June 10, 2021 - Share to Facebook
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in progress
Final Research Plan
Autism Spectrum Disorder in Young Children: Screening
June 10, 2021
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. governme…
April 09, 2001 - (TC = HDL-C + LDL-C + [TG/5]), accurate calculation of the LDL cholesterol level requires a fasting sample … Obtaining a nonfasting sample (for measurement of TC, HDL-C, or both) at a regular health care visit … Obtaining a fasting sample (which may require a separate visit or change in usual eating habits) is somewhat
January 01, 2001 - (TC 5 HDL-C 1 LDL-C 1 [TG/5]), accurate
calculation of the LDL cholesterol level requires a
fasting sample … Obtaining a nonfasting
sample (for measurement of TC, HDL-C, or both) at a
regular health care visit … Obtain-
ing a fasting sample (which may require a separate visit
or change in usual eating habits) is
August 01, 2019 - The body of evidence includes
observational screening studies with limited sample sizes and focused … It does not involve exposure to
ionizing radiation and is less invasive than EUS, but cannot sample … More than half of studies had small sample sizes (<75 participants). … For studies with larger sample sizes, yields ranged from 0 to 28.2 per 1,000
(2.8%). … However,
randomized trials would require large sample sizes and adequate followup time, and may not
June 15, 2016 - this review, stool tests that meet those requirements are available, including specific single-stool sample … Stool tests that maximize sensitivity (eg, FIT plus sDNA test, multiple sample FITs, or quantitative … Diagnostic yield of a one sample immunochemical test at different cut-off values in an organised screening … allele-specific hybridization reaction to detect K-ras mutations in stool DNA: high prevalence in a large sample
June 15, 2016 - this review, stool tests that meet those requirements are available, including specific single-stool sample … Stool tests that maximize sensitivity (eg, FIT plus sDNA test, multiple sample FITs, or quantitative … Diagnostic yield of a one sample immunochemical test at different cut-off values in an organised screening … allele-specific hybridization reaction to detect K-ras mutations in stool DNA: high prevalence in a large sample
February 12, 2019 - of participants were included; however, it was required that the number not exceed 50% of the total sample … Additionally, none limited their sample to women at increased risk of depression, suggesting that some … Prevention of Postpartum Difficulties in a High Risk Sample [dissertation]. … although effects were either not large, of marginal statistical significance, or based on a very small sample
April 05, 2016 - Although the COPD-PS was derived in
an enriched sample of US pulmonary and primary care clinics,34 its … than
the 2 prebronchodilator studies,17,36 and specificity was as good or
better (95%).14 However, the sample … In a sub-
sample limited to ever-smokers, postbronchodilator screening ap-
peared similar to screening … and
FP rates
BOLD population-based samples
did not exclude or report
baseline known COPD so
enriched sample … single
identified for
most drug classes
and outcomes
Most subanalyses limited by
small sample
March 26, 2020 - persons are eligible if results are reported separately for asymptomatic persons or less than 10% of the sample
March 26, 2020 - persons are eligible if results are reported separately for asymptomatic persons or less than 10% of the sample
August 12, 2021 - two-step approach)
FRAs that are not publicly available
Studies of FRAs using split sample
August 01, 2019 - The body of evidence includes
observational screening studies with limited sample sizes and focused … It does not involve exposure to
ionizing radiation and is less invasive than EUS, but cannot sample … More than half of studies had small sample sizes (<75 participants). … For studies with larger sample sizes, yields ranged from 0 to 28.2 per 1,000
(2.8%). … However,
randomized trials would require large sample sizes and adequate followup time, and may not
January 01, 2010 - col-
leagues (21), was probably not powered to show a differ-
ence in STI incidence, given the small sample … Based on Randomized,
Controlled Trials (Key Question 1)
Study, Year
Study Sample … pregnancy in adolescents receiving a low-intensity
counseling intervention, which also had a smaller sample … Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling Interventions
Study, Year (Reference) Study Quality Setting Study Sample … • Number 7 W-97
Appendix Table 1—Continued
Study, Year (Reference) Study Quality Setting Study Sample
May 01, 2015 - One
randomized controlled trial (RCT)
met our inclusion criteria by
randomizing a large national sample … produced significant
effects on standardized tests and
percentage of correct consonants
from a speech sample … Young adult academic outcomes
in a longitudinal sample of early
identified language impaired and
control … The Fluharty Preschool Speech and
Language Screening Test: a population-
based validation study using sample … and
protective factors associated with
speech and language impairment in
a nationally representative sample
January 01, 2010 - Clinical Considerations
• The goal of cytologic screening is to sample the
transformation zone, the … A meta-analysis of randomized trials supports
the combined use of an extended tip spatula to
sample the … ectocervix and a cytobrush to sample
the endocervix.3
• The optimal age to begin screening is unknown
June 15, 2013 - However, there were no differences for the entire sample, and results at 3 and 4 years showed no differences … Documented and self-reported child abuse and adult pain in a community sample. … Childhood abuse, adult health, and health care utilization: results from a representative community sample
January 25, 2022 - single-lead handheld ECG (MyDiagnostick)
12-Lead ECG interpreted by cardiologists (only 10% random sample … in the study by Marazzi et al. 40 b The study only performed a 12-lead referent test on a random sample … size criteria for average detection rate in no-screening group (1.2%), a single trial would require a sample
November 01, 2021 - this review, stool tests that meet those
requirements are available, including specific single-stool sample … Stool tests that maximize sensitivity (eg, FIT
plus sDNA test, multiple sample FITs, or quantitative … Diagnostic yield of a one sample
immunochemical test at different cut-off values in
an organised screening … allele-specific
hybridization reaction to detect K-ras mutations in
stool DNA: high prevalence in a large sample
November 15, 2008 - tobacco dependence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a nationally representative population sample
July 14, 2016 - symptomatic persons are eligible if results are reported separately for asymptomatic persons or <10% of the sample