing
December 26, 2018 - sex without a condom with a partner whose HIV status is unknown and who is at high risk for HIV, and
June 11, 2019 - sex without a condom with a partner whose HIV status is unknown and who is at high risk for HIV, and
August 02, 2018 - transmission routes (e.g., maternal-fetal transmission, blood transfusions, inadvertent needle sticks, sharing
December 15, 2020 - persons who inject drugs; men who have sex with men;
persons with HIV infection; and sex partners, needle-sharing … persons who inject drugs;
men who have sex with men; persons with HIV infection; and sex partners, needle-sharing … drugs in the past or currently; men
who have sex with men; persons with HIV; and sex partners, needle-
sharing … about reducing the risk of trans-
mission to others (eg, during childbirth or with sex and needle-
September 01, 2014 - It also
involves assessing a person’s risk of getting or spreading an STI and reducing risks by sharing
December 15, 2020 - persons who inject drugs; men who have sex with men; persons with HIV infection; and sex partners, needle-sharing … drugs in the past or currently; men who have sex with men; persons with HIV; and sex partners, needle-sharing … education about reducing the risk of transmission to others (eg, during childbirth or with sex and needle-sharing
January 01, 2017 - Sharing decisions in cancer care. Soc Sci Med 2001;52:1865-78.
Frosch DL, Kaplan RM. … Sharing decisions with patients: is the information good enough? BMJ 1999;318:318-22.
April 01, 2013 - HIV
is spread mainly through unsafe sex or sharing needles with an HIV-
infected person.
May 01, 2014 - It can also be
transmitted through sex with an infected person or by sharing injection
drug equipment
April 01, 2013 - HIV
is spread mainly through unsafe sex or sharing needles with an HIV-
infected person.