August 01, 2022 - Analysis Facilitator's Guide: Appendix C
May 20, 2021 - I am happy
to share what I know.”
“Lots of CNAs have
chosen to get the
vaccine. … Not
only does the FDA grant
the initial EUA, but the
FDA and CDC share the
responsibility of active
June 01, 2010 - I invited them to join us
today to talk about their experience with social media, and to share what … While on Twitter, since the information is moving so fast, there’s the
ability to share a lot of information … started following different media organizations that we wanted to A) pull
information in from and share … Before we had social media, we always wanted to be able to share the news that we would see in the
January 01, 2011 - challenges and respond to them is only going to be as good as the culture allows
us to, for example, share … leader can provide an opportunity for folks to communicate the great work that they’ve done and also to share
January 20, 2006 - This is a good time to ask them to share comments they have about their own office-based teams and the
April 01, 2015 - Transforming Primary Care Practice
Transforming Primary Care Practice
Principal Investigator: David L. Driscoll, PhD, MPH, MA
Institution: University of Alaska, Anchorage
AHRQ Grant Number: R18 HS019154
Overview of Transformation Efforts
In 1998, Southcentral Foundation (SCF) assumed responsibility for
January 01, 2016 - certain
outcomes (such as screening results or receipt of follow-up care)
but may be difficult to share
January 01, 2011 - subsequently met monthly with the AHRQ project officer on conference calls to discuss progress and share … Make a list of any resources that you have developed that you would be willing to share with others.