December 11, 2020 - receive a disproportionate amount of care
for nonurgent conditions in the emergency department (ED) setting … primary care for consumers and may result in the substitution of services
received in the primary care setting … inpatient discharges and ED visits and bacterial pneumonia for
inpatient discharges, the ambulatory setting
August 31, 2010 - Other codes
were used to identify treatment in a non-specialty setting such as a general medical surgical … Disorder in Community Hospitals
Second, although ASAM guidelines do not elucidate the type of setting
January 01, 2013 - patient had a hospitalization, a visit to an emergency department, or a visit to an
ambulatory surgery setting … patient had no
hospitalization, visit to an emergency department, or visit to an ambulatory surgery setting
June 12, 2013 - In fact, septicemia was the sixth most
common principal diagnosis in the inpatient setting, accounting … were more likely to die during their hospitalization than those admitted
from the community or other setting
January 01, 2020 - Question: : I am starting a new research project specifically aimed at studying patients in the ED setting
January 01, 2022 - to determine which HCUP database best suits their analysis given
their population and healthcare setting
January 01, 2018 - As such, the NASS does not contain any encounters admitted from the ambulatory setting to the inpatient … setting. … In this section, we summarize the NASS setting and universe definition, the process for constructing … The office setting may include professional facilities with procedure rooms or surgical suites. … At least one HCUP Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced) by setting
July 01, 2016 - that success included:
Engaging with the hospitals directly in a public forum via the symposia
Setting … the symposia agenda and locations sensitive to participant schedules and
traffic flows
Setting the … understand your state government’s environment and the realities of working
in a bureaucracy when setting … requirement has the
potential to add significant administrative costs, not just in the one time cost of setting
January 01, 2016 - In this section, we summarize the NASS setting and universe definition, the process for
constructing … sample strata, the sampling plan, and the calculation of
sample weights.
3.3.1 Ambulatory Surgery Setting … The office setting may include professional
facilities with procedure rooms or surgical suites. … • At least one HCUP Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally
induced) by setting … and In-Scope Major Ambulatory Surgeries
3.3 Sampling Design of the NASS
3.3.1 Ambulatory Surgery Setting
August 01, 2014 - variable
Slide 26
Missing Values
Specify date format on the missing value grid
Image of setting
January 01, 2022 - how to determine which HCUP database best suits their analysis given their population and healthcare setting
October 01, 2016 - patient had a hospitalization, a visit to an emergency department, or a visit to an ambulatory surgery setting … patient had no hospitalization, visit to an emergency department, or visit to an ambulatory surgery setting
September 01, 2013 - In fact, septicemia was the sixth most common principal diagnosis in the inpatient setting, accounting … were more likely to die during their hospitalization than those admitted from the community or other setting
September 07, 2010 - who
are in crisis, at risk for harming themselves or others, and who need services in a protective
setting … provided in scatter
beds as opposed to psychiatric units; the types of patients being treated in each setting … The setting of psychiatric care for Medicare recipients in general hospitals with specialty
January 01, 2010 - ”
(2) “Holding units, or designated areas in the outpatient setting that may or may not be
under … The observation units/services may be provided physically within an inpatient
setting, but provided … the percent of records with observation services varied
considerably across States, hospitals, and setting
January 01, 2006 - simple diagnostic tests to resource-intense procedures, occur in
the inpatient and outpatient hospital setting … simple diagnostic tests to resource-intense procedures, occur in
the inpatient and outpatient hospital setting … revenue codes reflected a relatively consistent percentage of
records across states, in the inpatient setting … utilization flag for pacemakers is included, but
the other procedures are infrequent in the inpatient setting
July 01, 2016 - The purpose of this project is to improve race, ethnicity and tribal affiliation in the hospital setting
July 01, 2016 - Outline for Labs ( PDF file, 575 KB; HTML )
Document that provides a quality assurance protocol for setting
September 01, 2008 - West Virginia
West Virginia has rate setting.
October 12, 2016 - development work for Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs) adapted for the emergency
department (ED) setting … chronic disease is suspected,
because of the difficulty of confirming chronic diagnoses in the ED setting