December 01, 2009 - Hospital inpatient expenses comprised the largest single share of expenses for persons age 65 and over … while expenses for ambulatory care in office and hospital outpatient settings comprised the largest share … Conversely, the share of expenses for ambulatory visits (office-based and hospital outpatient) was less … However, a substantially larger share of children's expenses were for dental services (18.3 percent) … Expenses for emergency room care comprised a fairly small share of total expenses in all age groups,
December 01, 2009 - and separately billed physician services
accounted for 31.3 percent of total expenses, and a similar share … ● Hospital inpatient expenses
comprised the largest single
share of expenses for persons
age … Conversely, the share of expenses for ambulatory visits (office-based and
hospital outpatient) was less … However, a substantially larger share of children's expenses were for dental services
(18.3 percent) … Expenses for emergency
room care comprised a fairly small share of total expenses in all age groups,
December 01, 2009 - Hospital inpatient expenses comprised the largest single share of expenses for persons age 65 and over … while expenses for ambulatory care in office and hospital outpatient settings comprised the largest share … Conversely, the share of expenses for ambulatory visits (office-based and hospital outpatient) was less … However, a substantially larger share of children's expenses were for dental services (18.3 percent) … Expenses for emergency room care comprised a fairly small share of total expenses in all age groups,
January 01, 2007 - The
share of expenses paid out of pocket was highest among the uninsured and lowest among the publicly …
Share of total health care expenses paid out of pocket by insurance status …
Figure 6 presents the mean
share of expenses paid out of pocket by insurance status for … The
share of expenses paid out of pocket was highest among the uninsured. …
† The
share of expenses paid out of pocket
June 10, 2015 - Affordable Care Act (ACA), we believe it useful to examine several basic questions: What was the public share … How has the public share evolved over time?
April 01, 2001 - lower than average
expenses because a small percentage of
people incurred a disproportionately
large share … Hospital inpatient stays made up the
largest share of national health care
expenses (38 percent) in 1996 … Indirect payments not related to
specific medical events, such as
Medicaid Disproportionate Share
and … However,
they still made up the largest
share of national health care
expenses (38 percent) in 1996, … — A larger share of their
expenses (44 percent) were
in the “all other” category.
January 01, 2007 - the overall costs of health care continue to rise and the cost of prescription drugs become a larger share … The out-of-pocket share has dropped from 40.2 percent to 36.2 percent. … Medicaid has taken on a greater share of the burden, increasing from 11.0 percent in 1996 to 15.9 percent … Persons under age 65 in Michigan and New Jersey contributed a smaller share of prescription drug expenditures … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
January 01, 2007 - the overall costs of health care continue to rise and the cost of prescription drugs become a larger share … The out-of-pocket share has dropped from 40.2 percent to 36.2 percent. … Medicaid has taken on a greater share of the burden, increasing from 11.0 percent in 1996 to 15.9 percent … Persons under age 65 in Michigan and New Jersey contributed a smaller share of prescription drug expenditures … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
January 01, 2007 - the overall costs of health care continue to rise and the cost of prescription drugs become a larger share … The out-of-pocket share has dropped from 40.2 percent to 36.2 percent. … Medicaid has taken on a greater share of the burden, increasing from 11.0 percent in 1996 to 15.9 percent … Persons under age 65 in Michigan and New Jersey contributed a smaller share of prescription drug expenditures … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
November 01, 2006 - and separately billed physician services
accounted for 31.4 percent of total expenses, and a similar share … tal inpatient expenses
rised the largest share of
ses for persons 65 and
while office-based/out-
t … ive to adults, children
18 had a smaller share of
xpenses for prescribed
ines but larger shares for … Conversely, a substantially larger share of children’s expenses was for dental services (22.7
percent … Expenses for emergency
room care comprised a fairly small share of total expenses in all age groups,
January 01, 2007 - Health care costs continue to rise faster than the overall rate of
inflation and are consuming a larger share … Share of total health care expenses paid out of pocket by insurance status
Among nonelderly persons … The share of expenses paid out of pocket was highest among the uninsured. … .† The share of
expenses paid out of pocket was lowest among the publicly insured. … The mean share of expenses paid out of
pocket was 33.9 percent among those with private insurance.
October 01, 2003 - This
percentage was more than twice as
large as the out-of-pocket share for total
health expenses (19% … Meanwhile,
prescription medicine spending
increased its share of overall health
care spending from 12% … 0%
Out-of-pocket share
100% … • The bottom 50% accounted for a
larger share of total health
expenses (3%) than of drug
expenses ( … Source of Payment
The percents of sources of payment shown
here represent the share of total expenses
December 31, 2003 - This percentage was more than twice as
large as the out-of-pocket share for total health
expenses ( … Furthermore, prescription medicine
spending increased its share of overall health care
spending from … The bottom 50% accounted for a larger share of total health
expenses (3%) than of drug expenses (1%) … than
half the share paid by private insurance for the non-
Medicare population (46%). … Does the out-of-pocket payment share
vary by insurance status?
October 01, 2011 - Among small firms, the share of establishments offering 2 or more plans increased from 6.2 percent in … Among large firms, the share of establishments offering 2 or more plans is much higher than that of small … During the same period, the share of establishments among small firms (figure 1) not offering any health … On the other hand, an increasing share of employees at large firms may have had a choice of health insurance … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
October 01, 2011 - Among small firms, the share of establishments offering 2 or more plans increased from 6.2 percent in … Among large firms, the share of establishments offering 2 or more plans is much higher than that of small … During the same period, the share of establishments among small firms (figure 1) not offering any health … On the other hand, an increasing share of employees at large firms may have had a choice of health insurance … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
November 01, 2006 - Hospital inpatient expenses comprised the largest share of expenses for persons 65 and over, while office-based … Relative to adults, children under 18 had a smaller share of their expenses for prescribed medicines … and separately billed physician services accounted for 31.4 percent of total expenses, and a similar share … Conversely, a substantially larger share of children's expenses was for dental services (22.7 percent … Expenses for emergency room care comprised a fairly small share of total expenses in all age groups,
November 01, 2006 - Hospital inpatient expenses comprised the largest share of expenses for persons 65 and over, while office-based … Relative to adults, children under 18 had a smaller share of their expenses for prescribed medicines … and separately billed physician services accounted for 31.4 percent of total expenses, and a similar share … Conversely, a substantially larger share of children's expenses was for dental services (22.7 percent … Expenses for emergency room care comprised a fairly small share of total expenses in all age groups,
November 01, 2006 - Hospital inpatient expenses comprised the largest share of expenses for persons 65 and over, while office-based … Relative to adults, children under 18 had a smaller share of their expenses for prescribed medicines … and separately billed physician services accounted for 31.4 percent of total expenses, and a similar share … Conversely, a substantially larger share of children's expenses was for dental services (22.7 percent … Expenses for emergency room care comprised a fairly small share of total expenses in all age groups,
December 01, 2008 - Hospital inpatient expenses
comprised the largest share of
expenses for persons age 65
and over, while … expenses for
ambulatory care in office and
hospital outpatient settings
comprised the largest share … separately billed physician services accounted for 29.7 percent of
total expenses, and a similar share … Conversely, a substantially larger share of children’s expenses was for
dental services (20.3 percent … Expenses for emergency room care comprised a fairly small share of total expenses in all age groups,
December 01, 2010 - ● Hospital inpatient expenses
comprised the largest single
share of expenses for persons
age 65 … while
expenses for ambulatory care
in office and hospital
outpatient settings comprised
the largest share … Conversely, the share of expenses for ambulatory visits (office-based and
hospital outpatient) was less … However, a
substantially larger share of children's expenses were for dental services (17.9 percent) … Expenses for emergency room care comprised a fairly small share of total
expenses in all age groups,