October 01, 2011 - In clinical samples,
preschoolers are more likely to show the hyperactive
impulsive subtype,7 while … In
addition, we included samples in which children
showed clinically significant symptoms, defined … safe; however, the evidence comes
primarily from shortterm trials lasting days to weeks
with small samples … Agents
The body of literature examining longterm
effectiveness and safety is most robust among samples … of services used and very few studies available,
with only two RCTs of wellcharacterized clinical
October 01, 2014 - technique’s test performance
modified by use of various reference standards (e.g.,
explanted liver samples … technique’s test performance
modified by use of various reference standards (e.g.,
explanted liver samples … technique’s test performance
modified by use of various reference standards (e.g.,
explanted liver samples … generally found sensitivity
of FDG PET higher for lymph and bone metastasis than for lung metastasis, but
samples … Such studies
could potentially enroll smaller samples than randomized
trials to compare screening using
November 07, 2012 - With the small
number of studies and limited samples, we felt
that this information was uninformative … including a description of the sociodemographic characteristics (e.g.,
race/ethnicity) of the HCBS and NH samples … With
the small number of studies and limited samples,
we felt that this information was uninformative … Including any descriptive data on the sociodemographic
characteristics of the samples would strengthen … With
the small number of studies and limited samples,
we felt that this information was uninformative
June 01, 2021 - Most identified studies used mixed samples in terms of primary tumor type
and prognosis, only WBRT studies
February 01, 2012 - enrichment) can improve the analytic sensitivity
of assays to detect methylated vimentin in stool samples … in technologies to stabilize, extract, and
amplify/detect low levels of human target DNA in stool
samples … Sensitive digital
quantification of DNA methylation in clinical samples. … Enhanced retrieval of
DNA from human fecal samples results in improved performance
of colorectal
October 26, 2012 - characteristics on test sensitivity and
Comparison of diagnostic tests using
same samples … , same labs
Multicenter studies with well-
documented patient samples
Document stool sample characteristics … includes power
analysis, intention to treat
Multicenter trials are likely needed to
achieve adequate samples … characteristics on test sensitivity and
Comparison of diagnostic tests using
same samples … Availability of data should be high, since study
samples data already collected.
December 01, 2019 - These may include etiologically heterogeneous patient samples, the use of varied outcomes scales and … their use of published (versus unpublished) data, and whether or not all included studies and patient samples … If there are variations in issues such as patient samples or measures that might affect pooling, we will
November 01, 2017 - diagnostic criteria for bipolar II disorder (Merikangas et al. 2007), with other estimates from community samples
July 01, 2012 - Eligibility criteria included English language studies
evaluating SNP analysis of human populations, or samples … (For the purpose of this report, call rate was defined as the
proportion of samples for which genotypes
January 01, 2011 - where blood samples are often shipped long distances,
there may be great variability in hypochromic … It is believed that % HYPO may not an adequate
test if samples cannot be delivered to a central lab
March 09, 2010 - Intra-articular corticosteroids and NSAIDs, JIA approval status, and samples of
significant warnings … DMARDs, their mechanisms of action, JIA approval status, and samples of significant
warnings from the
September 25, 2013 - It is not clear why collection of samples at baseline in a
cohort study would introduce “null bias”. … If anything,
exposure ascertainment using samples obtained at
baseline is the preferred approach. … Citrated whole blood samples for measurement by LTA are
prepared by first centrifuging the sample to … Direct, unprocessed citrated whole
blood samples are spiked onto a needle in the sample port of
the … We note that studies describing analytic
performance using blood samples from healthy normal donors
August 01, 2019 - n-of-1 approach may overcome some important limitations of other methodologies that involve larger samples
February 01, 2018 - health records, both paper and electronic, clinical visits,
and, in some cases, collect biological samples … over registry
data or biospecimens to advocacy organizations to act as the stewards of these data and samples … At the present time it contains more than 30,000 samples of a variety of
tissue types from DNA to cell … confidentiality (see section “Participant Privacy and Confidentiality”), ownership of data and any
tissue samples
April 01, 2020 - defined by study
authors [typically age 10 or 11 years or younger],
and mixed adolescent and child samples … with a wide range of depressive
disorders; all included adolescents with MDD only
and only a few samples
March 22, 2021 - combined studies, the low and insufficient
strength of the studies, the rare adverse
outcome in thoses samples
November 30, 2014 - These may include etiologically heterogeneous patient samples, the
use of varied outcomes scales and … their use of published (versus
unpublished) data, and whether or not all included studies and patient samples … If there are variations in issues such as patient samples or measures
that might affect pooling, we
May 18, 2012 - Slide 1
Recruiting/Selecting Participants
Susan Dorr Goold, MD, MHSA, MA
Professor of Internal Medicine and
Health Management and Policy
University of Michigan
Alternatives to Random Sampling
• Substantive representation
– Based on extent to which groups affected by
decision at issue …
November 01, 2017 - Core, Size of Sample, No. of Samples, etc.)
October 01, 2007 - When applied to small
samples of admissions from individual hospitals, none of
these performance values … Problems due to small
samples and sparse data in conditional logistic regression analysis.