January 01, 2023 - structured data has been proposed as a method for enabling electronic systems to automatically integrate and share
January 01, 2023 - Uninsured
Clinical Decision Support for Collaborative Diet Goal Setting in Primary Care - Final Report
Burgermaster M. Clinical Decision Support for Collaborative Diet Goal Setting in Primary Care – Final Report. (Prepared by University of Texas - Austin under Grant N…
January 01, 2023 - specific aims of this project were to:
Adapt and refine an Internet-based PHR for adults with ID to share
January 01, 2009 - There was currently no mechanism to share
data among the facilities. … 1.4: Implement the Holomua Master Visit Registry (HMVR) that will allow KKV,
KPHC, QMC and HPH to share … The HMVR was created to
share health information and data. … before patient does X
The system SHOULD record your SSN; can’t give care without that X
Good to share … following themes:
Themes Pre-HMVR 3 months post HMVR
My identity will be stolen X X
OK to share
January 01, 2023 - Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County
Metro DC Health Information Exchange - 2009
Principal Investigator
Lewis, Thomas
Project Name
Metro DC Health Information Exchange (MeDHIX)
Metro DC Health Information Exchange (MeDHIX)
January 01, 2019 - to select treatments authorized by payer
4 Pre-visit questionnaire Allow patient to summarize and share … printed document a copy of the clinician-signed
care plan (including opioid use agreement) to
share … ◼ Recommended actions
o Those having success share
strategies/tools (e.g., interventions
and … HRSA/BPHC (which supports the US
healthcare safety net) is exploring ways
their health IT unit can share … ◼ HRSA/BPHC will share via various
channels (e.g., newsletters, quarterly
conference calls) the
January 01, 2011 - • Institute for Medical Knowledge Implementation (IMKI)
Unwillingness of members to share content,
January 01, 2023 - The MVR allows facilities to share timely, accurate patient information, even if the patient isn't able
January 01, 2023 - plan to maintain BREASTChoice in the EHR while also working to make it available
outside the EHR to share … They can also share it with family or friends if
not linked to the EHR.
August 01, 2023 - Development of SMART on FHIR Interoperable Clinical Decision Support for Emergency Department Patients with Pneumonia and Pilot Deployment into Novel Epic Electronic Health Record Environments
Project Description
Research Story
Creating a SMART on FHIR version of an exist…
January 01, 2023 - managers, referral clerks, and IT staff (if available) in rural practices and specialty clinics to share
January 01, 2009 - suggests, PDHRs can increase caregivers sense of empowerment
by providing them with a medical record to share
January 01, 2023 - Holomua Project-Improving Patient Hand-Offs in Hawaii
Developed approaches to share
July 05, 2000 - Map of Sites
The mission of the Alliance of
Chicago Community Health Services
is to share … answer”
“Disinterested” technical advice is of great value
Strategies which allow multiple users to share
January 01, 2023 - Designing Digital Healthcare Technology to Support Cognitive Team Work in Pediatric Trauma Settings
Theme: Optimizing Care Delivery for Clinicians Subtheme: Optimizing Data Visualization to Improve Care
Simple and informative graphic displays in emergency department trauma bays can streamline and …
March 16, 2016 - Will a toolkit be available to share with primary care practices?
January 01, 2006 - Unertl KM et al. 2006 "Applying direct observation to model workflow and assess adoption."
Unertl KM, Weinger MB, Johnson KB. Applying direct observation to model workflow and assess adoption. AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2006:794-798.
"Lack of understanding about workflow c…
January 01, 2023 - Group Health Cooperative
Understanding and Honoring Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions
This project determined care priorities for patients with multiple chronic conditions based on patient needs, preferences, and capabilities and developed a set of recommen…
Health Information Exchange (HIE)
Telemedicine Project Connects, Kids, Doctors for Better Care
Learn how an AHRQ-funded project in Rochester, N.Y., is using telemedicine to connect child care centers and elementary schools to physician offices.
Michigan Electronic Medical Records Project Prov…
January 01, 2009 - Their role was to bring disparate groups together
to share ideas and accomplishments.
2. … administered in an interview format by phone or in person to allow
participants the opportunity to share … Emergency room (ER) physicians,
who see both uninsured and insured patients, did not share this belief … Hospitals required
assurance in two areas before they were willing to share data. … The ability to acquire, use, and
share health data electronically was integral to program expansion