January 01, 2019 - [RVUs]) or limits on visits
Any eligibility requirements for payment based on patient, provider, setting … PICOTS
The population, intervention, comparator, outcomes, timing, and setting (PICOTS) for this review … Setting
The consultation can involve providers and patients in any location. … "Low risk of bias" studies include clear descriptions of the population, setting, interventions, and … Timing/Setting
Include :
Any setting, including rural or urban, home or community-based care,
February 22, 2012 - Comparing interventional
ablative and external beam radiotherapy (RT) procedures to surgery in this setting … with stage-I NSCLC, but it is no longer in routine use in modern radiation oncology
practice in this setting … It will not be considered as a comparator in the stage I local treatment
setting. … with malignant
endobronchial obstruction.26 This procedure may be safely performed in an outpatient setting … distinct patient populations (see PICOTS [Population, Intervention,
Comparator, Outcome, Timing and Setting
December 01, 2019 - Estimates of the incidence of pressure ulcers vary according to the setting and range from 0.4 to 38.0 … from 2.2 to 23.9 percent in long-term nursing facilities, and from 0 to 17 percent in the home-care setting … studies will be based on the KQs and the populations, interventions, comparators, outcomes, timing, and setting … Good-quality studies include clear descriptions of the population, setting, interventions, and comparison … the best evidence is the focus of our synthesis for each KQ, population, intervention, outcome, and setting
March 01, 2020 - technical brief will summarize the following information:
Patient population, including practice setting … How are decisions to cover or implement MAT made at a policy level or at an institutional/clinical setting … particularly in primary care and rural settings, and will also highlight contextual factors, such as the setting … they were measured, and main findings
Timing of outcome measurement (follow-up)
Setting … Setting of where MAT was implemented and managed
Country/geographic location
December 01, 2019 - the key questions using the PICOTS framework (population, intervention, comparison, outcome, timing, setting … postfracture (timing) compared with usual care or other interventions (comparison) in all settings (setting … postfracture (timing) compared with usual care or other interventions (comparison) in all settings (setting … postfracture (timing) compared with usual care or other interventions (comparison) in all settings (setting … after fracture (timing) compared with usual care or other interventions (comparison) in all settings (setting
March 01, 2020 - Definitive diagnosis of gout requires laboratory confirmation of joint/synovial fluid MSU in the setting … synovial fluid analysis for diagnosis of gout is difficult and seldom performed in the primary care setting … and providers and improve the quality of care for patients with gout in the primary and acute care setting … combination of clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory tests accessible in the primary or acute care setting … An audit of the variability of diagnosis and management of gout in the rheumatology setting: the gout
February 24, 2016 - barriers to implementation, including resources needed,
and how do barriers vary according to the setting … Patient population, including practice setting and country/location
ii. … interested in asking
about the feasibility and applicability of models of care implemented in one setting … were measured,
and main findings
Timing Timing of outcome measurement (follow-up)
Setting … Setting of where MAT was implemented and managed
Country/geographic location
HCV = hepatitis
November 08, 2011 - Estimates of the incidence of pressure ulcers vary according to the setting and
range from 0.4 to 38.0 … from 2.2 to 23.9 percent in long-term
nursing facilities, and from 0 to 17 percent in the home-care setting … studies will be based on the KQs and the
populations, interventions, comparators, outcomes, timing, and setting … Good-quality
studies include clear descriptions of the population, setting, interventions, and comparison … the best evidence is the focus of our synthesis for each KQ, population,
intervention, outcome, and setting
January 06, 2017 - and the
health setting or the university and the community setting and the university, the capacity … or the community setting, policies that may improve health at a larger level capacity, et
cetera. … setting and harness community wisdom in a somewhat different way to
the academic rigor of the medical … PCOR up until this point seems to be using mostly within the treatment setting as the
area of interest … versus outside of the treatment setting, but
also being more sort of medical centric, that PCOR is
February 01, 2013 - PICOS = population, intervention, comparison, outcomes, setting
Evaluate Implementation of Framework … First, results from studies might not be applicable to the population and/or
setting of interest. … This would include interventions not applicable or available in
setting of interest. … Setting (S)
– In this column, when appropriate, specify the relevant settings or aspect of setting … Setting (S)
– In this column, when appropriate, specify the relevant settings or aspect of setting
December 06, 2011 - For example, priority-setting for comparative effectiveness research. … game
4 rounds of priority setting
1) Self, family
2) Neighborhood
3) Entire city
4) Self … Interestingly, there were four rounds of priority-setting. … Implied in priority-setting is
an acknowledgment that not everything can be covered. … Could policymakers engage in a priority-setting process as well as the public itself?
December 06, 2011 - For example, priority-setting for comparative effectiveness research. … game
4 rounds of priority setting
1) Self, family
2) Neighborhood
3) Entire city
4) Self … Interestingly, there were four rounds of priority-setting. … Implied in priority-setting is
an acknowledgment that not everything can be covered. … Could policymakers engage in a priority-setting process as well as the public itself?
April 01, 2010 - Moreover, the most appropriate denominator
for an indicator may vary by setting, the domain of interest … indicator sets include indicators that fit within the framework’s domains,
depending on the purpose, setting … some indicators or measurement initiatives may work best when applied to all
cancer patients in a setting … Moreover, indicators that work well in one setting may not in
Effective Health Care Program Research … When an indicator set has been developed for a specific setting or population,
evaluation may be needed
April 01, 2010 - Moreover, the most appropriate denominator
for an indicator may vary by setting, the domain of interest … indicator sets include indicators that fit within the framework’s domains,
depending on the purpose, setting … some indicators or measurement initiatives may work best when applied to all
cancer patients in a setting … Moreover, indicators that work well in one setting may not in
Effective Health Care Program Research … When an indicator set has been developed for a specific setting or population,
evaluation may be needed
February 01, 2025 - We added examples of specific settings (e.g., group homes, residential treatment, family setting) to … (e.g., group homes, residential treatment, family setting), duration, delivery, timing, and dose? … PICOTS Table 1 describes the populations, interventions, comparators, outcomes, timing, setting and study … Any length of follow-up Setting KQs 1-6. … Clinical setting, including medical or psychosocial care that is delivered to individuals by clinical
December 01, 2019 - A review of the effectiveness of transitional care interventions grouped by setting and temporal relationship … to describe disease-management interventions targeted toward populations transitioning from one care setting … of the above KQs, the following PICOTS (population, intervention, comparator, outcomes, timing, and setting … the intervention
Excludes outcomes measured more than 6 months after the index hospitalization
Setting … We will present findings in the report as they relate to the transitional care setting (predischarge,
October 01, 2010 - rFVIIa
Key Clinical Issue
Off-label use of recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) in the hospital setting … However,
in recent years the off-label use of rFVIIa has increased
in the hospital setting to prevent
September 01, 2009 - by PICOTS
PICOT(S) = population, intervention, comparator, outcome, time frame, and study design or setting … PICOTS, or PICO(TS), includes two other elements — timing and setting — that are sometimes included as … The “S” in PICOS or PICOTS usually represents setting but occasionally (as in the modules on quantitative … The setting encompasses issues of both population (hospital populations have different characteristics … PICOT(S) = population, intervention, comparator, outcome, timing, and study design or setting
List and
September 20, 2013 - Table 1 outlines the PICOTS (population, intervention, comparators, outcomes, timing, and
setting) for … PICOTS characteristics
Question Population Intervention Comparator(s) Outcomes Timing Setting
KQs … outside the treatment setting. … Target outcomes in the
treatment setting include ASD symptom severity, language/ communication, academic … Functional outcomes outside the treatment setting include adaptive
independence, academic engagement
October 02, 2018 - Exclude primary studies of treatment of alcohol use disorder/problematic
alcohol use in the college setting … least a month (but must be longitudinal with
separation in time between intervention and outcomes)
Setting … • Any setting, including (but not limited to) primary care, school, outpatient,
emergency department … For evaluation of the treatment of alcohol use disorders/problematic alcohol use in the
college setting … Scale.25 For SRs of interventions for alcohol use disorder or problematic
alcohol use in the college setting