December 01, 2019 - traumatizing experience of maltreatment is compounded by the exposure and removal from the home, which sets … The court improvement model comprises two sets of core components: 1) systems integration across the
January 01, 2024 - Creating enriched training sets of eligible studies for
large systematic reviews: the utility of PubMed's
January 01, 2024 - Creating enriched training sets of eligible studies for
large systematic reviews: the utility of PubMed's
September 30, 2014 - syndrome'
16 Specific genes ube3a OR fmr1 OR mecp2 OR cdkl5 OR foxg1 OR crebbp OR ep300
17 Combine sets … value'/exp OR 'predictive value' OR ppv
OR (false OR true) NEAR/1 (positive OR negative)
20 Combine sets … Set Number Concept Search Statement
22 Combine sets
March 11, 2013 - We screened the whole Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews (2012, first quarter)
to identify sets … outcomes
with completely recoverable cross-classification include mutually exclusive outcomes, or sets … Sets of outcomes that have an is-subset-of relationship imply a set of mutually exclusive
categories … 11
Generation of Random Data
For each scenario we generated 500 random sets of studies on two correlated … So should one
use separate or joint meta-analysis for sets of outcomes that can be approached with either
August 15, 2023 - Creating enriched training sets of eligible studies for
large systematic reviews: the utility of PubMed's
June 01, 2022 - The development and implementation of core sets of standardized outcome measures in
patient registries … focused population (patients who experienced the outcome of interest), and the data
criteria and value sets … As discussed in Chapter 1, patient
registries collect large observational data sets that could be used … focused population (patients who experienced the outcome of interest), and the data criteria and
value sets … The CQL and
links to the appropriate value sets (as stored in the Value Set Authority Center [VSAC])
December 01, 2019 - A systematic review will inform both sets of stakeholders by synthesizing evidence around the effectiveness
January 01, 2013 - Compared with the pain outcome, the 95% credible sets in disability are wider
because only about half … To obtain B
est12 probabilities with combined score in Equation (8), we investigate three sets
of … Our CB and ABRE2hom models give
proprioception exercise as the global winner for all three sets of weights … close to 0.9
when = 0.9, γ = 4 while ABRE2hom gives a bit more robust around 0.5 across the three sets
January 01, 2023 - weaknesses may include lack of care protocols and algorithms, less than optimal team membership and/or skill sets
January 12, 2012 - traumatizing experience of maltreatment is compounded by
the exposure and removal from the home, which sets … The court
improvement model comprises two sets of core components: 1) systems integration across
October 01, 2010 - to
more complex multi-treatment meta-analysis (MTM) models.
When there are only two sets … chosen method on a case-by-case basis, paying special attention to
comparability across different sets
October 01, 2007 - particular concern in epidemi-
ologic studies of drug effects.2
Large health care utilization data sets … Estimating causal effects from large data sets using propen-
sity scores.
October 01, 2010 - to
more complex multi-treatment meta-analysis (MTM) models.
When there are only two sets … chosen method on a case-by-case basis, paying special attention to
comparability across different sets
February 01, 2018 - describes three types of health
information: individually-identifiable health information, limited data sets … These differences may result in preparation of multiple sets of approval documents and well
as very
February 01, 2018 - In multiple imputation, multiple data sets are produced with different values imputed
for each missing … missing values.15 As noted, the result of a multiple imputation process is
multiple complete data sets
December 09, 2013 - The remaining citations will be split into nonoverlapping sets, each screened by two
reviewers independently … For studies of other designs, we will use
appropriate sets of items to assess risk of bias: for nonrandomized
March 01, 2024 - Creating enriched training sets of eligible studies for large systematic reviews: the utility of PubMed's
November 01, 2024 - Creating enriched training sets of eligible studies for large systematic reviews: the utility of PubMed's
November 01, 2024 - Creating enriched training sets of eligible studies for large systematic reviews: the utility of PubMed's