
Total Results: 866 records

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    October 20, 2016 - use or a related behavior or condition KQs 4, 5: Studies in which at least 50% of the enrolled sample … incarcerated ) KQs 4, 5: Persons with dependent alcohol abuse (or studies in which >50% of the enrolled sample
    May 15, 2013 - adult results Treatment-seeking children or adolescents Trials in which >50% of the sample … schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, or acute psychosis Trials in which >50% of the sample
    October 20, 2016 - use or a related behavior or condition KQs 4, 5: Studies in which at least 50% of the enrolled sample … incarcerated) KQs 4, 5: Persons with dependent drug use (or studies in which >50% of the enrolled sample
    June 15, 2007 - , staff of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality abstracted data on study design, setting, sample
    June 15, 2007 - , staff of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality abstracted data on study design, setting, sample
    July 01, 2007 - staff of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality abstracted data on study de- sign, setting, sample
    May 15, 2009 - We determined generalizability of study sample to the United States by consensus of 2 reviewers after … Study, Year (Reference) Study Design Objective Sample … Venous sample for serum RPR on site at hospital and frozen aliquot sent for reference RPR and confirmatory
    April 28, 2016 - screening studies have primarily detected early-stage cancer (90% to 96% of cancers detected). 2 , 3 ‡ Sample
    January 01, 2013 - important methodological short- comings, including failure to adjust for potential confounders and small sample … co-infected with HIV were reported sepa- rately or co-infected women made up less than 10% of the study sample … Mode of Delivery Fourteen observational studies reported in 16 publica- tions (sample sizes of 56 to … Sample sizes ranged from fewer than 50 (29, 31, 32) to more than 1000 (15). … , most with methodolog- ical shortcomings (including failure to adjust for con- founders) and small sample
    February 03, 2004 - or more, ranged from about 3 percent among aviators who were presumed healthy 16 to 29 percent in a sample … response to exercise to be predictive of future coronary heart disease events in an unselected, low-risk sample … , 36 , 40 , 45 The prevalence of an abnormal test tended to be lower than that in the higher-risk sample … of coronary heart disease events and the prevalence of serious artery obstructions in the screened sample … Laukkanen et al., 2001 20 1,769 participants, population in Kupio Ischemic Heart Disease Study base sample
    October 01, 2010 - Data Extraction: Details were abstracted about the patient sample, study design, data analysis, follow-up … Screening Studies Study, Year (Reference) Population Study Design Screening Test Sample Size Results … bladder cancer could result in a higher yield from screening and allow researchers to enroll smaller sample … 100) of broad-spectrum patients with and without disease; attempts to enroll a random or consecutive sample … best standard; interprets a reference standard independent of the screening test; includes a moderate sample
    July 26, 2022 - Within the WHI-DMT, among women without a history of CVD (96.6% of the full sample), total mortality … Cluster RCT 20 (18) New study 33 (29) Good-quality rating 23 (20) Conducted in the US 60 (53) Sample … “Unselected” includes a general population sample representing “all comers” or those recruited based … Hispanic or non-White persons. f Limited to trials in the US (60 trials). g Where more than 50% of sample … (via invi- tations through primary care, the broader health care system, or some other convenience sample
    September 03, 2020 - Sample must include an estimated 50% or more of participants with an included disorder but may also include … existing systematic reviews, case-control studies will be used (i.e., studies that limit the study sample
    August 27, 2020 - Sample must include an estimated 50% or more of participants with an included disorder but may also include … existing systematic reviews, case-control studies will be used (i.e., studies that limit the study sample
    December 01, 2009 - Concerns about the follow-up sample, however, limit our confidence in the results. … Only patients from 1 of the 2 study sites were included in the follow-up sample. … At this site, only those with a diagnosis of depression at baseline and a random sample of the remaining … Data were not presented on the baseline similarity between the follow-up sample and the original sample … The depressed sample could not be identified at baseline to determine effect for these persons.
    January 24, 2017 - Sample sizes ranged from 32 123 to 67. 124 Overall, the trials provided limited evidence and found … Two studies evaluated the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study, 145 , 150 a random sample of state-employed … Sleep-disordered breathing and motor vehicle accidents in a population-based sample of employed adults … Those suspected of having OSA; referral populations Small total sample size (type II), missing data … Singe studies and small sample sizes for surgical interventions and weight loss programs.
    January 24, 2017 - Sample sizes ranged from 32 123 to 67. 124 Overall, the trials provided limited evidence and found … Two studies evaluated the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study, 145 , 150 a random sample of state-employed … Sleep-disordered breathing and motor vehicle accidents in a population-based sample of employed adults … Those suspected of having OSA; referral populations Small total sample size (type II), missing data … Singe studies and small sample sizes for surgical interventions and weight loss programs.
    December 15, 2006 - Appropriate sample size. Administration of reliable screening test. … lead level from birth to 48 months 7.0-10.0 µg/dl [0.34-0.48 µmol/l]) with head circumference in a sample … 71 Followup blood lead was measured on average 69 days after abatement, 172 days after the initial sample … Second season of blood-sample collection ( p <0.001). … ND Simon, 1999 98 Ascorbic acid Probability sample of US population from the Third National Health
    December 15, 2006 - followup study ( n =31904) showed that raising the action level for screening to 15 µg/dL in this sample … Appropriate sample size. Administration of reliable screening test. … lead level from birth to 48 months 7.0-10.0 µg/dl [0.34-0.48 µmol/l]) with head circumference in a sample … Second season of blood-sample collection ( p <0.001). … ND Simon, 1999 98 Ascorbic acid Probability sample of US population from the Third National
    July 15, 2007 - In the LRC sample, TC levels increased from birth and stabilized at approximately 2 years of age. … 75th percentile), and specificities were 93% (LRC defined) and 87% (sample defined). 34 A TC > 215 … Body mass index as a predictor of systolic blood pressure in a multiracial sample of US schoolchildren … Response rates, representativeness of the sample, and stability of lipid and lipoprotein levels. … Sample size. Administration of reliable screening test.

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