August 01, 2013 - Cross cutting
We developed sets of questions to inform searchers’ and analysts’ thinking about whether … The sets of questions are also
meant to help the team filter out interventions that are very similar … Profiles on
the advance-to-target topics are subsequently submitted to sets of various types of experts … The sets of topic comments are sorted and considered for selection for the Potential High Impact
Report … new.ti. or
novel or pilot or pipeline or (proof adj2 principle) or translational or trend$
4 Combine sets
November 01, 2020 - identified divided by the number of included citations in the search),11 were
calculated for both sets … topic had a large set of citations
that could be used as training (1960 to 2017) and validation data sets … Multilayer perceptron,
fuzzy sets, and classification.
July 01, 2021 - set" that was published in 2015 for research on breast reconstructive surgery. 33 , 34 Core outcome sets … are agreed minimum sets of outcomes that should be reported in research in a given topic area. 35 … Developing core outcome sets for clinical trials: issues to consider.
September 01, 2016 - Project staff will complete 2 sets of evidence tables: the first set
will only include data from ClinicalTrials.gov
January 01, 2012 - information was compiled by September 21, 2012, in this priority area; and (3) we
received six to nine sets
May 01, 2006 - Conclusions
Comparative efficacy and safety of
epoetin and darbepoetin
Three sets of trials were summarized
June 01, 2021 - Project staff will complete 2 sets of evidence tables: the first set will only include data from ClinicalTrials.gov
November 01, 2020 - focused
population (patients who experienced the outcome of interest), and the data criteria and value
sets … Additional
procedure codes were added to the Adverse Event value sets.
January 01, 2019 - observational comparative effectiveness research (OCER) methods, which have traditionally depended on data sets … created for other purposes, such as administrative data sets created to process insurance claims. … 200+ primary care clinicians who use EHRs; (2) analytically demonstrate how existing large-scale data sets … Thus, we believe DARTNet offers the ability to develop enhanced data sets that far exceed the quality … all using electronic health records (EHR); (2) analytically demonstrate how existing large-scale data sets
March 01, 2022 - registries to encourage collaboration among registries and to improve the possibility for linking data sets … or conducting research using existing data sets. … description of data assets would be a boon for linkage studies or to other researchers seeking data sets … In other words, registry data sets could be stored.
September 06, 2023 - We
will also tabulate the identified criteria sets for a concise overview.
February 01, 2025 - set development because it only searches the full text of select
PubMed Central biological entity sets … The strategy evaluation tools identify relevant and irrelevant clusters in
retrieved sets. … does not readily translate to systematic review (SR) scoping searches or development of seed
citation sets
December 01, 2017 - users or for
new rounds of data (e.g., linking future WIC participants to
some of the ongoing data sets … mention of the importance of
policy implementation for its ultimate effect and the need for
data sets … good baseline data
before policy implementation is something that
needs to be considered in data sets
November 01, 2017 - The reported economic burden varies according to data sets, yet general estimates suggest that the direct
June 27, 2011 - There
are some studies of different types of QI interventions (case management, order sets, and
improvement … targeted patient interventions (such as assistance with developing
questions to ask), structured order sets
October 01, 2007 - Data sets that are not of full rank (ie,
that have R2 values near 100%), and thus induce computa-
tional … ability of
HOCTA to produce accurate and clinically meaningful mod-
els for selected ADEs from large data sets
December 01, 2019 - There are some studies of different types of QI interventions (case management, order sets, and improvement … targeted patient interventions (such as assistance with developing questions to ask), structured order sets
December 01, 2019 - rate the consistency of conclusions supported by meta-analyses with the I 2 statistic. 33,34 Data sets … consistent;” those with an I 2 of 50 percent or greater will be rated as being “inconsistent;” and data sets
December 01, 2019 - This is because different sets of studies may have enrolled slightly different types of patients or used … Imaging AND Pretreatment staging and planning AND prognosis (KQ 2)
#17 AND #21
Combine final sets … abstract'/it OR 'conference paper'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it)
Combine sets
January 01, 2019 - In short, academic developers have skill sets that make them adept at finding innovative solutions to … organizations have agreed to allow authorized queries against their data and return approved results sets … The query runs at each participating site, and result sets are aggregated and returned to the requestor … from the local data warehouses maintained by the individual data owners; datamarts are typically sub-sets … What is an approach to aggregation of results sets?