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    March 13, 2012 - GEP tests use defined protocols to evaluate the specimens to be analyzed: preparing the RNA samples, … (It is suggested that samples from at least two-thirds of the patients must be available for analysis … Sample size (number of patients/specimens) If samples are from previous studies, which studies?
    January 01, 2012 - They transfer milk from the donation container to a glass flask, mixing samples from about three to … PST workers then distribute the milk evenly into smaller glass bottles and prepare the samples for … Milk samples that have passed inspection are frozen and stored until delivered to a recipient’s hospital
  3. Cover Page (pdf file)
    September 01, 2007 - Third, our approach lacks the ability to track samples of drugs that have been provided by the medical … , some pharmaceutical companies now provide magnetic cards that can be redeemed at pharmacies for samples … If this new concept is used for all samples, this limitation will be overcome in terms of monitoring … of drug samples.
  4. Cover Page (pdf file)
    September 01, 2007 - Third, our approach lacks the ability to track samples of drugs that have been provided by the medical … , some pharmaceutical companies now provide magnetic cards that can be redeemed at pharmacies for samples … If this new concept is used for all samples, this limitation will be overcome in terms of monitoring … of drug samples.
    May 01, 2022 - respiratory infections were identified using reverse transcription PCR (BioFire® FilmArray®) on samples … placed in the bathroom and on both sides of the bed and run for 5 minutes in each position. 298 samples … *Included bleach on high touch surfaces (no additional details provided) 450 samples were collected … baseline, prevalence ratio 0.52 (95 % CI: 0.43 to 0.62) p <0.001 Authors note that the positive samples … post study Single center; full description of standard cleaning procedures not provided; some study samples
    October 01, 2011 - could not distinguish between major and minor depression, and suggested that future studies have larger samples
    March 13, 2012 - GEP tests use defined protocols to evaluate the specimens to be analyzed: preparing the RNA samples, … (It is suggested that samples from at least two-thirds of the patients must be available for analysis …  Sample size (number of patients/specimens) o If samples are from previous studies, which studies?
    June 23, 2014 - Includes pregnant women Pediatric bipolar patients Studies with samples of greater than 25% identified … diagnosis. 17 Therefore, a detailed understanding of the diagnostic processes used to establish study samples … One can use RCT and controlled cohort data, but they generally have small samples, short follow-ups. … Assessing Applicability Bipolar research generally draws from highly defined populations, resulting in samples
    September 01, 2012 - familial treatment paradigms on anxiety/depression) treating psychiatric comorbidities in non-ASD samples … familial treatment paradigms on anxiety/depression) treating psychiatric comorbidities in non- ASD samples … studied interventions are manualized, which will allow for replication and implementation in other samples … familial treatment paradigms on anxiety/depression) treating psychiatric comorbidities in non-ASD samples … familial treatment paradigms on anxiety/depression) treating psychiatric comorbidities in non-ASD samples
    January 01, 2012 - the test in 20 major metropolitan areas as a laboratory-developed test (LDT) to be performed on samples … (p = 0.007).” 25 In 2009, Valentine and colleagues presented data from a study of 38 donor milk samples … When comparing our PST samples to previous published amino acid means, our PST samples had significantly … study in March 2011 in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 47 In this study, 449 samples … of the test in 20 major metropolitan areas as a laboratory-developed test (LDT) to be performed on samples
  11. PEPTIC ULCER #11 (pdf file)
    December 01, 2015 - Investigators noted that use of the Cytosponge, which samples cells along a much broader section of … more useful diagnostic information than traditional endoscopic biopsies that collect discrete tissue samples … than traditional endoscopic biopsy.10,11 Researchers performed whole-genome sequencing on paired samples … esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) taken from 23 patients at a single time point and compared them to 73 samples … more useful diagnostic information than traditional endoscopic biopsies that collect discrete tissue samples
    January 28, 2020 - metastases in the brain resulting from non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer, or melanoma Study samples … patients with cancer from other origins or primary brain tumors (e.g., glioblastomas) and pediatric samples … account that frequentist approaches are problematic for rare adverse events (rare events require large samples … assessment will take the developing technology in the field of radiation therapy into account, review the samples … In addition, we will critically review the samples included in existing trials to determine how well
    October 10, 2019 - metastases in the brain resulting from non- small cell lung cancer, breast cancer, or melanoma • Study samples … patients with cancer from other origins or primary brain tumors (e.g., glioblastomas) and pediatric samples … account that frequentist approaches are problematic for rare adverse events (rare events require large samples … assessment will take the developing technology in the field of radiation therapy into account, review the samples … In addition, we will critically review the samples included in existing trials to determine how well
    November 22, 2011 - , evidence can be obtained by repurposing completed randomized controlled trials for which baseline samples … In such cases, one can analyze all the samples (e.g., samples from the clopidogrel group and from the … comparisons (e.g., inter-laboratory agreement, measurement reproducibility) Proportion of nonevaluable samples
    June 23, 2014 - Includes pregnant women Pediatric bipolar patients Studies with samples of greater than 25% identified … diagnosis.17 Therefore, a detailed understanding of the diagnostic processes used to establish study samples … One can use RCT and controlled cohort data, but they generally have small samples, short follow-ups. … Assessing Applicability Bipolar research generally draws from highly defined populations, resulting in samples
    April 10, 2020 - monotherapy may not match combined therapy for those without ADHD but these findings arise from small samples … monotherapy may not match combined therapy for those without ADHD but these findings arise from small samples … expect fewer studies, and prior reviews of the literature suggest that studies that focus on younger samples … defined by study authors [typically age 10 or 11 years or younger], and mixed adolescent and child samples
    April 10, 2020 - monotherapy may not match combined therapy for those without ADHD but these findings arise from small samples … monotherapy may not match combined therapy for those without ADHD but these findings arise from small samples … expect fewer studies, and prior reviews of the literature suggest that studies that focus on younger samples … defined by study authors [typically age 10 or 11 years or younger], and mixed adolescent and child samples
    June 16, 2022 - Results from these non-representative study samples cannot be generalized to all women. … substance abuse, or women attending an academic health center.” …”Results from these select study samples … Discussion and Conclusions However, in the results, there is no mention as to whether the study samples … in restricting access to technology to specific clinics/settings – so expanding to community based samples
    May 14, 2020 - The differences in rates of assisted delivery between the Friedman and the CSL samples is another important … consider adding more details regarding differences in intervention rates between the Friedman and CSL samples … practice patterns between the 1950s-70’s and the early 2000’s, by detailing how much all of these samples … explicitly made that we do not have US research about normal vs abnormal labor progress that includes samples
    April 22, 2013 - diagnostic criteria for bipolar II disorder (Merikangas et al. 2007), with other estimates from community samples

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