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    July 01, 2012 - We applied both sets of editing rules to the 2007 MEPS pharmacy data and found similar edited generic … We then compare the distributions of this price dispersion observed in both data sets separately for … Tests compare the accuracy of (1) the edited and unedited data and (2) the two sets of edited data. … Under both sets of editing rules, generics remain less accurate than brand name drugs. … Mean Prices per Fill Under Two Sets of Editing Rules Figure 1.
    March 01, 2007 - weights for the Household Component of the 2003 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, using various sets … of controls developed using sets of cells defined using crosses of age, race/ethnicity, sex, … The list of different sets of marginals considered can be seen more clearly in the next sections, … For each sets of raked weights, there are 4 averages given. … The effect of post-stratification at the national level using more complex sets of cells, such
    March 01, 2007 - of weights for the Household Component of the 2003 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, using various sets … of controls developed using sets of cells defined using crosses of age, race/ethnicity, sex, region … To begin this analysis, we created a large number of sets of post-stratified weights for the MEPS-HC … Balanced repeated replication (BRR), where the sets of weights were raked for each of the replicates … For each sets of raked weights, there are 4 averages given.
    November 01, 2006 - Two consecutive sets of three years from the MEPS-HC share two full years of data and common panels … This could make it difficult to find significant changes across sets of years. … It would likely be as difficult to find a significant difference between two sets of consecutive 3 year … While the three year data has smaller errors, the change between two sets of three years is heavily … Searching for Patterns Ideally, when one searches for patterns within sets of data or estimates, one
    February 09, 2021 - The NMES data were released in public use data sets projected to the years 1996 and 2005.
    December 01, 2013 - Component Publication date:    August 9, 2017 Description:    This Research Findings provides two sets
    June 08, 2016 - Component Publication date:    June 8, 2016 Description:    This Statistical Brief provides two sets
    March 15, 2007 - of weights for the Household Component of the 2003 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, using various sets
    September 22, 2006 - Unlike private prescription drug claims data sets, these data are representative of the entire non-institutionalized
    June 30, 2012 - We applied both sets of editing rules to the 2007 MEPS pharmacy data and found similar edited generic
    August 01, 1999 - To accomplish this adjustment, raking to frame values was performed using eight sets of marginal totals … Again, this was done because the two sets together should produce totals of units equal to the entire … These were raked over the eight sets of marginal values. … For the two sets of persons selected as new admissions during Rounds 2 and 3, the adjustment after that … Suppose that one has a sample that can be broken into two sets.
    December 01, 2023 - For information on the FSRDC research proposal process and the data sets available, please … Files and information used in linking the data sets will not be made available to the researcher
    December 01, 2023 - For information on the FSRDC research proposal process and the data sets available, please … Files and information used in linking the data sets will not be made available to the researcher
    December 01, 2023 - For information on the FSRDC research proposal process and the data sets available, please … Files and information used in linking the data sets will not be made available to the researcher
    November 01, 1999 - The IC sample is composed of two sets of employers and other providers of health insurance. … totals for this process: Eight combinations of establishment size and firm size within the 41 State sets … Cells were determined by a cross of the 41 State sets (40 most populous States and the residual set of
    August 01, 2007 - Data sets and summary statistics are edited and published in accordance with the confidentiality … Data sets and summary statistics are edited and published in accordance with the confidentiality … individual ICD-9 condition and 3,700 individual ICD-9 procedure codes into smaller sets
    August 01, 2007 - Data sets and summary statistics are edited and published in accordance with the confidentiality provisions … Data sets and summary statistics are edited and published in accordance with the confidentiality provisions … collapse the 13,000 individual ICD-9 condition and 3,700 individual ICD-9 procedure codes into smaller sets
    February 01, 2002 - The NMES data were released in public use data sets projected to the years 1996 and 2005. … NMES data were released in public use data sets projected to the years 1996 and 2005. … One caveat when using these projected data sets and the weights included on each file concerns … It is also important to note that the projected data sets do not include demographic and … given expenditure/payment source variable among the 144 such variables on the projected data sets
    August 01, 1999 - To accomplish this adjustment, raking to frame values was performed using eight sets of marginal totals … Again, this was done because the two sets together should produce totals of units equal to the entire … These were raked over the eight sets of marginal values. … For the two sets of persons selected as new admissions during Rounds 2 and 3, the adjustment after that … Suppose that one has a sample that can be broken into two sets.
    September 01, 2006 - Unlike private prescription drug claims data sets, these data are representative of the entire non-institutionalized … The key independent variables are sets of dummy variables that indicate whether each individual filled … include both types of variables in a single model, but we compare the predictive power of these two sets … The models differ by the inclusion of different sets of independent variables. … In the lower rows of Table 5 we combine sets of explanatory variables.

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