December 01, 2019 - for recurrent CDAD are similar. 17 One study which statistically modeled CDAD within the hospital setting … Community-acquired and community-onset C. difficile infection, where CDAD occurs outside the institutional setting … , complicates measuring the effectiveness of prevention within an institutional setting. … effectiveness vary by patient characteristics: age, gender, co-morbidity, hospital vs. community acquired setting … including the following: a formal randomized controlled study; clear description of the population, setting
March 01, 2020 - Pegloticase will not be included in this review because it would not be prescribed in a primary care setting … also not be included in this systematic review, because they are not prescribed in the primary care setting … these agents will not be considered in this review, because they are not prescribed in the primary care setting … follow-up
Chronic treatment (KQ2-4): any follow-up time
Delayed vs. immediate treatment (KQ1)
Setting … Studies in any clinical setting will may be accepted as long as they satisfy all other inclusion/exclusion
August 13, 2012 - Interventions Addressing Concomitant Depression
and Chronic Medical Conditions in the Primary Care Setting … Interventions Addressing Concomitant Depression
and Chronic Medical Conditions in the Primary Care Setting … Reverse “co-location,” [Goff et al.,
2005] where a primary care doctor comes to a mental health
setting … Because of that focus, we excluded studies in any type of mental
health-specific setting, outpatient … And 2) How can these findings be generalizable to
more conditions and more setting?
December 01, 2019 - is no gold standard. 18 In part, the appropriate instrument depends on the context of care (e.g., setting … strategies for managing behavioral symptoms. 20 General approaches can be implemented, often at the setting … b
Implemented by (informal caregivers, formal caregivers, LTC staff, licensed professional)
Setting … other difficult behaviors
Increase in other symptoms
Any duration of follow-up
Setting … These fields will include author, year of publication; setting, subject inclusion and exclusion criteria
October 25, 2010 - If needed, intensive rehabilitation follows in
an acute or subacute setting. … We revised the KQs and the PICOTS (population, intervention, comparator, outcomes, timing,
and setting … Does effectiveness and comparative effectiveness vary by rehabilitation timing, setting,
intensity, … Setting:
We will include any setting in which multidisciplinary postacute rehabilitation … Improvements sustained
up to 5 years beyond
(KQ 4)
Intervention characteristics
December 20, 2011 - provided outside the recipient’s home (regardless of whether it is a
private home or a group residential setting … The appropriateness of a
particular setting for an LTC recipient is based on a complex interplay between … For the growing number of older adults who need long-term care, identifying the
setting or program … The definitions of population, intervention/comparator, outcomes, setting and time-frame are:
Population … criteria, characteristics of study participants,
descriptors to assess details of the intervention (setting
November 19, 2009 - integrate evidence from all these types of studies to evaluate
the clinical utility of a test in a given setting … Valid prevalence estimates are often hard to obtain, especially when one is
interested in a particular setting … Diagnostic Performance Across
Studies of medical test performance are not always conducted in the setting … good-quality data on key parameters (prevalence of the condition,
diagnostic accuracy in the modeled setting … Prevention of type 2 diabetes
mellitus. a review of the evidence and
its application in a UK setting
January 01, 2010 - clinical
biomarker outcomes, such as cortisol
Timing: Duration of therapy, duration of improvements
August 01, 2024 - Setting Any in-hospital general ward setting that implements an intervention of increased monitoring … In the results section of the report, the following information will be presented: Care setting; Patient … Improving Patient Safety and Clinician Workflow in the General Care Setting With Enhanced Surveillance
June 01, 2013 - professional audience—nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) in the retail
clinic setting … end-users in the design of resources that could be used to deliver evidence-
based care in the retail setting … In the EBC Challenge, NPs and PAs practicing in the retail setting were targeted both as
participants … partners could contribute that perspective, advisors with extensive
knowledge of the retail clinic setting … being of greatest relevance, as these are conditions
commonly seen by providers in the retail clinic setting
August 04, 2022 - /conditions/patient subgroups)
(ii) core components of the approach
(iii) practice/care delivery setting … focus/conditions/patient subgroups)
(ii) core components of the approach
(iii) practice/care delivery setting … meet inclusion criteria, data will be abstracted, including elements
such as: study design, year, setting … Collaborative care management of late-life
depression in the primary care setting: a
randomized controlled … Integrating behavioral health care into an urban
hospital-based pediatric primary care setting.
September 01, 2023 - Additional factors of interest related to documentation burden include how the burden differs by practice setting … challenge and need to review how documentation burden differs based on job role, demographics, practice setting … Collating and assessing evidence across these domains will inform efforts by health systems and standard-setting … What is the role of setting (i.e., rural vs. urban, hospital, outpatient, academic institution, etc.)
July 01, 2023 - Setting Any in-hospital general ward setting that implements
an intervention of increased monitoring … Care setting;
2. Patient population;
3. Description of the intervention studied;
4. … Improving Patient Safety and Clinician Workflow in the
General Care Setting With Enhanced Surveillance
June 01, 2022 - books/n/cer239/ch3/#ch3.s2), PICOTS (population, interventions,
comparisons, outcomes, timing, and setting … Two new studies7, 15 evaluated nerve blocks in the ED setting for the acute treatment of
migraine. … PICOTS (population, interventions, comparisons, outcomes, timing, and setting) . B-1
Table D-1. … , comparisons, outcomes, timing, and setting (PICOTS)
are listed in Table B-1. … Population, Interventions, Comparisons, Outcomes, Timing, and Setting
Appendix C.
September 01, 2007 - information technology architecture for enabling the monitoring of
adverse drug events in an outpatient setting … Although a major part of drug dispensing and
medications takes place in an outpatient setting, there … is limited literature discussing the
detection of adverse drug events in an outpatient setting. … In this paper, our focus is on the
detection of adverse drug events in an outpatient setting and in … Cohen et al., (2005) analyzed the effect of
interventions by pharmacists in a community pharmacy setting
September 01, 2007 - information technology architecture for enabling the monitoring of
adverse drug events in an outpatient setting … Although a major part of drug dispensing and
medications takes place in an outpatient setting, there … is limited literature discussing the
detection of adverse drug events in an outpatient setting. … In this paper, our focus is on the
detection of adverse drug events in an outpatient setting and in … Cohen et al., (2005) analyzed the effect of
interventions by pharmacists in a community pharmacy setting
May 01, 2024 - Management (2021) Comparative Effectiveness of Analgesics To Reduce Acute Pain in the Prehospital Setting
October 01, 2014 - care by adding a
surgical procedure to the options, shifting some of the care from the outpatient setting … from ineffective treatment, reducing
suicide risk because of its rapid action, and changing care setting … Generally, experts agreed DBS would require changes to staffing mix, care setting, and clinician
training … to a
clinical setting. … In light of the potential change in care setting, experts noted, this intervention would likely
June 20, 2013 - acute care is delivered in the
patient’s home rather than in an office-based clinic or acute-care setting
January 01, 2009 - surfaces/terrains, quality of life, decreased disability, and
reduced time to return to work/activities