October 01, 2007 - Using this approach sets up
some statistical issues (eg, power, imbalances in covariates)
and epidemiologic … the extensiveness of the set
of variables used to derive propensity scores; those based on
“reduced” sets
January 01, 2019 - Systematic reviews identified only 3 existing quality measurement sets that included quality measures … dyspnea and/or cardiopulmonary disease on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) or health status, and
Sets … Lastly, qualitative sets of descriptors, such as the Breathing Descriptor, have utility in discriminating
October 01, 2007 - The resulting 5 different data sets
were then analyzed separately and results combined to obtain
mean … In the study by Walker
et al,33 information on additional confounders for matched
sets of exposed and … unexposed was collected for sets that
included at least 1 outcome (myocardial infarction). … Chart
review of these sets allowed the authors to efficiently validate
both exposure and outcome and
December 01, 2019 - imusporin OR vekacia OR ciclosporin OR CsA-Neoral OR CyA-NOF OR Neoral OR OL 27-400
Combine sets … (CNIs)
2 or 3
Combine sets
(kidney transplant and CNI)
1 and 5
Immunoassay … quantitative* OR studies OR search*) AND ('review'/exp OR 'review' OR 'review'/it)))
Combine sets … (KQ1a and KQ1b)
6 AND 7 AND (10 OR 11 OR 12 OR 13)
Combine sets (KQ2)
1 AND 4 AND 9 AND … 10 AND (11 OR 12 OR 13)
Combine sets (KQ3a)
6 AND 8 AND (12 OR 13)
Remove unwanted
April 16, 2024 - primary interest
- environmental studies
(no study type limitations)
#9 AND #13
#21 Combine result sets … SMEs
l2000780172 OR l2004551774 OR l2011488391 OR
l615631097 OR l639098371
#27 Combine result sets
April 01, 2010 - Systematic reviews identified only 3 existing
quality measurement sets that included quality measures … and/or cardiopulmonary disease on health-related
quality of life (HRQoL) or health status, and
4. sets … Lastly, qualitative
sets of descriptors, such as the Breathing Descriptor, have utility in discriminating
January 01, 2020 - little evidence to support their validity or translation into quality indicators. 2 , 3 Indicator sets … area, quality indicators and measurement issues, as well as developers of relevant quality indicator sets … currently provided or different ways in which care can be implemented would allow for flexible indicator sets
April 01, 2013 - prostat$.ti,ab. or Prostate/) AND (cancer.ti,ab. or Neoplasms/ or neoplasm$ or
3 Combine sets … ab. or latin square.ti,ab. or
ISRCTN$.ti,ab. or ACTRN$.ti,ab. or (NCT$ not NCT).ti,ab.)
6 Combine sets … ”[mesh] OR (prostat*[tiab] AND (neoplasm*[tiab] OR
cancer*[tiab] OR carcinoma*[tiab]))
3 Combine sets … * OR volunteer* OR sham OR “meta-analysis”[tw] OR cohort OR
6 Combine sets … OR “androgen deprivation”
OR HIFU OR (high AND intensity AND focused AND ultrasound*)
3 Combine sets
August 01, 2024 - primary interest - environmental studies (no study type limitations) #9 AND #13 #21 Combine result sets … identified by SMEs l2000780172 OR l2004551774 OR l2011488391 OR l615631097 OR l639098371 #27 Combine result sets
January 01, 2019 - , including patient-level data sets. … Results Manager
Manages receipt, organization, assembly, merging and aggregation of result sets. … Query results are returned in aggregate form, and collated into unified result sets. … Notify-only radio button
Sets the Background Processing to "notify only" mode. … Process radio button
Sets the Background Processing to "process" mode.
October 01, 2022 - New high-quality research is needed, using standardized intervention terminology and core outcome sets
December 01, 2019 - ti,ab. or Prostate/) AND (cancer.ti,ab. or Neoplasms/ or neoplasm$ or carcinoma$)
Combine sets … latin square.ti,ab. or ISRCTN$.ti,ab. or ACTRN$.ti,ab. or (NCT$ not NCT).ti,ab.)
Combine sets … mesh] OR (prostat*[tiab] AND (neoplasm*[tiab] OR cancer*[tiab] OR carcinoma*[tiab]))
Combine sets … volunteer* OR sham OR “meta-analysis”[tw] OR cohort OR ISRCTN* OR ACTRN* OR NCT*)
Combine sets … androgen deprivation” OR HIFU OR (high AND intensity AND focused AND ultrasound*)
Combine sets
April 01, 2010 - been little evidence to support their validity or translation into quality indicators.2,3
Indicator sets … area, quality indicators and measurement
issues, as well as developers of relevant quality indicator sets … currently provided or different ways in
which care can be implemented would allow for flexible indicator sets
December 01, 2019 - e.g., from in vitro studies) to help support or oppose theories of causation. 16
Overlapping Data Sets … that report prevalence estimates for genetic variants that have actually arisen from overlapping data sets … other published studies. 3 To the degree possible, investigators should identify overlapping data sets … organize evidence tables by study time period and geographic area to identify potential overlapping data sets
July 01, 2012 - e.g., from in vitro studies) to help support
or oppose theories of causation.16
Overlapping Data Sets … report prevalence estimates for genetic variants that have
actually arisen from overlapping data sets … in other published
studies.3 To the degree possible, investigators should identify overlapping data sets … organize evidence tables by study time period and
geographic area to identify potential overlapping data sets
November 01, 2021 - research) should consider the use of standardized
terminology of intervention content and core outcome sets
January 01, 2011 - Slide 7
Conjoint analysis
Each participant receives N choice sets.
August 27, 2012 - scoring topics and most important criteria
– Given variation in preferences, collaborate with different sets
February 01, 2018 - Research
is also needed to evaluate multicomponent interventions
more efficiently by standardizing sets
November 21, 2016 - In contrast the second bullet sets a
more modest goal, but one that is important, and one
that is hypothetically … Their first
suggestion about how to move forward is via re-
analysis of existing data sets. … The problem is they
never discussed those sets, or whether they
contained data that could answer their … Similarly
when they suggest moving to broader data sets (e.g.,
men and women) to see if some questions … could be
addressed though those, we do still left not know
which data sets contain the requisite information