January 01, 2019 - Research Spotlights
AHRQ has a long history of investing in health services research that produces foundational work exploring the many applications of IT and digital healthcare to improve health delivery (e.g., telemedicine, HIE, e-prescribing). In recent years, AHRQ-funded research h…
January 01, 2023 - Burgermaster, Marissa
Nutri: A behavioral science-based clinical decision support for chronic disease management.
Burgermaster M, Rosenthal M, Tierney WM, Altillo BS, Nordquist E, Enriquez C, Andrews S, Klatt C, Daniels G. Nutri: A behavioral science-based clinical de…
January 01, 2012 - The purpose was to provide grantees an opportunity to share best practices, lessons learned, and ask
January 01, 2023 - Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve Health Care Quality through Health Information Technology (IT) (R21)
CancelRx: A Health IT Tool to Decrease Medication Discrepancies in the Outpatient Setting
This research explores the effectiveness of an e-prescribin…
January 01, 2023 - Adults
Incorporating Patient-Reported Outcomes into Shared Decision Making with Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee - Final Report
Bozic K., Tsevat J. Incorporating Patient-Reported Outcomes into Shared Decision Making with Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Kne…
January 01, 2023 - Disseminating and Implementing Evidence from Patient-centered Outcomes Research Using Mobile Health Technology (R21)
mHealth technologies for osteoarthritis self-management and treatment: A systematic review.
Choi W, Zheng H, Franklin P, et al. mHealth technologies fo…
January 01, 2023 - Understanding User Needs and Context to Inform Consumer Health Information Technology (IT) Design (R01)
Patient portal use and experience among older adults: systematic review.
Sakaguchi-Tang DK, Bosold AL, Choi YK, et al. Patient portal use and experience among olde…
January 01, 2009 - main pharmacy collaborator to the project, requiring reestablishment of the
agreements necessary to share
January 01, 2009 - Conversely, Super Users from Cohort
1 had actual real life experience to share with the second cohort
January 01, 2023 - As part of the ISO, HL7 can "share its products with the International Standards community, thus reducing
January 01, 2023 - Thirty organizations currently participate in eBHIN, with 77 percent of consumers having “opted-in” to share
January 01, 2017 - The PopCop meets virtually once a month to share opportunities and shared
challenges to using electronic … The purpose of the Governance Toolkit is
to share and discuss resources related on governance of health … The purpose of the PROactive Toolkit is to foster open discussion and share resources related
to the … While researchers have always been able to share study results through existing peer-reviewed
Personal health records: empowering consumers
By empowering consumers, electronic personal health records (ePHRs,
more commonly PHRs) will play a key role in the evolving electronically
enabled health information environment. Consumers want to be more
engaged in their own healthcare and are seeking out informa…
January 01, 2012 - Evaluating a Prediction Tool and Decision Aid for Patients with Crohn's Disease
Evaluating a Prediction Tool and Decision Aid for
Patients with Crohn’s Disease
Principal Investigator: Siegel, Corey, M.D…
December 01, 2006 - Information Links - Public Health and Health Information Exchanges: What’s the Value?
Information Links
Public Health and Health
Information Exchanges: What’s
the Value?
Jim Mootrey
:: 2 ::
Who fills in the hole?
:: 3 ::
The value proposition
• What does public health contribute?
• Provide individual patie…
January 01, 2020 - Hospital Authority
Susan Louise Moore
Engaging Disadvantaged Patients by Using Mobile Technology to Share
January 01, 2023 - Critical Access Hospital Partnership Health Information Technology Implementation
Project Final Report ( PDF , 431.98 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily …
January 01, 2023 - particular condition found it helpful to identify other researchers interested in that condition in order to share … researchers who are also actively recruiting participants, the grantees have had the opportunity to share
May 27, 2009 - Patient medication issues code book
Patient medication issues code book
TalkDoc: generally how docs have talked to them about medicines, including
about what the medicine is for, risks and benefits, and how they feel about
taking medicines.
WantKnow: What they want to know about their medicines.
January 01, 2023 - Fairbanks, Rollin J.
Usability in health IT: beyond compliance to meaningful design and assessment.
Fairbanks RJ, Bisantz A, Hettinger AZ, et al. Usability in health IT: beyond compliance to meaningful design and assessment. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Er…