April 19, 2012 - We analyzed the percent agreement within sets of studies in each language for each extraction item and
February 22, 2013 - Methods
Our framework is informed by two sets of interviews and a focus group discussion; literature
June 05, 2012 - entry complies with appropriate policies, procedures and protections
for access to relevant data sets
October 11, 2016 - Flooring Removal
building/exp OR (carpet* OR floor* OR rug OR rugs OR wood*):ab,ti,de
Combine sets … *):ab,ti,de OR 'bronchial thermoplasty device'/exp
Combine sets
5 OR 6
Remove unwanted … quantitative* OR studies OR search*) AND ('review'/exp OR 'review' OR 'review'/it)))
Combine Sets … quantitative* OR studies OR search*) AND ('review'/exp OR 'review' OR 'review'/it)))
Combine Sets … 14 OR 15
Combine ALL sets
12 OR 16
Apply Limits
17 AND ([article in press]/lim OR
October 01, 2007 - for each treated individual will be almost impossible
even within the context of extremely large data sets … of statin initiators and noninitiators along with hazard ratios
are presented separately for the 3 sets … of matched groups
(randomly selected, reduced, and expanded sets of propensity
score models; Table 5 … Estimating causal effects from large data sets using propen-
sity scores.
October 04, 2016 - Flooring
building/exp OR (carpet* OR floor* OR rug OR rugs OR wood*):ab,ti,de
5 Combine sets … 1 AND 2 AND 3
6 Combine sets 1 AND 4
7 Bronchial
Alair* OR (bronch* AND thermoplast … quantitative* OR studies OR search*) AND ('review'/exp OR
'review' OR 'review'/it)))
12 Combine Sets … quantitative* OR studies OR search*) AND ('review'/exp OR
'review' OR 'review'/it)))
16 Combine Sets … 14 OR 15
17 Combine ALL sets 12 OR 16
18 Apply Limits 17 AND ([article in press]/lim OR [humans]/lim
February 11, 2019 - registries often have limited funding and resources that prevent retroactively adopting harmonized measure sets
September 20, 2013 - The remaining citations will be split into nonoverlapping sets, each screened by two reviewers independently … or$ or lesion$ or cancer or carcinoma$ or lump$)
Combine sets
5 and ((Biopsy … 8 or 9
Combine sets
Limit by publication type
11 not ((letter or editorial … ) or (case adj (study or studies) or ISRCTN$.mp. or ACTRN$.mp. or (NCT$ not nctc$)))
Combine sets … surgical wound infection).de.)
12 and (disfigur$ or deform$)
Combine sets
September 20, 2013 - The remaining citations will be split into nonoverlapping sets, each screened by two
reviewers independently … For studies of other designs, we will use appropriate sets of items to assess
risk of bias or methodological … or$ or lesion$ or cancer or carcinoma$ or lump$)
5 Combine sets or/2-4
6 Biopsy 5 and ((Biopsy or tumor … or breast tumor/su)
9 6 and (su.fs. or open or excision$ or incision$ or surgical)
10 Combine sets … 8 or 9
11 Combine sets or/1,7,10
12 Limit by
publication type
11 not ((letter or editorial or
August 01, 2024 - manage costs and ensure
appropriate care while focusing on specific procedures, episodes of care or sets
January 01, 2011 - complete decision space.
Conjoint analysis
Each participant receives N choice sets
June 23, 2010 - The SAS programs were limited to simple frequencies with structured results sets. … Results Manager
Manages receipt, organization, assembly, merging, and aggregation of result sets. … topics, not individual queries
Initial support for aggregate queries, planned support for limited data sets
October 01, 2007 - influence outcomes and might be targets for balancing by
design may not be available in claims data sets … Many claims data sets do not contain
actual laboratory values. … However, automated data sets may
be optimal for assessment of history of system use, prior diag-
noses … For such
outcomes, carefully constructed claims data sets may serve as
the gold standard for outcome
December 08, 2023 - Peer Reviewer
Introduction The introduction sets an appropriate frame for the paper, summarizing … How did they get the data sets from publications
to do lines 42-47? … There is no
mention of the disparate data sets, especially between whites and blacks,
as well as other … We note
that this review was not intended
to examine raw data sets used to
derive or validate the … This is one of the most representative data sets in the U.S.
August 08, 2023 - pdf
Delaware primary care
Delaware Brief https://www.pcpcc.org/2021/02/02/delaware-
sets-primary-care-investment-target … CT-OHS---primary-care-spending-target-fact-sheet-2021.pdf
https://www.pcpcc.org/2021/02/02/delaware-sets-primary-care-investment-target … https://www.pcpcc.org/2021/02/02/delaware-sets-primary-care-investment-target
https://dhss.delaware.gov … Delaware Sets
Primary Care Investment Target.
Washington, DC; 2021. … https://www.pcpcc.org/2021/02/02/delaware
November 01, 2019 - In Abstrackr, DistillerSR, and RobotAnalyst, the training sets included a median (range) of
12 (4, 15 … cAll training sets were 200 records, with the exception of the Visual Acuity review which required a … An important consideration in this study is the size and nature of the training sets. … Unfortunately, larger training sets may be
impractical in real-world applications of the tools. … Nevertheless, the random ordering
reduced the risk of basing the predictions on biased training sets
June 16, 2010 - Systematic reviews identified only 3 existing quality measurement sets that included quality measures … dyspnea and/or cardiopulmonary disease on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) or health status, and
Sets … Lastly, qualitative sets of descriptors, such as the Breathing Descriptor, have utility in discriminating
June 01, 2010 - Report Number 26
The SAS programs were limited to simple frequencies with structured results sets … Results Manager Manages receipt, organization, assembly, merging, and aggregation of result sets. … not individual queries
• Initial support for aggregate queries,
planned support for limited data sets
October 01, 2007 - certain situations,
limited variable selection may be necessary to stabilize esti-
mates in small data sets … In addition, observational data sets are compiled from
multiple sources, including billing data, medical … intuitively appealing, the bootstrap method is computation-
ally intensive even for moderately sized data sets
August 27, 2012 - a choice set, which is used in
conjoint analysis, so we offer each participant a number of
choice sets … attributes that
you have, the number of levels within each of the
attributes, the number of choice sets … provides
an opportunity for our group to work with different
stakeholder groups across different sets … important
to us for study but rather this provides a rank order to
have some way to decide which sets … The other approach, though, is as
I mentioned earlier different stakeholder groups had
different sets