February 12, 2015 - General primary care or comparable populations
KQs 3–5 (interventions): Either:
The entire sample … percentile or it meets other similar criteria for overweight based on ideal body weight
The entire sample … and is now engaged in maintenance of weight loss/improved weight trajectory
≥50% of the sample
March 15, 2009 - We determined generalizability of the study sample to the United States by consensus of 3 reviewers after … We excluded most studies because either the sample population comprised only patients at very high risk … Location
United Kingdom
United States
United Kingdom
United States
Sample … , screening test improperly administered, biased ascertainment of reference standard, or very small sample … , screening test improperly administered, biased ascertainment of reference standard, or very small sample
March 15, 2009 - We determined generalizability of the study sample to the United States by consensus of 3 reviewers after … We excluded most studies because either the sample population comprised only patients at very high risk … Location
United Kingdom
United States
United Kingdom
United States
Sample … , screening test improperly administered, biased ascertainment of reference standard, or very small sample … , screening test improperly administered, biased ascertainment of reference standard, or very small sample
March 01, 2009 - We determined generalizability of the study
sample to the United States by consensus of 3 reviewers
after … We excluded most studies
because either the sample population comprised only pa-
tients at very high … 1998 1998 2001 2005
Location United Kingdom United States United Kingdom Worldwide Italy United States
Sample … , screening test improperly administered, biased ascertainment of reference standard,
or very small sample … , screening test improperly administered, biased ascertainment of reference standard, or
very small sample
July 07, 2015 - One randomized controlled trial (RCT) met our inclusion criteria by randomizing a large national sample … produced significant effects on standardized tests and percentage of correct consonants from a speech sample … Young adult academic outcomes in a longitudinal sample of early identified language impaired and control … Checklist
Wetherby et al 2003 35
12–17 mo
18–24 mo
CSBS Behavior Sample … Parent Questionnaire
Stokes 1997 48
34–40 mo
SLP rating using language sample
July 07, 2015 - One randomized controlled trial (RCT) met our inclusion criteria by randomizing a large national sample … produced significant effects on standardized tests and percentage of correct consonants from a speech sample … Young adult academic outcomes in a longitudinal sample of early identified language impaired and control … Checklist
Wetherby et al 2003 35
12–17 mo
18–24 mo
CSBS Behavior Sample … Parent Questionnaire
Stokes 1997 48
34–40 mo
SLP rating using language sample
July 03, 2018 - is a serum protein
involved in inflammatory and immune responses; the test involves a single blood sample
April 08, 2014 - Three of the 4 trials with lower mortality in the placebo group had sample sizes of 100 or fewer per … The CLASP trial conducted an 18-month follow-up, but only for a subset of its sample. … Pooled analysis of perinatal mortality from all trials, sorted by sample size. … Pooled analysis of placental abruption from all trials, sorted by sample size. … Pooled analysis of intracranial fetal bleeding from all trials, sorted by sample size.
April 08, 2014 - aspirin prophylaxis, we included any study that used a risk selection approach aimed at achieving a sample … Three of the 4 trials with lower mortality in the placebo group had sample sizes of 100 or fewer per … The CLASP trial conducted an 18-month follow-up, but only for a subset of its sample. … Pooled analysis of preterm birth from trials of women at risk for preeclampsia, sorted by sample size … Pooled analysis of preeclampsia from trials of women at risk for preeclampsia, sorted by sample size.
February 01, 2016 - administration
of the screening test, biased ascertainment of the ref-
erence standard, very small sample … We excluded studies if less
than half of the sample of children and adolescents had
MDD or did not report … through schools
Range: 17–18 BDI score ≥11
BDI score ≥16
Roberts et al, 1991 (39) Fair 1704 Random sample … The fourth trial tested citalopram versus placebo in a
sample of children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 … ; only 61% of the
sample answering the
screener had diagnostic
NA Adolescents only (13-18
July 15, 2008 - Data Extraction
We abstracted information on sample size, entry criteria, demographic characteristics … Author, Year (Reference)
Study Design
Sample … al., 2006 6
Prospective cohort
644 nonpregnant women age ≥18 y with diabetes
17% of the study sample
October 12, 2023 - . ║ Sample size of >100. … ¶ Sample size of at least 1,000; uncontrolled studies only eligible if randomized, controlled trials
April 07, 2020 - Vaginal microbiome variances in sample groups categorized by clinical criteria of bacterial vaginosis … p Low baseline risk (<5%) and sample sizes greater than 2000 in each group; thus, OIS is met. … s OIS criteria not met; sample size of 1248 required to detect a 20% RR reduction based on 38% control … v OIS criteria not met; sample size of 45,236 required to detect a 20% relative risk increase based … y OIS criteria not met; sample size of more than 6 million required to detect a 20% RR increase based
July 01, 2017 - summaries at the outcome level, the number of contributing studies, number of events, and the combined sample … point estimates are close and confidence intervals are narrow, without concerns about insufficient sample
July 01, 2017 - summaries at the outcome level, the number of contributing studies, number of events, and the combined sample … point estimates are close and confidence intervals are narrow, without concerns about insufficient sample
January 26, 2016 - Several studies only verified a negative screening result in a random sample of participants below a … The possibility of correlation between sample size and effect size raises the concern that the pooled … Results from a nationally representative sample using item response theory (IRT). … The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale: validation for an Italian sample. … Counselling of postnatal depression: a controlled study on a population based Swedish sample.
July 01, 2007 - lipoprotein cholesterol levels (type
IIa hyperlipoproteinemia) in young subjects from a population-based sample
January 01, 2001 - Abnormal results should be confirmed by a repeated
sample on a separate occasion, and the average of … tein cholesterol (LDL-C) and TC provide comparable
information, but measuring LDL-C requires a fasting
March 14, 2014 - Abnormal results should be confirmed by a repeated sample on a separate occasion, and the average of … lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and TC provide comparable information, but measuring LDL-C requires a fasting sample
December 30, 2013 - Abnormal screening results should be confirmed by a repeated sample on a separate occasion, and the average … Abnormal screening test results should be confirmed by a repeated sample on a separate occasion, and … LDL-C or total cholesterol would provide comparable information, but measuring LDL-C requires a fasting sample … Direct LDL-C testing, which does not require a fasting sample measurement, is now available; however,