June 01, 2001 - The share paid for by Medicaid
decreased for all racial/ethnic groups,
particularly for minorities. … Facilities
The share of annual expenses per
resident paid for by Medicare increased
from 1987 … The share of total expenses paid by
Medicaid was 48.8% in 1987 and
44.0% in 1996. … • For smaller nursing homes (3-
74 beds), the share of total
annual nursing home expenses
paid for by … For these largest
homes, the Medicare share
increased only from 2.2% to
May 01, 2000 - Hospital inpatient stays made up the largest
share of national health expenses (38 … program for the poor and disabled) accounted for the next largest
share … Percent distribution of health expenses, by type of service:
The largest share
December 01, 2005 - As overall costs of health care continue to rise and the cost of prescription drugs become a larger share … Persons under age 65 in New York, Ohio, and New Jersey contributed a smaller share of prescription drug … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
December 01, 2005 - As overall costs of health care continue to rise and the cost of prescription drugs become a larger share … Persons under age 65 in New York, Ohio, and New Jersey contributed a smaller share of prescription drug … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
February 01, 2003 - 2009
We analyze out-of-pocket burden of health care expenditures by examining the share
December 01, 2005 - As overall costs of health care continue to rise and the cost of prescription drugs become a larger share … Persons under age 65 in New York, Ohio, and New Jersey contributed a smaller share of prescription drug … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
December 01, 2005 - As overall costs of health care continue to rise and the cost of
prescription drugs become a larger share … Persons under age 65 in New York, Ohio,
and New Jersey contributed a smaller share of prescription drug … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and
tools and to share
July 01, 2010 - invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
September 01, 2018 - Veterans with only non-VA ambulatory care visits and those with both types of visits paid a higher share … Private insurance accounted for a larger share of total ambulatory care expenditures for Veterans with … Public insurance also accounted for a larger share of total ambulatory care expenditures for Veterans … invite you to tell us how you are using this Research Findings and other MEPS data and tools and to share … Share of ambulatory expenditures by sources of payment among non-elderly Veterans by use category, 2011
May 25, 2005 - is highly concentrated, with a relatively small proportion of the population accounting for a large share
March 01, 2006 - They are distributed to share
valuable experience and research. … Medicaid paid the largest share of
expenses for persons with ADL limitations (39.0 percent), while … private insurance paid the
largest share for persons with a physical limitation (37.3 percent) or no … In the 50 to 64 year-old group, private insurance paid the largest share of expenses
regardless of … Persons with ADL limitations paid the smallest share of their health care expenditures
March 01, 2006 - Medicaid paid the largest share of
expenses for persons with ADL limitations (39.0 percent), while … private insurance paid the
largest share for persons with a physical limitation (37.3 percent) or no … In the 50 to 64 year-old group, private insurance paid the largest share of expenses
regardless of … Persons with ADL limitations paid the smallest share of their health care expenditures
out-of-pocket … They are distributed to share
valuable experience and research.
March 01, 2007 -
Heart disease had the largest share of medical expenditures in both 2000 and 2004. … Indirect payments not related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
March 01, 2007 - Heart disease had the largest share of medical expenditures in both 2000 and 2004. … Indirect payments not related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
March 01, 2007 - Heart disease had the largest share of medical expenditures in both 2000 and 2004. … Indirect payments not related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
March 01, 2007 - ing fo
ber in
Heart disease had the largest share … Indirect payments not related to
specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and
tools and to share
September 06, 2002 - Finally, the cost of coverage -- both overall and any employee share -- is analyzed.
September 01, 2009 - Brief together comprised just over half of the U.S. population in 2006 and accounted for a similar share … This share was higher in New York (14.2 percent) and lower in New Jersey (3.6 percent).
19.0 percent … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
September 01, 2009 - Brief together comprised just over half of the U.S. population in 2006 and accounted for a similar share … This share was higher in New York (14.2 percent) and lower in New Jersey (3.6 percent).
19.0 percent … invite you to tell us how you are using this Statistical Brief and other MEPS data and tools and to share
June 08, 2021 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #20
State Differences in the Cost of Job-Related Health Insurance - 2000
By James Branscome, M.S.
Briefly Stated
Among all U.S. employees enrolled in job-related health insurance, 46.2% take single coverage while 53.8% take family coverage. Looking at the ten largest states…