Browse Supplemental Items for CAHPS Surveys
Users of standardized CAHPS surveys may incorporate supplemental items in order to meet the needs of their organizations, local markets, and/or audiences. Use the filters at left to identify the supplemental items available for the CAHPS survey of interest. Select an item…
April 01, 2018 - Able to listen to differing opinions and share different points of view. … Encourage all council members to share ideas and viewpoints. … Is it okay to share your contact information (address, telephone number, and E-mail address) with other
February 12, 2014 - Shared Mental Models;
When and How To Share
19 - 21 10 mins
7. … They are the result of team members’ failure to:
• Share information with the team;
• Request … When
all members of a team share the same mental model, this is
referred to as a “shared mental model … There are both ad hoc and structured opportunities to share vital
information with team members. … Some examples of how to share information include:
• Call-outs; and
• Check-backs
September 01, 2017 - QIS/Instructor—facilitated group discussion
Note: Implementation Team Leader should be prepared to share … QIS/Instructor—facilitated group discussion
Note: Implementation Team Leader should be prepared to share … sample shown during training, looking at goal and categories, and noting potential changes) and to share
May 16, 2013 - and solutions
I am willing to talk about my experiences with patient and family advisors and to share … respectfully responding to both positive and negative care
experiences that patient and family advisors may share
October 26, 2023 - Browse Supplemental Items for CAHPS Surveys
Users of standardized CAHPS surveys may incorporate supplemental items in order to meet the needs of their organizations, local markets, and/or audiences. Use the filters at left to identify the supplemental items available for the CAHPS survey of interest. Select an item…
June 28, 2023 - Play the video - segment 1 (select here)
(if virtual, share screen too). … (If virtual) Share the participant worksheet via email or in the chat. … Play the video scenario - segment 2 (select here)
(if virtual, share screen too). … Play the video - segment 3 (select here)
(if virtual, share screen too). … “Let’s have each small group share their key takeaways and how TeamSTEPPS principles and
tools could
May 01, 2017 - If I had any negative experiences, I am coping well and am ready to respectfully share my ideas about … I am ready to speak up and share suggestions and potential solutions to help improve hospital care for
May 19, 2013 - If I had any negative experiences, I am coping well and am ready to
respectfully share my ideas … I am ready to speak up and share suggestions and potential solutions to
help improve hospital care
January 01, 2024 - Final Progress Report: A new approach to the allocation of decisional authority
A new approach to the allocation of decisional authority
Simon Whitney, MD, JD, Principal Investigator
Team members
Robert Volk, PhD, vice chair for research, Baylor College of Medicine, Department of
Family …
February 10, 2011 - Clinicians and hospital staff communicate and share complete and unbiased information with patients and … Ask them to share what went well, what could have gone better, and what ideas they have for change and … Invite patients and families to present at staff orientations and in-service programs to share their
November 01, 2021 - .
• Share the modules’ availability at leadership team meetings and ask supervisors to encourage staff … ○ Encourage supervisors to extend the concepts to a staff meeting so team members can share what … Newsletter Article
Customize the following article for your team and share it through an employee newsletter
February 06, 2006 - An example that I like to share for situation monitoring for my work environment is essentially, as a … If participants are reluctant to share an example, share your example or an example of what you have … When you teach this model, share this example with those in the class.
How and When to Share? … There are both ad hoc and structured opportunities to share vital information with team members. … Another opportunity when to share information would be during transitions in care.
October 01, 2024 - Share information with all stakeholders and facilitate a supportive environment. … Step 5: Share data feedback. … Share findings more broadly with EVC leadership and hospital committees. … Share data at EVC morning huddles and identify common barriers to effective cleaning. … Assessing Environmental Cleaning
Effective Data Feedback:
Hospital-Wide Committees and Executives
July 01, 2023 - We’re in This Together
Please ask questions, share what you know, and let your health care team know … Nurse shift changes occur when nurses who are going off duty share information about you with nurses
April 01, 2022 - starts in the ICU, the Unit Champion,
Physician Champion, or Nurse Manager may meet with them to share … • Share data on infection rates and post in areas that are visible for all such as on Performance … is part of the CUSP team, and identify additional
individuals who are not part of the CUSP team to share … • Encourage staff to share their patient stories and what impact a healthcare-associated CLABSI or … I’d love to share these positive
patient outcomes with you so that you can hear their excitement and
August 30, 2016 - [insert rationale for current financial incentives here]
Share Medicare readmission penalty amounts … since FY13
Share Medicare value-based purchasing gains/losses this year
Share [any] Medicaid penalties … or gains/losses for risk contracts
[insert rationale for future financial incentives here]
October 01, 2024 - clinical nurse specialist/educator, meet with them to introduce current patient safety initiatives and share … It may help to share individual-level data, evidence-based practices, and literature, if applicable. … Discuss results at staff meetings or morbidity and mortality conferences.
· Share patient stories to
April 21, 2014 - Share key patient information among all team members
d. … Share the timeline of how this work will unfold over the course of this program
Your Role as the Team
July 01, 2018 - When and How to Share?
Slide 18. Practical Exercise
Slide 19. What Do You See?
Slide 20. … Return to Contents
Slide 14: Conditions That Undermine Situation Awareness
Failure to—
Share … Return to Contents
Slide 17: When and How to Share?