January 01, 2024 - Some artifacts developed by the MITRE project team (or other teams) go on to be piloted in a
clinical setting … The artifact is intended for use by clinicians delivering care in an outpatient
setting. … population management by identifying all patients requiring screening for CVD
risk in a primary care setting … This version was not piloted in a clinical
setting but is largely based on the initial piloted version
February 01, 2018 - providers and
patients doing assessment and treatment planning in a primary care or cardiology practice
setting … Figure 3: CDS Artifact Maturity Process
Prior to incorporating this artifact in a production setting … In a pilot setting, developers have worked around existing EHR
limitations by implementing a web service
January 01, 2023 - Some artifacts developed by the MITRE project team (or other teams) go on to be piloted in a
clinical setting … The artifact is intended for use by clinicians delivering care in an outpatient setting. … population management by identifying all patients requiring screening for
CVD risk in a primary care setting … This version (v102_2.1.0) was not piloted in a clinical setting but is largely based on
the initial
January 01, 2018 - artifacts) and posted them on the Repository
• Piloted a CDS Connect-developed artifact in a clinical setting … and one of their member health centers to pilot the Pain
Management Summary CDS in a live clinical setting … Procedures
and treatments rarely occur in a primary care setting. … verifying that the MITRE-developed
Pain Management Summary performed as expected in a live clinical setting … several changes to improve security and interoperability, including
enabling strict mode JavaScript, setting
September 12, 2024 - Search All AHRQ Sites
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January 01, 2020 - 20-2117.
Pilot Goals and Objectives
Evaluate the performance of the ASBI CDS in a clinical setting
June 07, 2019 - substantial and rapid immune
response possible for previously unvaccinated persons in a post-exposure setting … primary use case, the CDS artifact is intended for use by clinicians delivering care in an
outpatient setting … because monitoring care over time is important, this CDS artifact
should be implemented within a care setting … Before attempting to integrate this CDS artifact into a production setting, potential implementers
March 05, 2019 - Search All AHRQ Sites
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January 01, 2017 - addresses a specific, pervasive issue in
implementing clinical practice guidelines in a production setting … large source of CDS worthy of sharing is
reactive CDS, used in both the ambulatory and acute care setting … Prevention of CVD in
Adults (USPSTF artifact)7, based on a USPSTF guideline8, to pilot in a live clinical setting … illustrating various domains of a CDS artifact (e.g., level of efficacy,
implementation in a clinical setting
January 01, 2020 - of the artifacts developed by the project
team, such as this one, go on to be piloted in a clinical setting … The artifact is intended for use by clinicians delivering care in
an outpatient setting. … population management by identifying all patients requiring screening for
CVD risk in a primary care setting
April 01, 2021 - Some of the artifacts developed by the project team go
on to be piloted in a clinical setting. … as an
Based on lessons learned while piloting other statin CDS artifacts in a clinical setting
September 01, 2022 - Some artifacts developed by the MITRE project team (or other teams) go on to be piloted in a
clinical setting … as an
Based on lessons learned while piloting other statin CDS artifacts in a clinical setting
September 01, 2022 - Some artifacts developed by the MITRE project team (or other teams) go on to be piloted in a
clinical setting … as an
Based on lessons learned while piloting other statin CDS artifacts in a clinical setting
April 01, 2021 - Some of the artifacts developed by the project team go
on to be piloted in a clinical setting. … The artifact is intended for use by clinicians delivering
care in an outpatient setting. … population management by identifying all patients requiring screening for
CVD risk in a primary care setting
September 01, 2022 - Some artifacts developed by the MITRE project team (or other teams) go on to be piloted in a
clinical setting … The artifact is intended for use by clinicians delivering care in an outpatient setting. … population management by identifying all patients requiring screening for CVD
risk in a primary care setting
January 01, 2024 - Some artifacts developed by the MITRE project team (or other teams) go on to be piloted in a
clinical setting … population management by identifying all patients requiring screening for CVD
risk in a primary care setting … This version was not piloted in a clinical
setting but is largely based on the initial piloted version
April 20, 2018 - Search All AHRQ Sites
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January 01, 2023 - Some artifacts developed by the MITRE project team (or other teams) go on to be piloted in a
clinical setting … population management by identifying all patients requiring screening for
CVD risk in a primary care setting … This version was not piloted in a clinical setting,
but is largely based on the initial piloted version
January 05, 2018 - Search All AHRQ Sites
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July 17, 2017 - Search All AHRQ Sites
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