January 01, 2022 - Event
Background: TAKEheart affinity groups (AG) provide forums for
participants to learn from and share … objections
• Ways to reinforce supportive physicians
Reactions: In the chat box, please share … participation from these groups
Questions and Comments
Questions: In the chat box, please share
March 01, 2018 - Now share these with the group so that the course facilitator(s) can either address your expectations … Then, as a group, select two learning objectives (one content and one process) to share with the larger … Be prepared to share your scenario with the group. … As others share their scenarios, ask question to clarify the scenario or offer suggestions for how to … Your small group should be prepared to make a 3-minute presentation to share your results with the total
January 01, 2015 - CAHPS Research Tools and Resources
CMS Data Sets for CAHPS Surveys
Liz Goldstein, Ph.D.
Director, Division of Consumer Assessment and Plan Performance
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
• CAHPS Survey for Medicare Advantage and Prescription
Drug Plans
• Hospital CAHPS
• Home Healt…
Browse Supplemental Items for CAHPS Surveys
Users of standardized CAHPS surveys may incorporate supplemental items in order to meet the needs of their organizations, local markets, and/or audiences. Use the filters at left to identify the supplemental items available for the CAHPS survey of interest. Select an item…
Browse Supplemental Items for CAHPS Surveys
Users of standardized CAHPS surveys may incorporate supplemental items in order to meet the needs of their organizations, local markets, and/or audiences. Use the filters at left to identify the supplemental items available for the CAHPS survey of interest. Select an item…
August 21, 2024 - · Tip: Proactively reach out to team members and ask them to report on work they are doing and share … Consider stories you’ve learned from other teams and other organizational insights that you might want to share
May 01, 2017 - · If I had any negative experiences, I am coping well and am ready to respectfully share my ideas about … how things could have gone differently.
· I am ready to speak up and share suggestions and potential
February 01, 2017 - We believe in our power to speak up when we have safety concerns and we share this belief with others … Share leadership.
Work together to make decisions:
Avoid preconceived notions. … Slide 13: Strong CUSP Teams
Share a strong team orientation. … Share a mental model of the team’s mission.
Work together to achieve the mission. … Collate results of SSA and share with team.
June 01, 2023 - How to use: Share your hospital’s process and outcome measure performance with stakeholders who can help … You may want to record your process and outcome measure definitions on a separate sheet that you can share … Think about the best way to share data—for some hospitals it has been helpful for data presenters to
October 01, 2024 - Spread (AHRQ Core CUSP Toolkit) A key principle in CUSP is "Learn locally; Share broadly." … It is a vital part of CUSP for organizations to share their lessons learned.
August 23, 2018 - Once you have made your final decisions, please share your completed survey
instrument and codebook … Once you have made your final decisions, please share your completed survey
instrument and codebook … Once you have made your final decisions, please share your completed survey
instrument and codebook … Once you have made your final decisions, please share your completed survey
instrument and codebook … Once you have made your final decisions, please share your completed survey
instrument and codebook
May 01, 2017 - .
|___| Will the surgeon/proceduralist share changes to the plan and possible difficulties? … |___| When an anesthesia professional is present, will s/he share the anesthetic plan, airway, and other
February 10, 2011 - ideas and solutions
I am willing to talk about my experiences with patient and family advisors and to share … respectfully responding to both positive and negative care experiences that patient and family advisors may share
June 22, 2017 - Shared Mental Models;
When and How To Share
19 - 21 10 mins
7. … They are the result of team members’ failure to:
• Share information with the team;
• Request … Some examples of how to share information include:
• Call-outs; and
• Check-backs … Share new insights and
perspective related to “everyone being on the same page. … Share new insights and perspective related to “everyone being on the same page.
May 01, 2017 - ideas and solutions
I am willing to talk about my experiences with patient and family advisers and to share … respectfully responding to both positive and negative care experiences that patient and family advisers may share
February 10, 2011 - If I had any negative experiences, I am coping well and am ready to respectfully share my ideas about … I am ready to speak up and share suggestions and potential solutions to help improve hospital care for
May 04, 2016 - ET
Sponsored by:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
SHARE Approach Webinar … SHARE@ahrq.hhs.gov
Learning objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be … SHARE@ahrq.hhs.gov
SHARE Approach Program
Alaina Fournier
alaina.fournier@ahrq.hhs.gov … OR
Questions about AHRQ’s:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
October 01, 2014 - Share current articles from prominent journals. … Use monies from research to leverage release time and share the budget and work plan with administrators … One step you can take is to share articles from top health services research journals with leadership
February 24, 2011 - patient and family advisor may be a good match with your skills and experiences if you can:
Speak up and share … think beyond your own personal experiences
Talk about both positive and negative care experiences and share … If you are an advisor for our hospital, you can help us in the following ways:
Share your story.
May 19, 2013 - family advisor may be a
good match with your skills and
experiences if you can:
• Speak up and share … beyond your own personal
• Talk about both positive and
negative care experiences and share … If you are an advisor for our
hospital, you can help us in the following ways:
• Share your story.