January 01, 2024 - – Organized or patterned code that is interpretable by a computer (includes
data elements, value sets … Alternatively, they may choose to map
qualifying data in their system to the CQL code and value sets … Elevated blood pressure is defined as the union of two value
sets each named Elevated Blood Pressure … LDL-C is defined as the union of two value sets, LDL Test and LDLcholesterol. … The value
sets are listed in the CQL code.
January 01, 2022 - with the National Library of Medicine’s Value Set Authority Center (VSAC)
to find and select value sets … Finally, in Year 6, the team created new value sets in response to new evidence and evaluated
existing … value sets for new codes, alternative value sets, and opportunities to make intensional. … Test, Adapted for
Use in the United States), including a review of their evidence, metadata, value sets … provide feedback on the use of the VSAC, as well as provide a use case for how CDS uses the
value sets
January 01, 2021 - Entering a UMLS API key to search for value sets ...................................... 23
Figure … • Integrating with the National Library
of Medicine’s VSAC to find and select
value sets as well … , as well as for testing
CDS artifacts that use value sets. … Entering a UMLS API key to search for value sets
CDS Connect Maintenance and Update | Final … • Select value sets with or without
previewing their contents.
January 01, 2017 - · Because these are small orders and individual local builds will be required, order sets don’t provide
January 01, 2020 - manage their own queries, have ready access to a dictionary service of
required code systems and value sets
June 07, 2019 - Structured code that is interpretable by a computer, including data elements, value sets,
and decision … Both sets of software are freely available under an Apache 2.0 license. … Add
Value sets The authors searched value sets in PHIN VADS and on
the Value Set Authroity … There were
no applicable value sets for the medications or
allergies. … The authors developed value sets if at least
two codes were included and published them on VSAC
December 01, 2018 - risk factors for opioid-
related harms)
• The data element was
expressed as a union of value
sets … OCHIN’s synthetic records tested all logic phrases, attributes, and value sets, and included
positive … date)
• Risk factors for opioid-related harm
o Risk Conditions (represented by a union of value sets … date, asserted date, abatement date)
o Encounter Risk Diagnosis (represented by a union of value sets … • Develop value sets that represent a broader range of pain intensity assessments, multi-
September 01, 2021 - Alternatively, they may choose to map qualifying data in their system to
the CQL code and value sets … Structured code that is interpretable by a computer and includes data elements, value
sets, and coded … Elevated blood pressure is defined as the
union of two value sets:
(https://vsac.nlm.nih.gov/valueset … The value sets are listed in the CQL code. … Value sets that define behavioral
counseling include codes representing counseling activities related
September 01, 2022 - – Organized or patterned code that is interpretable by a computer (includes
data elements, value sets … Alternatively, they may choose to map
qualifying data in their system to the CQL code and value sets … Elevated blood pressure is defined as the union of two value
sets: (https://vsac.nlm.nih.gov/valueset … The value
sets are listed in the CQL code. … Value sets that define behavioral
counseling include codes representing counseling activities related
January 01, 2023 - – Organized or patterned code that is interpretable by a computer (includes
data elements, value sets … Alternatively, they may choose to map
qualifying data in their system to the CQL code and value sets … Elevated blood pressure is defined as the union of two value
sets: (https://vsac.nlm.nih.gov/valueset … The value
sets are listed in the CQL code. … Value sets that define
behavioral counseling include codes representing counseling activities related
September 01, 2019 - Alternatively, they may choose to map
qualifying data in their system to the CQL code and value sets … Structured code that is interpretable by a computer and includes data elements, value sets,
and coded … LDL-C is defined as the union of two value sets:
(https://vsac.nlm.nih.gov/valueset/expansions? … The value sets are listed in the CQL code. … Value sets that define behavioral
counseling include codes representing counseling activities related
June 18, 2020 - and 2) exported CQL now includes the Value Set Authority Center (VSAC)
FHIR® URL to specify value sets
January 16, 2020 - • Updated implementation guide, evidence, metadata, and value sets for the Statin Therapy for the
March 01, 2020 - Updates to supported code systems
► Pain Management Summary App
− Versions 0.3.0/0.3.1: Updates to value sets
January 01, 2024 - – Organized or patterned code that is interpretable by a computer (includes
data elements, value sets … This review sets up face-sheets and requests charts for
the intake personnel to use the next day. … Value sets were created when no existing value set in the Value Set Authority Center
adequately described … Logic Concept Definition and/or Rationale
Population 1 “clinical ASCVD” ASCVD is defined by value sets … It is represented using multiple value sets published on the Value
Set Authority Center to express ASCVD
January 01, 2023 - – Organized or patterned code that is interpretable by a computer (includes
data elements, value sets … This review sets up face-sheets and requests charts for
the intake personnel to use the next day. … Value sets (VS) were created when no existing VS in the Value Set Authority Center
adequately described … Population 1 “clinical ASCVD” ASCVD is defined by value sets that include diagnosis and procedure concepts … It is represented using multiple value sets published on the Value
Set Authority Center to express ASCVD
January 01, 2017 - be defined at a level of specificity that enables execution (e.g. data elements defined using value sets
January 01, 2024 - Clarified
definitions and relationships between nonopioid and
adjuvant medications and value sets. … Enhanced value
sets with information from interim literature reviews;
added recent opioid taper to … onset date, asserted date, abatement date)
o Encounter Risk Diagnoses (represented by a union of value sets … Decision
Category Concept Rationale
Value set creation Thirteen new value sets … In addition, please be aware that the medication value sets were developed to query for all
October 01, 2017 - projected for the Repository, including—
· making several types of CDS available (such as alerts, order sets … This review sets up face-sheets and requests charts for the intake personnel to use the next day. … Value sets needed to be established for computable definitions of ASCVD, end-stage renal disease, hepatic … Structured code that is interpretable by a computer and includes data elements, value sets, and coded
January 01, 2023 - Clarified
definitions and relationships between nonopioid and
adjuvant medications and value sets. … Enhanced value
sets with information from interim literature reviews;
added recent opioid taper to … – Organized or patterned code that is interpretable by a computer (includes
data elements, value sets … /mmwr/volumes/71/rr/rr7103a1.htm
o Encounter Risk Diagnoses (represented by a union of value sets … Decision
Category Concept Rationale
Value set creation Thirteen new value sets