September 13, 2023 - HCUP State Data Use Agreement
Data Use Agreement for HCUP State Databases 1
State Databases from the
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
This Data Use Agreement (“Agreement”) governs the disclosure and use of data in the HCUP St…
November 01, 2024 - infrastructure—as a point of entry for approximately 50
percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50
percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … • At least one Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced) by setting
January 01, 2012 - measures of quality associated with processes of care that occurred in an
outpatient or an inpatient setting … and NEDS were used to calculate selected PQIs and PDIs in the inpatient and
emergency department setting … quality associated with processes and outcomes of care that
occurred in an outpatient or an inpatient setting
September 13, 2023 - HCUP Nationwide Data Use Agreement
Data Use Agreement for HCUP Nationwide Databases 1
Nationwide Databases from the
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
This Data Use Agreement (“Agreement”) governs the disclosure and use of data…
April 01, 2024 - Nationwide Data Use Agreement
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
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December 08, 2022 - on an
explicit diagnosis code indicating heat exposure that often can be treated in the outpatient setting
August 20, 2023 - Application Kit for Submitting HCUP DUAs for Users of Previously Purchased HCUP Databases
HCUP (8/20/2023) Non-purchaser DUA
This application kit is specific to submitting Data Use Agreements (DUA) for additional users
of HCUP databases that were previously purchased through the HCUP Central Distributor.
If you …
August 20, 2023 - Application Kit for Transferring Data Custody of HCUP Databases
Application Kit for Transferring Data Custody
of HCUP Databases
August 20, 2023
This application kit is specific to requesting the transfer of data custodianship of HCUP
Databases that were previously purchased through the HCUP Central Distributor…
August 20, 2023 - • Please describe where and how the data will be stored and secured in your current setting as well as
January 06, 2025 - Note that many of these low-volume APS-DRGs®
are elective procedures done in an ambulatory setting (
January 01, 2012 - -- Yes -- HOSP_NAFTEAPD
HOSP_OPSURGPCT Hospital Percentage of all surgeries performed in outpatient setting
December 01, 2019 - infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50
percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50
percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … • At least one Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced)
by setting
January 01, 2023 - Now, we will navigate to the top menu and select the "Inpatient Setting" dashboard. … Now, we will navigate to the top menu and select the "Inpatient Setting" dashboard. … Now, we will navigate to the top menu and select "Emergency Department Setting."
November 01, 2020 - infrastructure—as a point of entry for approximately 50
percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50
percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … • At least one Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced) by setting
January 01, 2019 - infrastructure—as a point of entry for approximately 50 percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50 percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … At least one Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced) by setting all abortion-specific
September 01, 2021 - infrastructure—as a point of entry for approximately 50
percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50
percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … • At least one Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced) by setting
August 20, 2023 - Application Kit to Submit a Data Re-use Request
Application Kit to Submit a Data Re-use Request
For Previously Purchased HCUP State Databases
August 20, 2023
This application kit is specific to submitting a data re-use request for the HCUP State
Databases that were previously purchased through the HCUP Central…
September 01, 2018 - infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50
percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50
percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … • At least one Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced)
by setting
January 01, 2017 - infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50 percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50 percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … At least one Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced) by setting all abortion-specific
January 01, 2016 - infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50 percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … infrastructure, as a point of entry for approximately 50 percent of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting … At least one Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced) by setting all abortion-specific