
Total Results: 1,644 records

Showing results for "samples".

    October 24, 2013 - Core, Size of Sample, No. of Samples, etc.)
    July 01, 2012 - Eligibility criteria included English language studies evaluating SNP analysis of human populations, or samples … (For the purpose of this report, call rate was defined as the proportion of samples for which genotypes
    January 01, 2011 - where blood samples are often shipped long distances, there may be great variability in hypochromic … It is believed that % HYPO may not an adequate test if samples cannot be delivered to a central lab
    March 09, 2010 - Intra-articular corticosteroids and NSAIDs, JIA approval status, and samples of significant warnings … DMARDs, their mechanisms of action, JIA approval status, and samples of significant warnings from the
    September 25, 2013 - It is not clear why collection of samples at baseline in a cohort study would introduce “null bias”. … If anything, exposure ascertainment using samples obtained at baseline is the preferred approach. … Citrated whole blood samples for measurement by LTA are prepared by first centrifuging the sample to … Direct, unprocessed citrated whole blood samples are spiked onto a needle in the sample port of the … We note that studies describing analytic performance using blood samples from healthy normal donors
    December 01, 2014 - These may include etiologically heterogeneous patient samples, the use of varied outcomes scales and … their use of published (versus unpublished) data, and whether or not all included studies and patient samples … If there are variations in issues such as patient samples or measures that might affect pooling, we will
    February 01, 2018 - health records, both paper and electronic, clinical visits, and, in some cases, collect biological samples … over registry data or biospecimens to advocacy organizations to act as the stewards of these data and samples … At the present time it contains more than 30,000 samples of a variety of tissue types from DNA to cell … confidentiality (see section “Participant Privacy and Confidentiality”), ownership of data and any tissue samples
    February 01, 2018 - health records, both paper and electronic, clinical visits, and, in some cases, collect biological samples … over registry data or biospecimens to advocacy organizations to act as the stewards of these data and samples … At the present time it contains more than 30,000 samples of a variety of tissue types from DNA to cell … confidentiality (see section “Participant Privacy and Confidentiality”), ownership of data and any tissue samples
    April 01, 2020 - defined by study authors [typically age 10 or 11 years or younger], and mixed adolescent and child samples … with a wide range of depressive disorders; all included adolescents with MDD only and only a few samples
    April 01, 2020 - defined by study authors [typically age 10 or 11 years or younger], and mixed adolescent and child samples … with a wide range of depressive disorders; all included adolescents with MDD only and only a few samples
    January 01, 2011 - confidence intervals for Landis & Koch’s measure using a bootstrap procedure112 with 1,000 bootstrap samples … We report the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of these bootstrap samples as a 95-percent confidence interval
    March 22, 2021 - combined studies, the low and insufficient strength of the studies, the rare adverse outcome in thoses samples
    November 30, 2014 - These may include etiologically heterogeneous patient samples, the use of varied outcomes scales and … their use of published (versus unpublished) data, and whether or not all included studies and patient samples … If there are variations in issues such as patient samples or measures that might affect pooling, we
  14. Slide 1 (pdf file)
    May 18, 2012 - Slide 1 Recruiting/Selecting Participants Susan Dorr Goold, MD, MHSA, MA Professor of Internal Medicine and Health Management and Policy University of Michigan 1 Alternatives to Random Sampling • Substantive representation – Based on extent to which groups affected by decision at issue …
    September 25, 2013 - Testing of CYP2C19 Variants and Platelet Reactivity for Guiding Antiplatelet Treatment Systematic Review Archived September 25, 2013 Testing of CYP2C19 Variants and Platelet Reactivity for Guiding Antiplatelet Treatment Research Protocol Archived November 22, 2011 Stroke Pr…
  16. S81 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2007 - When applied to small samples of admissions from individual hospitals, none of these performance values … Problems due to small samples and sparse data in conditional logistic regression analysis.
    October 19, 2015 - The small samples and short follow up are insufficient to detect rare events and are thus a major methodological … However, in reality the samples could be the same from a clinical perspective. … Someone could challenge that qualitatively the study samples may be very similar - but the focus of … TEP Reviewer #4 Results In various places in the document it is stated that the samples were “overwhelmingly … The small samples and short follow up are insufficient to detect rare events and are thus a major methodological
    January 01, 2012 - Samples were taken once weekly for 10 weeks; after 5 weeks, the copper-containing and noncopper items … MTB/RIF test sensitivity was 76.9% in smear-negative, culture-positive patients (296 of 385 samples … ), and 99.0% specific (2846 of 2876 non-tuberculosis samples).” … were collected from patients suspected of having TB or drug-resistant TB (n=1,730). 166 Samples … an additional study, Xpert MTB/RIF was compared to culture and microscopy detection methods using samples
    March 01, 2012 - findings from RCTs and methods issues or to identify possible harms in large populations when the study samples … : Moderate resources are needed, but significant effort may be required to generate generalizable samples
    April 01, 2013 - CERs, and (3) to avert yet more heterogeneity due to inconsistent, vague, or absent definitions of samples … Additionally, small samples precluded subgroup analyses and examination of moderating and mediating … It would allow for large enough samples to examine moderators of treatment response and to investigate … Much of the research relies on relatively small samples and has limited statistical power, so data cannot

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