
Total Results: 2,512 records

Showing results for "share".

    December 14, 2021 - An Update on the CAHPS Patient Narrative Item Sets - Schlesinger PREVIEW OF NEW NARRATIVE ITEM SETS IN DEVELOPMENT Mark Schlesinger, PhD A Growing Family of Narrative Item Sets CG-CAHPS Narrative Item Set Health Plan Narrative Item Set Inpatient Narrative Items: For Child HCAHPS 19 The Health Plan Narr…
    January 01, 2011 - subsequently met monthly with the AHRQ project officer on conference calls to discuss progress and share … Make a list of any resources that you have developed that you would be willing to share with others.
    March 09, 2018 - Section 1, FECC Survey—Telephone Interview Version Version 10.1.2015 FAMILY EXPERIENCES WITH COORDINATION OF CARE SURVEY TELEPHONE INTERVIEW VERSION LABEL VALUE TEXT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Your child’s main provider is the doctor, physician assistant, nurse or other health care provider who knows the most abou…
    October 01, 2017 - in Your Organization—Training Guide SHARE … Slide 17 Say: A communication process will need to be devised to share information about the … Share this information on a regular basis. … Ask: What creative ideas would you suggest to best share tracking results or brief vignettes of success
    September 20, 2017 - Slide 17 SAY: A communication process will need to be devised to share information about the effectiveness … Share this information on a regular basis. … ASK: What creative ideas would you suggest to best share tracking results or brief vignettes of success
    September 01, 2014 - Establishing a patient portal or electronic communication with patients to share test results, etc.
    October 01, 2017 - educational message to multiple patients in traditional one-on-one encounters,3 while patients get to share …  Be sure to get the permission of participants to share information about them in the meeting.
    November 28, 2016 - CAHPS Cancer Care Supplemental Items 11/4/2016 Page 1 Document No. 557a Supplemental Items for the CAHPS® Cancer Care Survey Population: Adult Language: English Users of the CAHPS® Cancer Survey are free to incorporate supplemental items in order to meet the needs of their organization…
    March 01, 2017 - Modules: Applying Safety Principles SHARE … Slide 14: Implementation Share videos with teams to spark engagement in staff safety assessments.
    March 06, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS 2.0: Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) under Contract #: HHSA2902010000251, TO#2, TeamSTEPPS® 2.0 is a collaborative effort to update and expand the original TeamSTEPPS curriculum. This effort involved the contributions of many organizat…
    May 12, 2016 - Getting Ready for Change Self-Assessment Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators How To Improve Hospital Quality and Safety i Tool A.3 Getting Ready for Change Self-Assessment What is the purpose of this tool? This tool can be used to assess your hospital’s organizational infrastructure and its readines…
    June 27, 2014 - AHRQ Quality Indicators Toolkit Getting Ready for Change Self-Assessment What is the purpose of this tool? This tool can be used to assess your hospital’s organizational infrastructure and its readiness to support effective implementation efforts. Using this checklist, you can highlight capabilities that should be in p…

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