January 01, 2023 - This information is for reference purposes only. It was current when produced and may now be outdated. Archive material is no longer maintained, and some links may not work. Persons with disabilities having difficulty accessing this information should contact us at: https://digital.ahrq.gov/contact-us . Let us know th…
January 01, 2023 - INTEGRIS Telewoundcare Network
Project Final Report ( PDF , 187.19 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily represent the views of AHRQ. No statement in this r…
January 01, 2015 - measure has 27 items and has demonstrated good reliability and validity in clinical and non-
clinical samples
January 01, 2010 - outcome measures analyzed are
important to assure a timely and efficient system of processing the samples
January 01, 2006 - Usability of a barcode scanning system as a means of data entry on a PDA for self-report health outcome questionnaires: a pilot study in individuals over 60 years of age
Authors: Boissy, P., Jacobs, K., Roy, S. H. Journal: BMC Med Inform Decis Mak Publication Date: 2006 Volume: 6 Pages: 42 HIT Descript…
January 01, 2014 - Based on
MMAS scores, the majority of our samples were considered to have low medication adherence
January 01, 2011 - Using a Telemedicine System to Promote Patient Care Among Underserved Individuals - 2011
Project Name
Using a Telemedicine System to Promote Patient Care Among Underserved Individuals
Principal Investigator
Bove, Alfred
Temple University
Funding Mechanism…
January 01, 2012 - Implementation Outcomes of a Health Information Technology Program For Vulnerable Diabetes Patients - 2012
Project Name
Implementation Outcomes of a Health Information Technology Program For Vulnerable Diabetes Patients
Principal Investigator
Handley, Margaret
January 01, 2013 - However, they
have only been evaluated with small samples of “experts” who are younger, have extensive
January 01, 2013 - Supporting Continuity of Care for Poisonings with Electronic Information Exchange
Supporting Continuity of Care for Poisonings with Electronic Information Exchange
Principal Investigator:
Mollie R. Cummins, PhD, RN (nee Poynton)
Barbara I. Crouch, PharmD, MSPH,
Per Gesteland, MD, MSc
November 14, 2014 - AHRQ's Guide to Evaluating Health Information Exchange Projects - Appendix B
Appendix B: Sample Literature Search Strategy
You can easily conduct a search of academic, peer-reviewed articles, as well as nonacademic
sources, using freely available tools such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and Advanced Google
January 01, 2011 - Implementation Outcomes of a Health IT Program For Vulnerable Diabetes Patients
1 | ImplementatIon outcomes of a HealtH It program for Vulnerable
DIabetes patIents
Small ReSeaRch GRant to ImpRove health caRe QualIty thRouGh health
InfoRmatIon technoloGy (It) (R03)
Implementation Outcomes of a Health IT Program F…
June 02, 2008 - Evaluating Health IT Projects: A Primer for Medicaid and SCHIP
Evaluating Health IT Projects:
A Primer for Medicaid and
Presented by:
Caitlin M. Cusack – MD, MPH, National Opinion Research
Center (NORC) – University of Chicago
Funded by the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality
January 01, 2015 - Understanding How Social Influence and Social Networks Affect Electronic Medical Record Implementation - Final Report
Understanding how social influence and social networks influence EMR implementation
Principal Investigator: Christina T. Yuan, MPH
Research Team: Ingrid M. Nembhard, Ph.D. (Dissertation Co…
January 01, 2013 - Qualitative Evaluations Samples; 1) the Patients-Subjects’ Summative Qualitative
Evaluation, 2) the
January 01, 2021 - A demonstration project: Assessing the significance and impact of utilizing a novel telemedicine application in the delivery of community based palliative care in a rural seriously ill population - Final Report
Award Number: 5R21HS026565-02
Section 1 - Introduction
Begin by developing a clear picture of central processes and concepts, such as the medication management cycle, CDS intervention types, and challenges and opportunities related to medication management.
Consider how the “CDS Five Rights” apply to improving processes related …
January 01, 2006 - Johnson K et al. 2006 "Case report: activity diagrams for integrating electronic prescribing tools into clinical workflow."
Johnson K, FitzHenry F. Case report: activity diagrams for integrating electronic prescribing tools into clinical workflow. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2006;13(4):391-395.
January 31, 2007 - Electronic Prescribing Using A Community Utility - The ePrescribing Gateway
FINAL REPORT: January 31, 2007
Electronic Prescribing Using A Community Utility: The ePrescribing Gateway
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey M. Rothschild MD, MPH; jrothschild@partners.org
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Partners Hea…
January 01, 2024 - A Machine Learning Health System to Integrate Care for Substance Misuse and HIV Treatment and Prevention among Hospitalized Patients - Final Report
A Machine Learning Health System to
Integrate Care for Substance Misuse and HIV
Treatment and Prevention among