January 01, 2021 - Test and Graph Literacy Scale.32,33
One limitation of these studies is the use of Internet patient samples
January 01, 2017 - testing for the combination of medical conditions, population and visit
characteristics requires larger samples
January 01, 2022 - A Direct-to-Patient Alert for Glycated Hemoglobin Screening Using Prediction Modeling and Mobile Health (mHealth) - Final Report
A Direct-to-Patient Alert for Glycated Hemoglobin Screening Using Prediction Modeling and Mobile Health (mHealth)
Principal Investig…
January 01, 2023 - Virtual Patient Advocate to Reduce Ambulatory Adverse Drug Events
Project Final Report ( PDF , 574.55 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily represent the vi…
November 01, 2004 - Computerised patient-specific guidelines for management of common mental disorders in primary care: a randomised controlled trial
Authors: Thomas, H. V., Lewis, G., Watson, M., Bell, T., Lyons, I., Lloyd, K., Weich, S., Sharp, D. Journal: Br J Gen Pract Publication Date: 2004 Nov Volume: 54 Issue: 508 Pa…
January 01, 2007 - The state of physician office-based health information technology in Connecticut: current use, barriers and future plans
Authors: Mattocks, K., Lalime, K., Tate, J. P., Giannotti, T. E., Carr, K., Carrabba, A., Blum, T., Meehan, T. P. Journal: Conn Med Publication Date: 2007 Jan Volume: 71 Issue: 1 Pages…
January 01, 2006 - The impact of a decision aid about heart disease prevention on patients' discussions with their doctor and their plans for prevention: a pilot randomized trial
Authors: Sheridan, S. L., Shadle, J., Simpson, R. J. = Jr, Pignone, M. P. Journal: BMC Health Serv Res Publication Date: 2006 Volume: 6 Pages: 12…
January 01, 2003 - Weingart SN et al. 2003 "Physicians' decisions to override computerized drug alerts in primary care."
Weingart SN, Toth M, Sands DZ, et al. Physicians' decisions to override computerized drug alerts in primary care. Arch Intern Med 2003;163(21):2625-2631.
January 01, 2008 - INTEGRIS Telewoundcare Network - 2008
Project Name
INTEGRIS Telewoundcare Network
Principal Investigator
Bryant, Charles
Integris Health, Inc.
Funding Mechanism
RFA: HS04-011: Transforming Health Care Quality through Information Technology (THQIT)
January 01, 2011 - Implementation Outcomes of a Health IT Program For Vulnerable Diabetes Patients - 2011
Project Name
Implementation Outcomes of a Health Information Technology Program For Vulnerable Diabetes Patients
Principal Investigator
Handley, Margaret
University of Californ…
January 01, 2020 - Improving Teen Care with HIT - Final Report
Improving Teen Care
with HIT
Cari McCarty, PhD
Laura Richardson, MD MPH
Elizabeth O. Parker, Ph.D.
Chuan Zhou, Ph.D.
Julie A. Kientz, Ph.D.
Elizabeth O…
January 01, 2023 - The Aim 2a&b samples
were predominantly White and female.
January 01, 2009 - INTEGRIS Telewoundcare Network
Project Title: INTEGRIS Telewoundcare Network
Principal Investigator: Bryant, Charles A., M.D.
Organization: Integris Health, Inc.
Mechanism: RFA: HS04-011: Transforming Hea…
June 02, 2010 - AHRQ Presentation Template
Going It Alone?
The impact of stand-alone vs. EHR-
integrated e-prescribing systems
Catherine M. DesRoches
Assistant Professor
Harvard Medical School
Mongan Institute for Health Policy
June 2, 2010
Most of the landmark studies do…
August 01, 2010 - Surveillance for Adverse Drug Events in Ambulatory Pediatrics
1 | Surveillance for adverSe drug eventS in ambulatory PediatricS
2010 Grant Summary
Surveillance for Adverse Drug Events in Ambulatory Pediatrics
Principal Investigator: Bailey, Thomas, M.D.
Organization: Washington University in St. Louis
January 01, 2010 - Improving Lab Followup by Delivering an Enhanced Medication List to Outpatient Physician Practices
2010 ContraCt Summary
1 | ImprovIng Lab FoLLowup by DeLIverIng an enhanceD meDIcatIon
LIst to outpatIent physIcIan practIces
Improving Lab Followup by Delivering an Enhanced Medication
List to Outpatient Physi…
December 01, 2006 - Computer-based decision support for pediatric asthma management: description and feasibility of the Stop Asthma Clinical System
Authors: Shegog, R., Bartholomew, L. K., Sockrider, M. M., Czyzewski, D. I., Pilney, S., Mullen, P. D., Abramson, S. L. Journal: Health Informatics J Publication Date: 2006 Dec Vo…
June 06, 2005 - AHRQ Slide Template 2004
How Much Does Medicare Pay Hospitals for Adverse Events?
Building the Business Case
for Investing in Patient Safety Improvement
Chunliu Zhan, MD, PhD,
Bernard Friedman, PhD, AHRQ
Andrew Mosso, MS, SSS
Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
June 6, 2005
Cost of A…
June 06, 2005 - AHRQ Slide Template 2004
How Much Does Medicare Pay Hospitals for Adverse Events?
Building the Business Case
for Investing in Patient Safety Improvement
Chunliu Zhan, MD, PhD,
Bernard Friedman, PhD, AHRQ
Andrew Mosso, MS, SSS
Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
June 6, 2005
Cost of A…
January 01, 2023 - AHRQ evidence-based Care Transformation Support (ACTS)
AHRQ began the ACTS initiative in late 2018 to produce a roadmap to make its evidence, guidance, resources, and tools, in harmony with resources and tools from others, more FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, re…