May 01, 2015 - Questions for Your Practice Setting
Clinical Implementation Guide, May 2015
Questions for your practice … setting
These questions were designed with the six preventive services in mind.
January 01, 2018 - Community-Acquired Pneumonia Clinical Decision Support Training: Emergency Department Setting … Slide 1: Community-Acquired Pneumonia Clinical Decision Support Training
Emergency Department Setting … of pneumonia is up to 25 times greater than outpatient care." e
"Those treated in the outpatient setting … Slide 13: Demonstration
CAP CDS alert for the ED setting using CURB-65
Slide 14: Demonstration
January 01, 2018 - Community-Acquired Pneumonia Clinical Decision Support Training: Primary Care Setting
Slide Presentation … Slide 1: Community-Acquired Pneumonia Clinical Decision Support Training
Primary Care Setting … of pneumonia is up to 25 times greater than outpatient care." e
"Those treated in the outpatient setting … Slide 13: Demonstration
CAP CDS alert for the ED setting using CURB-65
Slide 14: Demonstration
September 01, 2015 - Preventing CAUTIs in the ICU Setting
Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting
Module 1: Overview
AHRQ Safety
September 01, 2015 - AHRQ Safety Program for Reducing CAUTI in Hospitals
Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting
Facilitator … Delivering the Session
“Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting” is a series of four videos, lasting between … slide header is “Stop and Think”)
Module 1 Content
Slide 1
“Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting … Slide 6
In the perioperative setting, catheters are used for selected procedures:
· Urologic
January 01, 2023 - Measures of Quality for Different Health Care Settings
Thanks to significant advances in the field, report sponsors have access to several well-tested tools and measurement sets to use as the basis for collecting data and preparing comparative information. This section reviews some of the options you may want t…
May 12, 2015 - Health Center Uses AHRQ Tools to Improve Patient Safety
Learn From Defects Tool—Perioperative Setting … Jersey Hospital Uses AHRQ Toolkit To Reduce Urinary Tract Infections
Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting
and Delivery
AHRQ's Quality & Patient Safety Programs by Setting
August 01, 2023 - TeamSTEPPS Video: Applying CUS and Teach Back in Inpatient Setting
YouTube embedded video … //www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/M-w9wFEuPFc
TeamSTEPPS: Applying CUS and Teach Back in Inpatient Setting
June 01, 2014 - Types of Cross-Setting Transitions Evaluated by EHR-based Measures (Text Description)
Previous … The three boxes in the bottom row are, left to right, Another Setting, Inpatient, and Home Health. … A horizontal arrow going both ways between Another Setting and Inpatient is labeled n=3. … One is between Another Setting and Primary Care. A second goes between Inpatient and Primary Care.
September 01, 2015 - Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting: Transcript
Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting
AHRQ … Reducing CAUTI in Hospitals Script 3
Module 1: Overview
Slide 1
“Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting … lumbar spine)
• Use 5: Improved comfort for end-of-life care if needed
Slide 6
In the perioperative setting
that focus on prevention and care management, rather than on acute care; involving the patient in goal setting
January 01, 2023 - services that allow patients in the final phase of life to spend their last days at home or a home-like setting
October 01, 2014 - Process Measures
Rate for goal setting for patients with diabetes. … The rate for goal setting was compared at baseline and after 6 months of the intervention. … baseline goal-setting rate would be minimal. … One clinic was unable to provide a baseline or post-intervention measurement for goal setting. … goal-setting rate would be minimal.
January 01, 2023 - Major Physician Measurement Sets
Because physician-level measurement sets were introduced relatively recently—and some are still in development—they have not yet been widely implemented by report card sponsors. The measure sets listed here have been endorsed, in whole or in part, by the National Quality Forum …
February 01, 2023 - Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting Facilitator’s Guide Transcript
Module 1: Overview
Slide … 1
“Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting” is a four-module program designed for intensive care unit, … spine)
Use 5: Improved comfort for end-of-life care if needed
Slide 6
In the perioperative setting
September 01, 2019 - Measuring the Quality of Physician Care
Consumers are very interested in information about the quality of physician care. 1 - 3 To meet that demand, researchers, medical societies, and health care experts have made a concerted effort to address the many issues encumbering physician quality measurement. As a re…
March 01, 2016 - Measuring the Quality of Hospital Care
Initiatives for measuring and reporting the quality of hospital care have expanded in recent years. Current hospital measurement sets are rapidly evolving to meet consumer needs for information about clinical effectiveness, health outcomes, patient safety, and patient expe…
January 01, 2023 - Databases Used for Hospital Quality Measures
Hospital data are available from a myriad of sources, including individual hospitals and hospital associations, State and regional data organizations, health planning or health data organizations at the state level, departments of health, and Federal agencies. Many h…
March 01, 2016 - Examples of Hospital Quality Measures for Consumers
From the available set of hospital measures, you can choose among hundreds of measures that address important aspects of inpatient care. Here are some examples of hospital quality measures that research evidence and practical experience suggest are appropriate…