April 01, 2013 - National Health Service
Economic Evaluation Database for unique reviews, trials, economic analyses, … National Health Service Economic Evaluation
Database (NHS EED)
2007 - current Wiley
Gray Literature … National Health Service Economic Evaluation Database
2007–current Wiley
Gray Literature
July 10, 2012 - the approach adopted by
the authors has fairly ascertained and examined the literature on
health service … in predicting the
efficacy of a medical service? … We do not suggest that age is equivalent to
prior military service for predicting the efficacy. … Can you suggest
here a contrasting clinical preventive service that does NOT require
or benefit from … Such reviews are regarded as
crucial to the evidence-based approach to policy, treatment and
April 19, 2022 - Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition
Service (FNS).
September 01, 2016 - attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
treatment outcomes through use of a collaborative
consultation treatment service
November 11, 2015 - Therearemany, like the National Health Service in England that are
trying this approach.
February 16, 2016 - Additional information came from MedlinePlus , a service of the National Library of Medicine and the
November 01, 2016 - Additional
information came from the MedlinePlus® Web site, a service of the
National Library of Medicine
March 01, 2009 - filling the index APM
prescription, all study subjects were required to have utilized >1 medical service … Public Health Service. United States.
June 27, 2011 - It is often provided as a service or QI intervention and can be delivered in any setting. … practice has changed substantially since that time; palliative care has
existed as a specialty and service
April 01, 2007 - incidence
or prevalence rate; examining trends of disease over time, conducting surveillance; assessing service … Department of
Health and Human Services
Public Health Service
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
May 26, 2016 - services with an improvement in Quality of
Services, (i.e. creation of new jobs and along with better service … Reviewer
Background The SAMHSA’s publication of “Racial/Ethnic Differences in Mental
Health Service
January 01, 2012 - text-based platform for maternal and
infant health information that has become a widely used mobile health service … Public Health Service, guidelines for smoking cessation recommend drug
therapy (e.g., bupropion, varenicline
February 12, 2014 - Clinicians, patients, and service administrators may assign different priorities to different domains … offer, and what factors organizations should consider before constructing or endorsing an n-of-1 trial service
December 01, 2013 - Paul, MN); and NowClinic is a
service of OptumHealth, a UnitedHealth Group company (Minneapolis, MN … Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.44 The developer has indicated plans
to expand the service … nationwide.44 Zipnosis is a platform that entities can use to set up a virtual
online clinic service … by patients and
suggested elderly patients would gravitate towards hospitals offering this type of service
August 06, 2014 - Affiliation Section Comment Response
Public Reviewer #3
General Who exactly is providing the service … With so many providers providing varying levels of
service and incorporating diverse methodologies, … ranking of the evidence that is relevant to the
creation of medical policy and implementation of the service … Establishing a list of questions that are relevant to
information needed for service implementation
November 01, 2012 - We limited our study to men
over age 65 who were alive and enrolled in
Medicare fee-for-service (FFS
July 12, 2017 - A Review of Telehealth Service Implementation Frameworks.
October 01, 2007 - Department of Health and Human
Services of a particular drug, device, test, treatment, or other clinical
August 31, 2016 - Additional information came from MedlinePlus.gov, a service of the National Library of Medicine and the
July 12, 2017 - A Review of Telehealth Service Implementation Frameworks.