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    February 01, 2002 - The NMES data were released in public use data sets projected to the years 1996 and 2005. … NMES data were released in public use data sets projected to the years 1996 and 2005. … The projected MEPS data sets are now available on the MEPS Web site at sets … A given expenditure/payment source variable among the 144 such variables on the projected data sets (
  2. Wp 05011 Replaced (pdf file)
    March 01, 2005 - This involves sampling of clusters, sets of counties. … Specifically, w was estimated using these sets of half samples and half sample estimates of the composite … Conclusions and Recommendations We made two sets of direct state estimates with 2002 MEPS-HC data
  3. Wp Mar2005 Js (pdf file)
    March 01, 2005 - This involves sampling of clusters, sets of counties. … Specifically, w was estimated using these sets of half samples and half sample estimates of the composite … Conclusions and Recommendations We made two sets of direct state estimates with 2002 MEPS-HC data
    November 01, 1999 - The IC sample is composed of two sets of employers and other providers of health insurance. … totals for this process: • Eight combinations of establishment size and firm size within the 41 State sets … Cells were determined by a cross of the 41 State sets (40 most populous States and the residual set of
    August 01, 2022 - and No one will attempt to link this data set with individually identifiable records from any data sets … Data sets and summary statistics are edited and published in accordance with the confidentiality provisions
    December 01, 2005 - This involves sampling of clusters, sets of counties. … Specifically, w was estimated using these sets of half samples and half sample estimates … Return to Table of Contents Conclusions and Recommendations We made two sets of direct state estimates
    June 01, 2000 - related variables in this way permits some use of other values of a given variable for the donor but sets … Given that total values have been produced, these values create limits on the sets of values that part-time … This sets a one-to-one correspondence between the required donor and recipient plans.
    December 01, 2005 - This involves sampling of clusters, sets of counties. … Specifically, w was estimated using these sets of half samples and half sample estimates of the composite … Conclusions and Recommendations We made two sets of direct state estimates with 2002 MEPS-HC data
    April 01, 2009 - of MEPS drug data include detailed consistency checks and benchmarking with other national data sets … rapid increase in 4 Previous estimates on trends in ARB use from other nationally representative data sets
    March 12, 2014 - MDDB, the MDDB provides information on the drug name, dosage form, and strength.7 Two other data sets … Editing Matched Data This section describes six sets of edits that apply to the matched HC-PC data, … The six sets of edits are: • Free antibiotics, anti-diabetics, and prenatal vitamins. … Therefore, two sets of information about payments are available in these cases—one from the household … MEPS reconciles the two sets of payment information based on their relative reliability.
    March 12, 2014 - , the MDDB provides information on the drug name, dosage form, and strength. 7 Two other data sets … The six sets of edits are: Free antibiotics, anti-diabetics, and prenatal vitamins. … Therefore, two sets of information about payments are available in these cases—one from the household … MEPS reconciles the two sets of payment information based on their relative reliability. … Additional variables Two sets of variables are merged onto the dataset for release to the public:
    December 01, 2016 - and No one will attempt to link this data set with individually identifiable records from any data sets … Data sets and summary statistics are edited and published in accordance with the confidentiality provisions
    June 01, 2000 - related variables in this way permits some use of other values of a given variable for the donor but sets … Given that total values have been produced, these values create limits on the sets of values that part-time … This sets a one-to-one correspondence between the required donor and recipient plans.
    March 01, 2018 - for same day appointments among persons who saw their usual source of care, by age, 2015 Practice sets
    January 01, 2008 - For both sets of predicted expenses, the log dollars are transformed to actual dollars using a smearing … use and expense patterns should produce cost estimates superior to those from administrative data sets
    November 01, 2008 - Data sets and summary statistics are edited and published in accordance with the confidentiality provisions … Considerable editing was done prior to the matching to correct data inconsistencies in both data sets
    November 01, 2008 - Data sets and summary statistics are edited and published in accordance with the confidentiality provisions … Considerable editing was done prior to the matching to correct data inconsistencies in both data sets
    February 01, 2011 - instituted to provide a measure of disability as consistent and compatible as possible across all the data sets
    February 01, 2011 - instituted to provide a measure of disability as consistent and compatible as possible across all the data sets
    October 01, 2004 - The remaining household reported utilizations not characterized in sets A and B for which no household … and unadjusted household expenditure data that characterize the household respondents identified in sets

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