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    November 01, 2019 - The share of total MMEs obtained by non-Hispanic whites (83.0 percent) was larger than their share of … The share of total MMEs was larger than the population share for those in poor (14.3 versus 3.7 percent … Share of total MMEs The share of total MMEs for a given subgroup is equal to {(total MMEs obtained … and by sex Annual MMEs per capita (95% CI) Share of population 2 Share of MMEs 2 Overall … * The difference between the share of population and the share of MME is statistically significant
    November 01, 2019 - The share of total MMEs obtained by non-Hispanic whites (83.0 percent) was larger than their share of … The share of MMEs was larger than the population share for those with a high-school diploma (37.6 versus … 29.3 percent) while the share of MMEs was smaller than the population share for those with some college … The share of total MMEs was larger than the population share for those in poor (14.3 versus 3.7 percent … Share of total MMEs The share of total MMEs for a given subgroup is equal to {(total MMEs obtained
    January 01, 2019 - They are distributed to share valuable experience and research. … How has the public share evolved over time? … How has the public share changed over time? … Combining public outlays with implicit public spending through tax expenditures, the public share of … It does, however, improve our public share estimates across health risk, lowering the public share
    October 01, 2016 - Findings Physician visits (non-ER) The public share of physician visits in expansion states was higher … The overall private (i.e., non-Marketplace plus Marketplace) share of physician visits did not change … Because of these public and private changes, the uninsured share of physician visits declined in the … Emergency room visits The public share of emergency room visits in expansion states was higher in the … The overall private share of emergency room visits did not change significantly in expansion states,
    October 01, 2016 - Keenan, PhD Highlights In states that expanded Medicaid, the uninsured share of physician … In states that expanded Medicaid, the uninsured share of emergency room visits in the latter half of … The overall private (i.e., non-Marketplace plus Marketplace) share of physician visits did not change … Because of these public and private changes, the uninsured share of physician visits declined in the … The overall private share of emergency room visits did not change significantly in expansion states,
    October 01, 2016 - Keenan, PhD Highlights In states that expanded Medicaid, the uninsured share of physician … In states that expanded Medicaid, the uninsured share of emergency room visits in the latter half of … The overall private (i.e., non-Marketplace plus Marketplace) share of physician visits did not change … Because of these public and private changes, the uninsured share of physician visits declined in the … The overall private share of emergency room visits did not change significantly in expansion states,
    September 01, 2005 - The Medicaid share of home health care expenditures for the non-elderly rose from 34.2 percent in 1998 … In contrast, the state and local government share of home health care expenditures fell for both the … non-elderly and the elderly, with the biggest decline seen in the share paid for the non-elderly (falling … The share paid by Medicaid grew from 30.6 percent in 1998/99 to 44.8 percent in 2002. … For non-elderly persons, the state and local government share decreased from 31.4 percent in 1998/99
    November 26, 2019 - Title:    Average Annual Morphine Milligram Equivalents (MMEs) of Outpatient Prescription Opioids and Share … It presents an estimate of average annual MMEs for each subgroup, and estimates of each subgroup's share … of the population compared to their share of total MMEs.
    September 01, 2005 - . ¢¢¢¢ The Medicaid share of home health care expen­ ditures for the non-elderly Home health care … In contrast, the state and local government share of home health care government home health care … The share paid by Medicaid grew from 30.6 percent in 1998/99 to 44.8 percent in 2002. … In contrast, the state and local government share of home health care expenditures for both the non- … For non-elderly persons, the state and local government share decreased from 31.4 percent in 1998/99
    September 01, 2005 - The Medicaid share of home health care expenditures for the non-elderly rose from 34.2 percent in 1998 … In contrast, the state and local government share of home health care expenditures fell for both the … non-elderly and the elderly, with the biggest decline seen in the share paid for the non-elderly (falling … The share paid by Medicaid grew from 30.6 percent in 1998/99 to 44.8 percent in 2002. … For non-elderly persons, the state and local government share decreased from 31.4 percent in 1998/99
    September 01, 2005 - The Medicaid share of home health care expenditures for the non-elderly rose from 34.2 percent in 1998 … In contrast, the state and local government share of home health care expenditures fell for both the … non-elderly and the elderly, with the biggest decline seen in the share paid for the non-elderly (falling … The share paid by Medicaid grew from 30.6 percent in 1998/99 to 44.8 percent in 2002. … For non-elderly persons, the state and local government share decreased from 31.4 percent in 1998/99
    October 01, 2019 - Highlights • From 2011 to 2016, the share of fills dispensed with non-specialty single source drugs … Conversely, the mean out-of-pocket share was highest for generic drugs (41.8 percent) and lowest for … Medicare Part D enrollees filled a smaller share of prescriptions with specialty drugs (1.6 percent) … Out-of-pocket unit cost and share of drug costs paid out of pocket As expected, consumers typically … Out-of-pocket share The out-of-pocket share is the percentage of the total retail price paid by individuals
    October 01, 2019 - Hill, PhD, and Yao Ding, PhD Highlights From 2011 to 2016, the share of fills dispensed … Conversely, the mean out-of-pocket share was highest for generic drugs (41.8 percent) and lowest for … Medicare Part D enrollees filled a smaller share of prescriptions with specialty drugs (1.6 percent) … Out-of-pocket unit cost and share of drug costs paid out of pocket As expected, consumers typically … Out-of-pocket share The out-of-pocket share is the percentage of the total retail price paid by individuals
    January 01, 2008 - >
    As the overall costs of health care continue to rise and prescription drugs become a larger share … The out-of-pocket share has dropped from 40.2 percent to 35.2 percent in 2005. … Medicaid has taken on a greater share of the total, increasing from 11.0 percent in 1996 to 16.0 percent … Persons under age 65 in Ohio contributed a smaller share of prescription drug expenditures with their … Persons under age 65 in Texas paid a higher than average share in 2005, 42.0 percent.
    October 01, 2022 -  Out-of-pocket payments as a share of annual treatment expenses were higher for mental disorders than … brief presents data from the 2019 MEPS-HC on condition- specific i total annual expenditures and the share … Ambulatory care accounted for the largest share of spending for arthritis/other joint disorders and … Inpatient care accounted for the largest share of spending for heart disease (45.9 percent). … The share of expenditures paid by Medicare ranged from 55.5 percent for nervous system disorders to
    October 01, 2022 - Out-of-pocket payments as a share of annual treatment expenses were higher … Ambulatory care accounted for the largest share of spending for arthritis … Inpatient care accounted for the largest share of spending for heart disease … Overall, Medicare paid the largest share of healthcare expenses for treating … In comparison, the private insurance share ranged from 8.3 percent for mental
    October 01, 2003 - • The Medicare share for prescribed medicines (12%) was relatively low. … • Blacks paid the lowest share of total expenses out of pocket in 1999 (13%). … At the other extreme, whites paid the largest share out of pocket (22%). … The share does vary by race/ethnicity, however. … share paid by their private insurance (about 18% each)
    April 01, 2001 - This percentage was more than twice as large as the out-of-pocket share for total health expenses (19% … Meanwhile, prescription medicine spending increased its share of overall health care spending from 12% … • The share of all out-of-pocket health spending that went for prescription medicines was nearly … • The bottom 50% accounted for a larger share of total health expenses (3%) than of drug expenses … • The out-of-pocket payment share for prescription medicines per user for Medicare beneficiaries
    May 01, 2001 - Hospital inpatient stays made up the largest share of national health care expenses (38 percent … Among people under 65, the uninsured paid for a higher share of their total medical expenses out … Return To Table Of Contents Section 1: Overall Expenses The United States spends a larger share of … However, they still made up the largest share of national health care expenses (38 percent …  — A larger share of their expenses (44 percent) were in the "all other" category.
    February 01, 2025 - In 2021-2022, the share of spending financed by private insurance / TRICARE was larger for all … prescription drugs (40.1 percent) than for opioids (27.4 percent) while the Medicare share of spending … The share of spending financed by private insurance / TRICARE was larger for all prescription drugs ( … for opioids (27.4 percent) but there was not a statistically significant difference in the Medicare share … Results also show that the share of payments financed by out-of-pocket spending was lower for

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