January 01, 1997 - Significant differences
between the KID and NHDS samples are shown in Table 3. … The NIS and NHDS estimates were based on samples, so two-sample t-tests were used. … The KID and NHDS samples record race/ethnicity in different ways. … The two samples are of radically different sizes. … Table 24 compares the sample sizes of the two samples by patient categories.
March 16, 2001 - Significant differences
between the KID and NHDS samples are shown in . … The NIS and NHDS estimates were based on samples, so two-sample t-tests were used. … The KID and NHDS samples record race/ethnicity in different ways. … The two samples are of radically different sizes. … Table 24 compares the sample sizes of the two samples by patient categories.
January 18, 2002 - …………………..39
(NONBIRTHS)………………………………… … For this analysis we drew 500 samples using the old sampling design with and
without the longitudinal … A comparison of each distribution of each 500 samples showed that
removing the longitudinal component … We then compared the distribution of estimates from the 1,000 NIS samples.
November 04, 2014 - Bicarbonate – Bicarbonate may be measured using different methods on different samples. … Glucose – Serum/plasma samples have individual LOINC codes for a full range of random,
fasting, and … Whole blood and capillary blood samples
have codes only for some of these measurements.
July 07, 2008 - Bicarbonate – Bicarbonate may be measured using different methods on different samples. … Glucose – Serum/plasma samples have individual LOINC codes for a full range of random,
fasting, and … Whole blood and capillary blood samples
have codes only for some of these measurements.
January 01, 1998 - For this analysis we drew 500 samples using the old sampling design with and
without the longitudinal … A comparison of each distribution of each 500 samples showed that
removing the longitudinal component … selected NIS hospitals, and we drew another 500 samples using the old sampling design
without giving … We then calculated the average hospital occupancy rate
for each of the 500 samples and compared the … We then compared the distribution of estimates from the 1,000 NIS samples.
August 01, 2014 - Bicarbonate — Bicarbonate may be measured using different methods on different samples. … Glucose — Serum/plasma samples have individual LOINC codes for a full range of random, fasting, and 2 … Whole blood and capillary blood samples have codes only for some of these measurements.
October 01, 2010 - Bicarbonate – Bicarbonate may be measured using different methods on different samples. … Glucose – Serum/plasma samples have individual LOINC codes for a full range of random, fasting, and 2 … Whole blood and capillary blood samples have codes only for some of these measurements.
January 01, 2010 - mean is just one point estimate out of many point estimates
that would arise from different random samples … distribution of sample means that
would occur if we calculated sample means from many different random samples … If the sample size is less
than the population size then different samples are possible and the standard … It should be noted that the superpopulation
model is most often associated with probability samples … simple random
sample of the superpopulation, and standard statistical procedures for simple random
February 01, 2022 - However, these KID samples were not designed to yield a representative sample of hospitals at the State
January 01, 2016 - However, these NIS samples were not designed to yield a representative sample of hospitals at the State
February 01, 2025 - Tools
Laboratory Data Toolkit: Communication Tools
Communication tools provide samples
January 01, 2019 - and assistance as needed
Transmission & Analysis of Lab Data
• Hospitals will submit a test samples
February 14, 2022 - Sample Design
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January 01, 2006 - samples discharges from each of the sampled hospitals. … Table 2 compares the KID, NIS, and
NHDS samples. … Second, both the KID and the NHDS are systematic random samples. … Table 6 presents the relative sizes of the KID and NHDS samples. … The two samples are of radically
different sizes.
January 01, 2003 - This deviates from the procedure used for earlier samples, which maximized the longitudinal component … This deviates from the procedure used for earlier samples, prior to data year 1998, which maximized the … The two samples can be combined to form a single, generalizable 20% subsample of discharges. … This deviates from the procedure used for earlier samples, which maximized the longitudinal component … For a description of zero-weight hospitals in the 1988-1992 samples, see the special report: Design
January 01, 2004 - This deviates from the procedure used for earlier samples, which maximized the longitudinal component … This deviates from the procedure used for earlier samples, prior to data year 1998, which maximized the … The two samples can be combined to form a single, generalizable 20% subsample of discharges. … This deviates from the procedure used for earlier samples, which maximized the longitudinal component … For a description of zero-weight hospitals in the 1988-1992 samples, see the special report: Design
January 01, 2001 - This deviates from the procedure used for earlier samples, which maximized the longitudinal component … The two samples can be combined to form a single, generalizable 20% subsample of discharges. … This deviates from the procedure used for earlier samples, which maximized the longitudinal component … Zero-Weight Hospitals
Beginning with the 1993 NIS, the NIS samples no longer contain zero-weight … For a description of zero-weight hospitals in the 1988-1992 samples, see the special report: Design
January 01, 2002 - This deviates from the procedure used for earlier samples, which maximized the longitudinal component … This deviates from the procedure used for earlier samples, prior to data year 1998, which maximized the … The two samples can be combined to form a single, generalizable 20% subsample of discharges. … This deviates from the procedure used for earlier samples, which maximized the longitudinal component … For a description of zero-weight hospitals in the 1988-1992 samples, see the special report: Design
January 01, 2017 - It reflects the amount that a sample statistic's value would fluctuate if a large number of samples … All the HCUP Nationwide Databases are samples and because of this design methodology, standard errors … The HCUP State Databases, however, are not samples, they capture the universe of inpatient and outpatient