
Total Results: over 10,000 records

Showing results for "samples".

    September 18, 2018 - Reliability table Reliability testing for Coverage PI: metric rates for 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 samplesSamples were constructed randomly three times for each sample size.
    September 18, 2018 - Reliability table Reliability testing for Coverage PI: metric rates for 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 samplesSamples were constructed randomly three times for each sample size.
    September 18, 2018 - Reliability table Reliability testing for Coverage PI: metric rates for 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 samplesSamples were constructed randomly three times for each sample size.
    September 04, 2018 - false-negative response from high antibody titer) with rapid plasma reagin screening using undiluted samples … Reflex testing with FTA-ABS; recombinant IgG and IgM immunoblot used for confirmation of discordant samples … using serum diluted to 1:32 Reflex testing of TPPA+ samples with CIA NR 4/139 (2.9) (prozone … Reflex testing with FTA-ABS; recombinant IgG and IgM immunoblot used for confirmation of discordant samples … not applicable; NR, not reported; RPR, rapid plasma reagin; S/CO, ratio of optical density value of samples
    June 01, 2021 - Detail procedures for collecting urine and respiratory samples from nursing home residents. … Describe strategies that reduce the risk of collecting contaminated microbiologic samples. … Goal—to collect high-quality samples, which will lead to better decisions about antibiotic prescriptions … Transport urine samples promptly (within 15 minutes) to lab; refrigerate if samples cannot be transported
    June 01, 2021 - Detail procedures for collecting urine and respiratory samples from nursing home residents. … Describe strategies that reduce the risk of collecting contaminated microbiologic samples. … Goal—to collect high-quality samples, which will lead to better decisions about antibiotic prescriptions … Transport urine samples promptly (within 15 minutes) to lab; refrigerate if samples cannot be transported
    January 01, 2013 - Survey Respondents and Health Plan Samples: 2011 and 2013........................ 4 Appendixes About … Survey Respondents and Health Plan Samples by State: 2011 and 2013 Appendix D. … The number of health plan samples is indicated in parentheses. Table 3-1. … Survey Respondents and Health Plan Samples by State: 2011 and 2013 Table C-1 and Table C-2 show data … Survey Respondents and Health Plan Samples by State: 2011 and 2013 Table C-1 and Table C-2 show data
    January 01, 2013 - Survey Respondents and Health Plan Samples: 2011 and 2013........................ 4 Appendixes About … Survey Respondents and Health Plan Samples by State: 2011 and 2013 Appendix D. … Table 3-1 presents the number of Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare survey respondents and health plan samples … The number of health plan samples is indicated in parentheses. Table 3-1. … Survey Respondents and Health Plan Samples by State: 2011 and 2013 Table C-1 and Table C-2 show data
  9. Kid 1997 Comparison (pdf file)
    January 01, 1997 - Significant differences between the KID and NHDS samples are shown in Table 3. … The NIS and NHDS estimates were based on samples, so two-sample t-tests were used. … The KID and NHDS samples record race/ethnicity in different ways. … The two samples are of radically different sizes. … Table 24 compares the sample sizes of the two samples by patient categories.
  10. Summary (pdf file)
    March 16, 2001 - Significant differences between the KID and NHDS samples are shown in . … The NIS and NHDS estimates were based on samples, so two-sample t-tests were used. … The KID and NHDS samples record race/ethnicity in different ways. … The two samples are of radically different sizes. … Table 24 compares the sample sizes of the two samples by patient categories.
    April 18, 2018 - The samples were dropped off at the central laboratory receiving window where the time/date of receipt … Upon arrival at the satellite facility, samples are logged and accessioned for testing at their respective … As per routine procedure, the Clinical Laboratory immediately sequestered all samples related to the … The frequency of lost samples reflects the challenges faced by hospital laboratories. … Blood bank safety practices: Mislabeled samples and wrong blood in tube – a Q-Probes analysis of 122
    January 01, 2024 - is common, contributing to approximately 40% of all laboratory errors and affecting up to 12% of all samples … , intravascular hemolysis) or non-biological conditions during the collection and handling of blood samples … one retrospective study, the mean difference in potassium concentration between in vitro hemolyzed samples … and non-hemolyzed samples was 1.9 mmol/L, with a minimum and maximum difference of 0.7 and 4.6 mmol/ … be unable to detect hemolysis.3 Increasing awareness of spurious results due to hemolysis: If lab samples
    January 01, 2014 - Survey Respondents and Health Plan Samples: 2013 and 2014 .......................... 7 Appendixes … Survey Respondents and Health Plan Samples by State: 2013 and 2014 Appendix D. … The number of health plan samples is indicated in parentheses. Table 3-1. … Survey Respondents and Health Plan Samples by State: 2013 and 2014 Table C-1 and Table C-2 show data … Survey Respondents and Health Plan Samples by State: 2013 and 2014 Appendix D.
    December 01, 2024 - grants and research contracts to include a DMP for managing, storing and disseminating the primary data, samples … grants and research contracts to include a DMP for managing, storing and disseminating the primary data, samples
    October 28, 2021 - What is the test accuracy of and adherence to self-collected high-risk HPV vaginal samples? … In combination with cytology (cotesting) Mode of collection: Self- or clinician-collected hrHPV samples … sexually transmitted infection clinics, family planning clinics), or any setting for self-collection of samples
    June 01, 2018 - Reliability table Reliability testing for Informed Coverage: metric rates for 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 samplesSamples were constructed randomly three times for each sample size.
    June 01, 2018 - Reliability table Reliability testing for Informed Coverage: metric rates for 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 samplesSamples were constructed randomly three times for each sample size.
    June 01, 2018 - Reliability table Reliability testing for Informed Coverage: metric rates for 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 samplesSamples were constructed randomly three times for each sample size.
    June 01, 2018 - Reliability table Reliability testing for Informed Coverage: metric rates for 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 samplesSamples were constructed randomly three times for each sample size.
    June 01, 2018 - Reliability table Reliability testing for Informed Coverage: metric rates for 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 samplesSamples were constructed randomly three times for each sample size.