April 01, 2011 - ―Adverse Drug Events in
the Outpatient Setting: An 11-year Analysis.‖ Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug … hospitals, by setting of care and category of outcome, 2008
* Based on a total of 1,874,800 inpatient … As shown in table 2, in the inpatient setting, hormones and synthetic substitutes were the most common … Figure 2 combines drug-related adverse outcomes in the inpatient and ED setting for the most common … Most common specific causes of drug-related adverse
outcomes* in U.S. hospitals, by setting of care,
April 01, 2011 - In the inpatient setting, corticosteroids, such as prednisone, caused 13.2 percent of all drug-related … Types of drug-related adverse outcomes* in U.S. hospitals, by setting of care and category of outcome … As shown in table 2, in the inpatient setting, hormones and synthetic substitutes were the most common … Distribution of drug-related adverse outcomes, by setting of care and patient age, 2008. … "Adverse Drug Events in the Outpatient Setting: An 11-year Analysis."
March 23, 2022 - ) are measures of healthcare quality associated with processes of
care that occur in the inpatient setting … HCUP training webinars
and workshops currently educate users in an online setting; in-person education
July 01, 2016 - sas-macros
Link Plus tips
With thanks to John Sabel (State of Washington) and Melissa Jim (IHS)
Setting … same format
Name elements should be in separate fields (e.g., LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE, SUFFIX)
August 01, 2006 - Types of Facilities Included in the Files Provided to HCUP by the Partner
HSCRC has been setting hospital … The Commission's rate-setting authority applies to acute general, specialty, and private psychiatric
August 01, 2012 - were required to submit data on surgical or diagnostic procedure treatment in a hospital outpatient setting … or an ambulatory surgical facility setting.
November 01, 2015 - However, each type of setting specializes
in a specific array of care and therapies with different staffing … and outcomes.2 About 42 percent of Medicare fee-for-
service (FFS) patients were discharged to a PAC setting … However, no clear
clinical guidance exists to determine the type of PAC setting to
which a patient … LTCH was the least used PAC setting and represented only 0.5 percent of
all discharges. … Moreover, HHAs were the leading PAC setting for non-Medicare discharges in contrast to
SNFs for Medicare
May 01, 2016 - However, each type of setting specializes in a specific array of care and therapies with different staffing … However, no clear clinical guidance exists to determine the type of PAC setting to which a patient with … In 2013, 22.3 percent of inpatient stays were discharged to a PAC setting. … LTCH was the least used PAC setting and represented only 0.5 percent of
all discharges. … Figure 3 shows the percentages of discharge to each PAC setting, routine discharge, and others by payer
June 21, 2014 - What is the estimated time required for setting up the message creation?
December 12, 2011 - email will have these attachments:
• Outline for Labs (this document, which provides details for setting
January 01, 2007 - 30 HOSP_OPSURGPCT 201 203 Num Percentage of all surgeries performed in outpatient setting-H
January 01, 2010 - 31 HOSP_OPSURGPCT 293 295 Num Percentage of all surgeries performed in outpatient setting-H
January 01, 2008 - 31 HOSP_OPSURGPCT 203 205 Num Percentage of all surgeries performed in outpatient setting-H
January 01, 2009 - 31 HOSP_OPSURGPCT 293 295 Num Percentage of all surgeries performed in outpatient setting-H
January 01, 2011 - 31 HOSP_OPSURGPCT 293 295 Num Percentage of all surgeries performed in outpatient setting-H
January 01, 2015 - Surgeries most often performed in the outpatient setting were eye surgeries (98.8 percent); ear surgeries … Surgeries most often performed in the inpatient setting were obstetric surgeries (97.7 percent); respiratory
August 01, 2019 - A substantial share of procedures occurs in the hospital outpatient setting.
May 21, 2010 - multiple acute care visits—IP readmissions,
repeat ED visits, or patients that cross both the IP and ED
setting—is … These files are available to analysts and allow tracking a
patient across time and hospital setting … , it serves as a benchmark for the
frequency of multiple patient visits in the acute care hospital setting … Hospital setting, as
well as other demographic, insurance, and clinical characteristics, was associated
September 01, 2008 - point of origin:
PointOfOriginUB04 indicates the point of origin of the patient to the hospital setting
September 01, 2008 - point of origin:
PointOfOriginUB04 indicates the point of origin of the patient to the hospital setting