September 01, 2018 - They are Andrew Felcher, MD (Director, NWP Guidelines, Evidence-
Based Medicine and Shared Decision Making
January 01, 2017 - Supplemental Project To Assess the Transparency of Reporting for Strategies To Improve Mental Health Care for Children and Adolescents
Methods Research Report
Supplemental Project To Assess the Transparency of
Reporting for Strategies To Improve Mental Health
Care for Children and Adolescents
Methods Researc…
October 01, 2014 - The
evidence seems very limited for such important decision-making
processes. … Additionally, as the science of cancer diagnosis and staging
progresses, diagnostic imaging may inform decision-making … which AHRQ considers as “intermediate outcomes”
including effects on diagnostic thinking and clinical decision … making.
January 15, 2016 - Usability
Some of the paper's conclusions could clearly have
implications in (primarily clinical) decision-making … We hope the review is able to inform clinical
decision-making and future research in the area.
November 02, 2019 - Part I:
Risk Stratification, Shared Decision
Making, and Care Options.
November 01, 2016 - Noninvasive Treatments for Low Back Pain: A Summary of the Research for Adults
Noninvasive Treatments
for Low Back Pain
A Summary of the Research for Adults
DRAFT: CONFIDENTIAL - For review only, not for dissemination - Task 3.7c- LowBackPain_consumer - Last mod on: 15-Nov-2016, 11:04
Archived: This
report i…
October 01, 2007 - ORIGINAL ARTICLE
Emerging Methods in Comparative Effectiveness
and Safety
Symposium Overview and Summary
Kathleen N. Lohr, PhD
Background: Interest in new methods for comparative effective-
ness, drug and patient safety, and related studies is burgeoning. The
advent of Medicare Part D for outpatient prescription dr…
December 01, 2011 - Decision-making tools and aids specifically for AS
No study addressed this factor.
November 27, 2012 - approved by the FDA
AHRQ’s stated goal for this report is to “help with
individualized clinical decision-making … suggestions are intended to
make the review more applicable to the population of
patients as well as the decision … making process that
goes on routine practice.
December 29, 2020 - Disposition of Comments for Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 240: Treatments for Acute Pain: A Systematic Review
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Treatments for Acute Pain: A Systematic Review
Draft report available for public comment from August 31, 2020,…
November 27, 2012 - liver biopsy still plays a role in clinical
practice, its relative importance in guiding treatment decision-making
June 23, 2011 - Evidence Report on the
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: June 23, 2011
Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Closing the Quality Gap Series: Revisiting the
State of the Science
The Effects of Bundled Payment Strategies on Health …
December 19, 2013 - endocrinological effects and hyperalgesia.15-17
These data underscore the complexity of clinical decision-making
August 01, 2017 - Management of Insomnia Disorder
Managing Insomnia
A Review of the Research for Adults
Is This Information Right for Me?
This information is right for you if:
� Your health care professional said you have insomnia disorder
(said “in-SOM-nee-ah”). Insomnia disorder is a long-term
condition in which …
July 08, 2014 - specific knowledge of health needs unique to LGBTQI community
Provider behavior, such as clinical decision-making … and perceived competence in service people with disabilities
Provider behavior, such as clinical decision-making … and perceived competence in service people with disabilities
Provider behavior, such as clinical decision-making … motivation outcomes (competencies, knowledge, changes in attitudes)
Provider behavior, such as clinical decision-making … motivation outcomes (competencies, knowledge, changes in attitudes)
Provider behavior, such as clinical decision-making
March 03, 2010 - Comments to Effective Heath Care Program Draft Documents
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: March 3, 2010
Comments to Effective Heath Care Program Draft Documents
The Effective Health Care (EHC) Program encourages input on its projects. Comments may
be submitted through this Web si…
June 07, 2013 - too soon to make recommendations although some may
be made on an individual level based on informed
decision … making and patient preferences) and policy
(hopefully to fund additional research). … presented,
however the conclusion falls short of providing
information that a reader could use for decision-making
September 01, 2012 - Machine Learning Methods in Systematic Reviews: Identifying Quality Improvement Intervention Evaluations
Research White Paper
Machine Learning Methods in Systematic Reviews:
Identifying Quality Improvement Intervention
March 29, 2016 - The absolute approach is helpful for
decision making from the perspective of
knowing which test has … making
pathway. … The dissemination of this
information alone may inform clinicians in their decision
making and ultimately … making. … A
sentence to this effect has been added in
the Implications for Clinical and Policy
Decision Making