January 01, 2019 - To do so effectively, elderly patients often share control of their personal health information and decision … More often than not, neither the elder nor their family knows how to readily access and share
information … differentiate
between the needs of a fully independent elder and one who has chosen to or needs to share … that can accommodate
evolving models of the user, such as are required when family members begin to share … see any other users information unless there is an explicit linkage made by the user who
wishes to share
January 01, 2023 - Munson, Sean
A patient-centered proposal for Bayesian analysis of self-experiments for health.
Schroeder J, Karkar R, Fogarty J, Kientz JA, Munson SA, Kay M. A patient-centered proposal for Bayesian analysis of self-experiments for health. J Healthc Inform Res. 2019 M…
January 01, 2022 - the availability of required data in standard FHIR data
interfaces, and we planned to develop and share … At the same time, the clinical trial was conducted
using the Epic EHR, which has the largest share of … Top 10 Ambulatory EHR Vendors by 2019 Market Share [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2022 Jul
June 06, 2006 - health
information infrastructure to support better
health and healthcare
Why Share … Frisse
• Technical Subcommittee: Chair: Clay Shirky
• Three communities and teams:
– Boston: MA-SHARE … Why Share Health Information?
How does Connecting for Health fit in?
What was our Process?
January 01, 2023 - Schilling, Lisa M
An Interoperable, Reusable, and Scalable Shared Decision Aid Navigator System: Supporting the 5 Rights of Patient Shared Decision Making
This research will create the Shared Decision Aid Navigator System to improve the implementation, integration,…
January 01, 2023 - Soares, Andrey
An Interoperable, Reusable, and Scalable Shared Decision Aid Navigator System: Supporting the 5 Rights of Patient Shared Decision Making
This research will create the Shared Decision Aid Navigator System to improve the implementation, integration, an…
January 01, 2019 - Decision Precision+: Increasing Lung Cancer Screening for At-Risk Patients
Decision Precision+: Increasing Lung Cancer Screening for At-Risk Patients
Widely disseminating a CDS tool that supports individualized shared decision making for lung cancer screening is expected to increase appropriate screening and sa…
January 01, 2023 - Challenges in the development of e-Quit worRx: an iPad app for smoking cessation counseling and shared decision making in primary care.
Doarn CR, Vonder Meulen MB, Pallerla H, Acquavita SP, Regan S, Elder N, Tubb MR. Challenges in the development of e-Quit worRx: an iPad app for smoking cess…
January 01, 2023 - TJR Guru--a Mobile App for Shared Informed Decisionmaking in Total Joint Replacement Surgery
Project Final Report ( PDF , 626.56 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not…
January 01, 2019 - Optimization of Patient-Reported Outcome Data Visualization to Improve Shared Decision Making
Optimization of Patient-Reported Outcome Data Visualization to Improve Shared Decision Making
Optimizing PRO data visualization with clinicians’ and patients’ input will improve clinicians’ ability to effectively synth…
January 01, 2020 - Strengthening Patient Engagement to Improve Care and Shared Decision Making - Emerging Research
Using Technology to Support Patient-Centered, Shared Decision Making in Care and Treatment Decisions
Patient-centered shared decision making refers to the collaborative effort of a healthc…
January 01, 2023 - Fairview Health Services
A Community-Shared Clinical Abstract to Improve Care - 2010
Principal Investigator
Connelly, Donald
Project Name
A Community-Shared Clinical Abstract to Improve Care
A Community-Shared Clinical Abstract to Improve …
January 01, 2023 - Size, Tim
Developing Shared EHR Infrastructure in Wisconsin - Final Report
Size T. Developing Shared EHR Infrastructure in Wisconsin - Final Report. (Prepared by Reedsburg Area Medical Center under Grant No. P20 HS015295). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research…
January 01, 2023 - Patient experience with family history tool: analysis of patients' experience sharing their family health history through patient-computer dialogue in a patient portal.
Bajracharya AS, Crotty BH, Kowoloff HB, Safran C, Slack WV. Patient experience with family history tool: analysis of patient…
August 31, 2024 - Description
Research Story
A tool to collect and share … Making PROs Meaningful
How You Feel Is Important: Making PROs Meaningful
A tool to collect and share
January 01, 2023 - Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center
Ambulatory Electronic Medical Record and Shared Access - 2009
Principal Investigator
DeLuca, Michael
Project Name
Ambulatory Electronic Medical Record and Shared Access
Ambulatory Electronic Medical Record …
January 01, 2023 - Evaluating a Prediction Tool and Decision Aid for Patients with Crohn's Disease
Project Final Report ( PDF , 888.47 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily repr…
January 01, 2023 - Tulu, Bengisu
TJR Guru--a Mobile App for Shared Informed Decisionmaking in Total Joint Replacement Surgery - Final Report
Tulu, B. TJR Guru--a Mobile App for Shared Informed Decisionmaking in Total Joint Replacement Surgery - Final Report. (Prepared by Worcester Polyt…
January 01, 2023 - Shared decision-making for drug-drug interactions: Formative evaluation of an anticoagulant drug interaction.
Gomez Lumbreras A, Reese TJ, Del Fiol G, Tan MS, Butler JM, Hurwitz JT, Brown M, Kawamoto K, Thiess H, Wright M, Malone DC. Shared decision-making for drug-drug interactions: Formativ…
January 01, 2023 - Incorporating patient-reported outcomes into shared decision-making in the management of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: a hybrid effectiveness-implementation study protocol.
Lin E, Uhler LM, Finley EP, Jayakumar P, Rathouz PJ, Bozic KJ, Tsevat J. Incorporating patient-reported out…