September 30, 2006 - /
/* will not be available, thus users will need to */
/* create it by setting
February 01, 2025 - Outline for Labs ( PDF file, 575 KB; HTML )
Document that provides a quality assurance protocol for setting
January 01, 2020 - As such, the NASS does not contain any encounters admitted to the inpatient setting from the ambulatory … setting. … In this section, we summarize the NASS setting and universe definition, the process for constructing … The office setting may include professional facilities with procedure rooms or surgical suites. … At least one HCUP Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced) by setting
January 01, 2019 - As such, the NASS does not contain any encounters admitted to the inpatient setting from the ambulatory … setting. … In this section, we summarize the NASS setting and universe definition, the process for constructing … The office setting may include professional facilities with procedure rooms or surgical suites. … At least one HCUP Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced) by setting
July 01, 2016 - A key issue is that staff are simultaneously asking these questions in the practice setting and caring
January 01, 2007 - The incidence of chronic conditions and the ability to manage these conditions in an outpatient setting
September 30, 2011 - /
/* will not be available, thus users will need to */
/* create it by setting
September 30, 2010 - /
/* will not be available, thus users will need to */
/* create it by setting
January 01, 2015 - /
/* will not be available, thus users will need to */
/* create it by setting
May 01, 2011 - For each setting, figures highlight differences that
were statistically significant. … ―Diagnosis and management of primary
headache disorders in the emergency department setting.‖ Emergency
April 07, 2017 - Procedures
performed in an outpatient setting usually are reported using HCPCS and CPT procedure
codes … Procedures
performed in an outpatient setting usually are reported using HCPCS and CPT procedure
May 01, 2011 - For each setting, figures highlight differences that were statistically significant. … "Diagnosis and management of primary headache disorders in the emergency department setting."
January 01, 2017 - As such, the NASS does not contain any encounters admitted from the ambulatory setting to the inpatient … setting. … In this section, we summarize the NASS setting and universe definition, the process for constructing … The office setting may include professional facilities with procedure rooms or surgical suites. … At least one HCUP Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced) by setting
April 01, 2020 - Step-by-step queries
Specialized queries by: Ready-to-use statistics on:
Hospital inpatient
setting … inpatient stays
• Related conditions and
• Readmissions (NRD)
Emergency department
(ED) setting … patients
admitted versus discharged
from the ED (i.e., treat-and-
Ambulatory surgery
(AS) setting
January 01, 2018 - As such, the NASS does not contain any
encounters admitted from the ambulatory setting to the inpatient … setting. … In this section, we summarize the NASS setting and universe definition, the process for
constructing … The office setting may include professional
facilities with procedure rooms or surgical suites. … At least one HCUP Partner masks the type of abortion (e.g., spontaneous, legally induced) by
March 10, 2021 - researcher's ability to conduct analyses
• Available for different coding systems, which vary based
on setting … the principal diagnosis for the inpatient admission is acute myocardial
Guess the Setting … visit, such as
symptoms, signs, abnormal test results, or other reason for the
Guess the Setting … and Procedures is often used to
report encounters related to specific procedures in the
outpatient setting … ED Admissions
Guess the Setting of Care
Most Common Principal Diagnoses in Inpatient vs.
October 01, 2022 - Because Jack is being treated and released in an outpatient setting of the hospital for a surgical procedure … There has been some talk about bariatric surgeries being performed in the outpatient setting of the hospital … You will have the choice to select setting of care by Inpatient, Emergency Department, Readmissions or … For this example, click the Inpatient Setting option. … This procedure would be captured by the SASD because the surgery was performed in the outpatient setting
January 01, 2018 - health/substance use), patient characteristics (e.g., age, sex, location, community-level income), and setting
June 01, 2011 - •The purpose of this project is to improve
race, ethnicity and tribal affiliation in the
hospital setting
December 11, 2020 - receive a disproportionate amount of care
for nonurgent conditions in the emergency department (ED) setting … primary care for consumers and may result in the substitution of services
received in the primary care setting … inpatient discharges and ED visits and bacterial pneumonia for
inpatient discharges, the ambulatory setting