January 01, 2012 - Assessment
• For patients at risk, perform a nutritional assessment at entry to a new health care setting
December 15, 2016 - 4.5 million
ambulatory visits (office and emergency department) each year.6
In the primary care setting
January 01, 2012 - It’s the real clinic setting
that they are used to but it’s in a shame free, non-threatening environment
September 01, 2017 - FAQs
Patient Safety
Patient Safety Resources by Setting … Patient Safety
Patient Safety Research Summaries
Patient Safety Resources by Setting
January 01, 2013 - The ROI tool is used as a planning tool
to develop cost and return information for use in setting priorities … the quality improvement program, assembling a team to
work on the program, purchasing equipment, and setting
April 02, 2020 - Structure (characteristics of care providers, their tools and resources, and the physical/organizational
setting … This overview is a
call to action for leaders within both large and small HCOs in any setting to assess … Missed and
delayed diagnoses in the ambulatory setting: a study of closed malpractice claims. … Can patients report patient safety incidents in a hospital setting? A systematic
October 01, 2014 - hospital staff to ensure that items were easy to understand and relevant to patient safety in a hospital setting
August 01, 2014 - Consultations
Both AHRQ and Tribes may raise issues that need to be addressed in a formal consultation setting
August 31, 2017 - This tool can be modified or a new one created to meet the needs of your particular setting.
October 01, 2014 - departments, shall develop and manage a process to— (A) improve interagency coordination, priority setting
July 01, 2019 - Masica added that there is an evidence gap relating to the setting of specific goals.
August 01, 2022 - Nurses and physicians represent the two largest groups of healthcare professionals in a hospital setting … problem of diagnostic error by understanding and optimizing the diagnostic process in this
unique setting
March 01, 2017 - The materials are aimed at both senior leaders and frontline caregivers in the LTC setting.
August 22, 2023 - )Workforce Safety and 4)Learning System
• Self Assessment Tool focuses Governance guidance on:
• Setting
July 01, 2013 - Slide 6 Presentation Outline (Part I)
Context setting: fsQCA as a set-theoretic method for analysis
September 01, 2020 - Practical Strategies for Implementing High Quality Shared Decisionmaking Processes in the Primary Care Setting
September 01, 2020 - In clinical setting, use PCOR as your base in shared decision making.
March 01, 2019 - Includes videos specific to the use of the leadership tools and strategies in the office-based care setting
December 01, 2012 - Quint Studer's Five Pillars 7
Quint Studer's Five Pillars provide a foundation for setting
September 01, 2020 - many of the decisions made during a clinical encounter, particularly decisions made in a primary care setting