June 01, 2022 - SOPS data submission, the Health Information Technology and Value
and Efficiency Supplemental Item sets … Gray, Slide 18
So, what supplemental items sets do we have for the SOPS surveys? … export your survey data and there is a tool for each survey setting as well as the supplemental item
sets … The first question we have here is, can we administer one of the SOPS supplemental item sets as
a standalone
February 01, 2012 - Users of the proprietary code sets should obtain all necessary licenses from the owners of these code … sets. … available for collecting performance measures; generally different data
sources require different sets … available for collecting performance measures; generally different data
sources require different sets
November 01, 2019 - A
collection may contain one or more sets, subsets, composites, and/or individual
measures. … Additionally, benefit type is typically recorded in
health plan, Medicaid, and CHIP administrative data sets … and urbanicity, by
linking county of residence at the time of delivery to publicly available data sets … Finally, while data elements are generally available in administrative data sets, we have collected … We
assess four critical sets of practices or services and pose the same question for each: what percent
October 01, 2019 - A
collection may contain one or more sets, subsets, composites, and/or individual
measures. … Additionally, benefit type is typically recorded in
health plan, Medicaid, and CHIP administrative data sets … and urbanicity, by
linking county of residence at the time of delivery to publicly available data sets … Finally, while data elements are generally available in administrative data sets, we have collected … We
assess four critical sets of practices or services and pose the same question for each: what percent
May 01, 2018 - A
collection may contain one or more sets, subsets, composites, and/or individual
This … , and urbanicity by
linking county of residence at the time of delivery to publicly available data sets … Finally, while data elements are generally available in administrative data sets, we have collected … We assess four critical sets of
practices or services and pose the same question for each: what percent … Nonetheless, the measures performed well in both data sets (although
space limitations curtailed our
September 01, 2019 - A
collection may contain one or more sets, subsets, composites, and/or individual
measures. … Additionally, benefit type is typically recorded in
health plan, Medicaid, and CHIP administrative data sets … and urbanicity, by
linking county of residence at the time of delivery to publicly available data sets … Finally, while data elements are generally available in administrative data sets, we have collected … We
assess four critical sets of practices or services and pose the same question for each: what percent
July 01, 2018 - A
collection may contain one or more sets, subsets, composites, and/or individual
measures. … that record
parent-reported race and ethnicity and inclusion of these data in administrative data sets … We incorporate validated National Committee on Quality Assurance (NCQA) code sets into this
measure … Zip codes of residence are typically
available in both medical records and administrative data sets … Using integrated administrative data sets that include clinical services, pharmacy fills, and
September 01, 2019 - A
collection may contain one or more sets, subsets, composites, and/or individual
measures. … parent reported race and
ethnicity and inclusion of these data in administrative data sets … We incorporate validated NCQA code sets into this measure for numerator determinations,
unmodified for … Zip codes of residence are typically available
in both medical records and administrative data sets … While zip code is sometimes a hidden or non-public variable when such data
sets are released, it generally
December 21, 2017 - CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey 3.0 Supplemental Items: Interpreter Services
Population Version: Adult
Supplemental Items for the CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey 3.0
Topic: Interpreter Services
Population Version: Adult
Language: Spanish
Users of the CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey are free to incorporate supple…
September 21, 2017 - CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey 3.0 Supplemental Items: Health Promotion & Education
Population Version: Adult
Supplemental Items for the CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey 3.0
Topic: Health Promotion & Education
Population Version: Adult
Language: English
Users of the CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey are free to in…
December 15, 2017 - Supplemental Items for the CAHPS® Health Plan Survey 5.0
Topic: Medical Supplies
Population Version: Adult
Language: English
Users of the CAHPS® Health Plan Survey are free to incorporate supplemental items in order to meet the needs of their organizations, local markets, and/or audiences. Some items cover events tha…
October 16, 2017 - CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey 3.0 Supplemental Items: Provider Role
Population Version: Adult
Supplemental Items for the CAHPS® Health Plan Survey 5.0
Topic: Improving Care and Services
Population Version: Child
Language: English
Users of the CAHPS® Health Plan Survey are free to incorporate supplemental items…
October 16, 2017 - CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey 3.0 Supplemental Items: Provider Role
Population Version: Adult
Supplemental Items for the CAHPS® Health Plan Survey 5.0
Topic: Improving Care and Services
Population Version: Adult
Language: English
Users of the CAHPS® Health Plan Survey are free to incorporate supplemental items…
December 08, 2017 - CAHPS® Health Plan Survey 5.0 Supplemental Items: Access to Specialist Care
Population Version: Adult
Supplemental Items for the CAHPS® Health Plan Survey 5.0
Topic: Access to Specialist Care
Population Version: Adult
Language: English
Users of the CAHPS® Health Plan Survey are free to incorporate supplemental i…
January 01, 2025 - narratives and manual, consensus trigger
ratings (randomly split 70% and 30% into training and validation sets … To avoid
overfitting, we split the data into training and testing sets and used cross-validation within … The LASSO had very good and consistent AUCs in training and testing sets (85% and 82%; 95% CI: 84%-
86% … Modeling specific kinds of
AEs may result in more predictive trigger sets and models that, when combined … When
fine-tuned with larger sets of data, it may be possible to compare of rates of harm across sites
February 01, 2018 - A
collection may contain one or more sets, subsets, composites, and/or individual
measures. … calculate this measure will be from
electronic or written orders that mention the protocol or order sets … Mention of the protocol or order sets within electronic or written orders, without actual
implementation … the review of medical records for electronic or
written orders that mention the protocol or order sets … Department
of Health and Human Services accept the measure for the 2014 and/or 2015 Improved Core
Measure Sets
January 01, 2015 - surveys: 1 Health Plan 6+ Ambulatory care
10+ Facility care
6+ Supp item sets
April 01, 2018 - Data Requester agrees to abide by the following specific terms
with respect to all Hospital SOPS Data sets
November 01, 2021 - Requester agrees to abide by the following specific terms
with respect to all SOPS Hospital Survey Data sets
July 19, 2016 - For larger data sets, it is
recommended to use Microsoft SQL Standard Server (2005 or above).