
Total Results: 1,720 records

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    September 06, 2013 - Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets
    November 01, 2013 - IN THE CLINIC SLIDE SETS In the Clinic slide sets are educational tools to accompany Annals In the Clinic … Readers can use the slide sets for personal education or to facilitate teaching clinical topics to others … Slide sets are free to American College of Physicians (ACP) members and paid individual Annals subscribers … /intheclinicslideset.aspx for further information, including how to purchase and download the slide sets … , and a list of slide sets currently available.
    December 01, 2011 - Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets
    March 01, 2009 - [PMID: 16785347] IN THE CLINIC SLIDE SETS In the Clinic slide sets are educational tools to accompany … Readers can use the slide sets for personal education or to facilitate teaching clinical topics to others … Slide sets are free to American College of Physicians (ACP) members and paid individual Annals subscribers … for further information, including how to purchase and download the slide sets … , and a list of slide sets currently available.
    February 02, 2021 - The 2 trials, 2 national data sets, and 3 surgical registries reported procedural harms associated with
    September 23, 2014 - An observational study comparing 9 sets of selective screening criteria for chlamydia infection among … This study used a more conservative approach to analysis that required complete sets of results from … An older observational study comparing 9 sets of selective screening criteria for chlamydia infection … Effectiveness of different screening strategies 9 sets of selective screening criteria for chlamydia
    September 23, 2014 - An observational study comparing 9 sets of selective screening criteria for chlamydia infection among … This study used a more conservative approach to analysis that required complete sets of results from … An older observational study comparing 9 sets of selective screening criteria for chlamydia infection … Effectiveness of different screening strategies 9 sets of selective screening criteria for chlamydia
    December 01, 2014 - An observational study comparing 9 sets of selective screening criteria for chlamydial infection among … Effectiveness of different screening strategies 9 sets of selective screening criteria for chlamydial … This study used a more conser- vative approach to analysis that required complete sets of results from … An older observational study comparing 9 sets of se- lective screening criteria for chlamydial infection
    December 01, 2022 - The 2 trials, 2 national data sets, and 3 surgical regis- tries reported procedural harms associated
    January 01, 2016 - “The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) sets the standard for excellence in education and practice … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets
    January 01, 2016 - “The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) sets the standard for excellence in education and practice … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets
    August 15, 2012 - Whispered voice at 2 ft: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Whispered voice at 6 in: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Whispered voice at 2 ft: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Whispered voice at 6 in: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Conversation voice at 2 ft: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets
    March 01, 2011 - Whispered voice at 2 ft: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Whispered voice at 6 in: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Conversation voice at 2 ft: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Whispered voice at 2 ft: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Whispered voice at 6 in: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets
    August 15, 2012 - Whispered voice at 2 ft: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Whispered voice at 6 in: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Whispered voice at 2 ft: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Whispered voice at 6 in: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets … Conversation voice at 2 ft: inability to repeat 1 triplet set of numbers correctly, or 50% of 4 triplet sets
    July 17, 2014 - well as reproducibility of measures within women and stability of measures over time (e.g., training sets
    March 01, 2014 - study methods and results; consensus measures for key behavioral outcomes; and use of existing data sets … Although these data were lacking in the published literature, they may be available in existing data sets
    November 01, 2012 - Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets
    January 01, 2015 - The linkage between its recommendations and the coverage mandate sets a minimum standard for coverage
    January 01, 2015 - The linkage between its recommendations and the coverage mandate sets a minimum standard for coverage
    November 01, 2013 - Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets … Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act under the standard it sets

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