May 01, 2009 - Only prescribed medicines purchases in an outpatient setting are included in the estimates. … medicines are excluded from these estimates as are prescription medicines administered in an inpatient setting
October 02, 2020 - software package provides a capability to limit the analysis to a subgroup of the population without sub-setting
May 01, 1999 - visit with a medical provider, either physician or nonphysician, in an office-based or hospital-based setting
May 01, 1999 - visit with a medical
provider, either physician or nonphysician, in an
office-based or hospital-based setting
August 12, 2015 - software
package provides a capability to limit the analysis to a subgroup of the population without sub-setting
July 01, 2001 - The authors examine the frequency
with which people visit health care providers by the
setting of care … Setting of visit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … Visit Setting
Another important component of health care service
use is the setting in which care is … Visit Setting
For both 1987 and 1996 estimates, ambulatory care
events include visits to physician … All events are
classified by the setting in which they took place as
follows: office visits, outpatient
September 01, 2006 - medicines expenses greater than or equal to $4,724
Only prescribed medicines purchases in an outpatient setting … medicines are excluded from these estimates as are prescription medicines administered in an inpatient setting
September 01, 2006 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #13
Only prescribed medicines purchases in an outpatient setting are included in … medicines are excluded from these estimates as are prescription medicines
administered in an inpatient setting
February 01, 2008 - Only prescribed medicines purchases in an outpatient setting are included in the estimates. … medicines are excluded from these estimates as are prescription medicines administered in an inpatient setting
February 01, 2008 - Only prescribed medicines purchases in an
outpatient setting are included in the estimates. … medicines are excluded from these
estimates as are prescription medicines administered in an inpatient
September 01, 2006 - medicines expenses greater than or equal to $4,724
Only prescribed medicines purchases in an outpatient setting … medicines are excluded from these estimates as are prescription medicines administered in an inpatient setting
February 01, 2008 - Only prescribed medicines purchases in an outpatient setting are included in the estimates. … medicines are excluded from these estimates as are prescription medicines administered in an inpatient setting
November 01, 2011 - Only prescription medicines in an outpatient setting are included in these estimates. … Prescription medicines administered in an inpatient setting or in a clinic or physician’s office are
November 01, 2011 - Only prescription medicines in an outpatient setting are included in these estimates. … Prescription medicines administered in an inpatient setting or in a clinic or physician’s office are
November 01, 2011 - Only prescription medicines in an outpatient setting are included in these
estimates. … Prescription medicines administered in an inpatient setting or in a
clinic or physician’s office are
October 01, 2018 - sum of MOS analytic weights) who visited their usual source of care (USC) provider in an office–based setting … who had at least one of the following events: hospital stay, home health visit, surgery in an office setting … , surgery in a hospital outpatient setting, were also oversampled. … Office–based
Home Care
Date of service
October 01, 2018 - of MOS analytic weights) who visited their usual source
of care (USC) provider in an office-based setting … had at least one of the following events: hospital stay, home health
visit, surgery in an office setting … , surgery in a hospital outpatient setting, were also
oversampled. … Elements Hospital Office-based
Care Pharmacy SBD Institution
Date of service X X X X X X
September 01, 2006 - expenses greater than or equal to $4,724
Only prescribed medicines purchases in an outpatient setting … medicines are excluded from these estimates as are prescription medicines administered in an inpatient setting
October 01, 2014 - allocated for the treatment of trauma, mental disorders and COPD/asthma and heart disease in an inpatient setting … percent), mental disorders (21.8 percent), and COPD/asthma (66.1) were for care received in an inpatient setting
October 01, 2014 - allocated for the
treatment of trauma, mental
disorders and COPD/asthma and
heart disease in an inpatient
setting … percent), mental
disorders (21.8 percent), and COPD/asthma (66.1) were for care received in an inpatient setting