
Total Results: 3,170 records

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    March 01, 2005 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #71: The Health Insurance Status of U.S. Workers, 2003: Estimates for Civilian Noninstitutionalized Workers Ages 16-64   Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services…
    February 01, 2005 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #66: Top 10 Outpatient Prescription Medicines Ranked by Utilization and Expenditures for the Elderly in the U.S. Community Population, 2002   Skip to main content An official website of the Department of He…
    March 01, 2006 - received treatment for hypertension, diuretic use for those with Medicare HMO or with Medicare fee-for-service … Insurance that provides coverage for a single service only, such as dental or vision coverage, was not … or public supplemental insurance coverage and were enrolled in Medicare HMOs or had Medicare fee-for-service
    May 01, 2006 - Insurance that provides coverage for a single service only, such as dental or vision coverage, was not … This group includes persons who were enrolled in Medicare HMOs and persons who had Medicare fee-for-service … miscellaneous sources that are not classified as health insurance coverage in MEPS, such as the Indian Health Service
    March 01, 2006 - received treatment for hypertension, diuretic use for those with Medicare HMO or with Medicare fee-for-service … Insurance that provides coverage for a single service only, such as dental or vision coverage, was not … or public supplemental insurance coverage and were enrolled in Medicare HMOs or had Medicare fee-for-service
    October 01, 2016 - miscellaneous sources that are not classified as health insurance coverage in MEPS (e.g., the Indian Health Service … Insurance that provides coverage for a single service only, such as dental or vision coverage, was not … This group includes people who were enrolled in Medicare HMOs and people who had Medicare fee-for-service
    March 01, 2006 - received treatment for hypertension, diuretic use for those with Medicare HMO or with Medicare fee-for-service … Insurance that provides coverage for a single service only, such as dental or vision coverage, was not … or public supplemental insurance coverage and were enrolled in Medicare HMOs or had Medicare fee-for-service
    May 01, 2009 - Insurance that provides coverage for a single service only, such as dental or vision, is not included … specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program, Colorado Child Health Plan) or private single-service … This group includes persons who were enrolled in Medicare HMOs and persons who had Medicare fee-for-service
    May 01, 2009 - Insurance that provides coverage for a single service only, such as dental or vision, is not included … specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program, Colorado Child Health Plan) or private single-service … This group includes persons who were enrolled in Medicare HMOs and persons who had Medicare fee-for-service
    May 01, 2009 - Insurance that provides coverage for a single service only, such as dental or vision, is not included … specific programs (e.g., Maryland Kidney Disease Program, Colorado Child Health Plan) or private single-service … This group includes persons who were enrolled in Medicare HMOs and persons who had Medicare fee-for-service
    January 01, 2006 - This average is 42 percent higher than when surgery was not performed but at least one other special service … Average payment for an emergency room visit, by type of service received, 2003 Surgery Other services
    April 01, 2014 - Spending and Service Use among People with the Fifteen Most Costly Medical Conditions, 1997. … distribution of annual expenditures for the five most costly conditions in children, by type of service
    November 01, 2012 - eligibility criteria include a minimum number of hours worked per pay period or a minimum length of service … eligibility criteria include a minimum number of hours worked per pay period or a minimum length of service
    January 01, 2006 - This average is 42 percent higher than when surgery was not performed but at least one other special service … Average payment for an emergency room visit, by type of service received, 2003 Surgery Other services
    April 01, 2014 - Spending and Service Use among People with the Fifteen Most Costly Medical Conditions, 1997 . … Percentage distribution of annual expenditures for the five most costly conditions in children, by type of service
    February 01, 2000 - indemnity plan —Insurance plan in which enrollees can go to the physicians of their choice on a fee-for-service … Preferred provider plan —Managed care plan, such as a preferred provider organization or point-of-service … conventional indemnity plan is one in which enrollees can go to the physicians of their choice on a fee-for-service … organizations (HMOs) and preferred provider plans such as preferred provider organizations (PPOs) and point-of-service
    September 01, 2013 - Type of service Hospital inpatient: Includes room and board and all hospital diagnostic and laboratory … Insurance that provided coverage for a single service only, such as dental or vision coverage, was not … Percentage of health care expenditures by type of service, 2011 Total expenditures = $1.33 trillion … Out-of-pocket expenditures by type of service, 2011 Total = $185 Billion $58.7 billion 31.7% $11.9
    September 01, 2014 - Type of service Office-based: Includes expenses for visits to both physician and non-physician medical … Insurance that provided coverage for a single service only, such as dental or vision coverage, was not … Percentage of health care expenditures by type of service, 2012 Total expenditures = $1.35 trillion … Out-of-pocket expenditures by type of service, 2012 Total = $191 Billion $59.4 billion 31.1% $16.0
    December 01, 2008 - We find that households in our sample accurately report HMO versus traditional fee-for- service Medicare … The ability to distinguish between traditional fee-for-service Medicare coverage and managed care plans … would affect behavioral analyses that differentiate between beneficiaries in the original fee-for-service … identified whether the Medicare beneficiaries in the survey were in traditional Medicare fee-for-service
  20. Wp Jan2005 Amz (pdf file)
    January 01, 2005 - These plans also were more likely than plans not fully paid by employers to have had a fee-for-service … The second category of provider arrangements included most fee-for-service plans. … Preferred provider organizations (PPO) and point-of-service plans fell into the third category, which … those that were fully paid were more likely than plans not fully paid by employers to have a fee-for-service

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