February 01, 2018 - in Chapter 1 of the User’s Guide,12 patient registries are classified as product
registries, health service … Paper CRFs may be necessary in some cases due to lack of access to technology and reliable
Internet service
February 01, 2018 - in Chapter 1 of the User’s Guide,12 patient registries are classified as product
registries, health service … Paper CRFs may be necessary in some cases due to lack of access to technology and reliable
Internet service
February 01, 2008 - outcome based on whether the patient was seen in an
HMO (health maintenance organization) or fee-for-
service … found differences in treatment and outcome
based on whether the patient was seen in an HMO or fee-for-
September 22, 2014 - Controlled Trials, Cochrane
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), and National Health Service … Preventive Services Task Force and the National Health Service Centre for Reviews
and Dissemination
June 12, 2013 - However given the current fee
for service practice paradigm and competing specialties in US
healthcare … We did not review
issues related to the current fee for service paradigm in
the US healthcare system
July 10, 2018 - specific era. 6 - 8 In a RAND Corporation survey conducted in 2008, point-prevalence of PTSD among service
August 04, 2010 - a health maintenance organization, 23% in a preferred provider organization, and 21% in a point-of-service
July 01, 2012 - Department of Health and Human Services,
Public Health Service, Agency for Health Care
Policy and Research
June 06, 2015 - Does successful implementation of this intervention require changes/cooperation/integration by other service
October 01, 2007 - filling the index APM prescription, we required all
study subjects to have used more than 1 medical service
April 01, 2018 - cannot cross county lines or because
there is no destination determination for trauma patients in the
May 01, 2014 - participants are individuals who occasionally interact
with the community to provide or receive a service … audiences and purposes as varied as nursing,12 nurse midwifery,13,14
community health nursing,15 pre-service … stakeholders agreed that the
Web site should use an off-the-shelf technology platform or Web hosting service … Web application that combines multiple Web 2.0 functions from different
sources to establish a new service
July 28, 2010 - Home »
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Date submitted: July 28, 2010
Briefly describe a specific question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider. …
October 06, 2015 - Section of Mental Health Nursing Health Service and Population Research Institute of Psychiatry Kings … 121779
Search #1 AND #2
Search (((("Hospitals, General"[Mesh]) OR "Emergency Service
February 22, 2012 - Military personnel are commonly exposed to high levels of noise and, indeed, tinnitus is the most common service-connected … level tolerance, abnormal loudness growth, site where study participants were recruited, setting, and service
January 01, 2012 - biological products for which a
biologics license is not in effect under section 351 of the Public Health Service … biological products for which a biologics license is not in effect
under section 351 of the Public Health Service
January 01, 2012 - However, because the
service is designed to link patients to existing services, experts did not believe … However, because the service is intended to link patients to existing services, experts did
not believe
June 01, 2014 - These products are regulated under the
authority of both the Public Health Service Act and the Federal … the cell culture) made the cell product subject to regulation under the
FDCA and the Public Health Service
October 01, 2013 - information from a switch company
(an organization that specializes in routing claims
between the point of service … generally, health care clearinghouses,
employer-sponsored health plans, health insurers,
and medical service
November 21, 2016 - are the numbers for women over
40 and identify any differences based on
geographic location and the service … be good to have mental health needs
addressed more specifically, although they are
included as a service