March 01, 2014 - to Local Resources for Better Management of Obesity
SHARE … Can you send me program information that I can share with my practice?
June 01, 2021 - potential interventions for antibiotic stewardship in the LTC setting
Discuss methods to measure and share … changed the antibiotics in 5 of 8 cases
Developing a Program
Share … baseline data
Plan intervention and train involved staff
Implement intervention, collect outcomes
Share … Draft_Policies_and_Procedures_for_the_Antimicrobial_Stewardship_Program_final.docx
Implement intervention, collect outcomes
January 01, 2009 - Strategy 2: Communicating to Improve Quality (Tool 3)
Long-Term Care Safety Toolkit
Appendix E. Endoscopy Checklist Template
Endoscopy Safety Checklist
Preprocedure Area/Procedure Room
AHRQ Safety Program for Ambulatory Surgery
Implementation Guide
Before Patient Enters Room
Nurse, Anesthesia Professional, and P…
January 01, 2014 - We are very excited about today’s
topic, and glad to see that you share our enthusiasm. … And we typically try to share
within two months, so that we can give that immediate feedback as much … And we have a transparency policy as well, and it’s the provider is the one to share that
information … Juanita Stroud
Yes, I can share. And we really used a variety of tools that we had. … And we’ll be
contacting her and getting those flyers to share.
March 01, 2014 - Instructor Manual: Specialty Scenarios
March 01, 2017 - resident noticed some subtle changes in their health status but did not document this information or share … trust that team members will respectfully listen and respond appropriately to the information they share … The provider should begin with an alert, such as, “I’m afraid I have some news I need to share with you
January 28, 2011 - They
also may not want to share concerns or negative experiences they had at
the hospital directly … • Develop and share plans for followup. … • Share improvements and lessons learned with others at local,
regional, and national meetings. … ”
• “Please share with us a care experience that did not go so well. … Do you have anything else that you want to share with us?”
April 01, 2008 - understood the information above, that you have had a chance to ask questions, and that you agree not to share
January 01, 2014 - Supplement to Evaluation Highlight No. 6
SHARE … While this is not an area of collaboration for the partners, they do share information on progress, challenges … Demonstration staff in the two States also visited each other’s sites to compare approaches, share tools
November 01, 2016 - When are the Feds going to do their share of this?" … As you can see, it's a two-sided risk model that providers share in savings, but also in deficits if … After this, I'll share with you about the cost results. … And for payment reform, deep provider relationships and significant market share definitely have been … Dana, I'm going to shift things a little bit and share one of the first questions that came in for you
April 01, 2022 - · With whom do you share the data?
March 01, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS Fundamentals Course: Module 2
March 10, 2006 - When 10 minutes is up, reconvene the group and facilitate a discussion by allowing groups to share their … If you have one, share your own personal example of an effective and successful leader you've worked … and ask people to share examples, such as:
Have they participated in briefs? … These can be used to share with the class when you present. … lessons learned, and he empowered team members to speak freely and share team workload.
December 01, 2012 - CUSP
Learn About CUSP
SHARE … Physician champions:
Share knowledge on the immediate and long-term benefits of teamwork and communication … Implementation
Share videos with teams to spark engagement in staff safety assessments. … Discuss how to share findings.
May 01, 2007 - Just Culture Webcast Presentation
University of North Carolina Health System
Celeste Mayer, PhD
University of North Carolina Health Care
System, Chapel Hill, NC
UNC Medical Center
• Public Academic Medical Center
• Memorial, Children’s, Neurosciences, Women’s and
Cancer Hospital
• ~850 beds
• Chapel Hill, N…
August 01, 2021 - Be ready to share this
information with your provider.
November 01, 2015 - Practice Facilitator Agenda—Lesson 2
SHARE … Ask team members to share their briefing checklists, and collaborate to come up with a checklist that
April 01, 2018 - Community-Based Patient Safety Advisory Council
SHARE … council member should be asked to complete an evaluation after each meeting, and meeting leaders should share
December 03, 2015 - Be prepared to share
your checklist with the larger group.
August 01, 2021 - diagnosis, evidence suggests that we interrupt our patients within 11 to 18 seconds of their beginning to share … intervention may be useful in the diagnostic process and how letting the patients use the first minute to share … Providers who use the strategy of giving patients the first 60 to 90 seconds of the clinical encounter to share … At this point, you may be wondering how giving 60 seconds to a patient or family member to share their … over your own mouth to remind yourself to not speak for at least one minute to allow the speakers to share