May 23, 2019 - adverse events based on self-report or objective measurements, reported by at least 5% of the study sample
October 27, 2020 - which may be difficult for some, but the test is quick and noninvasive and can be done at home (the sample … Test specimens can be collected from a single stool sample with FIT and sDNA-FIT 22 , 23 (sDNA-FIT involves … Can be done with a single stool sample. … Can be done with a single stool sample but involves collecting an entire bowel movement.
May 07, 2020 - Sample must include an estimated 50% or more of participants with an included disorder, but may also … existing systematic reviews, case-control studies will be used (i.e., studies that limit the study sample
May 07, 2020 - Sample must include an estimated 50% or more of participants with an included disorder, but may also … existing systematic reviews, case-control studies will be used (i.e., studies that limit the study sample
May 07, 2020 - Sample must include an estimated 50% or more of participants with an included disorder, but may also … existing systematic reviews, case-control studies will be used (i.e., studies that limit the study sample
August 13, 2020 - observational studies
All other study designs
KQ 2: Psychometric development and internal (e.g., split sample … ) validation studies of new instruments; case-control studies (i.e., studies that limit the study sample
March 29, 2022 - observational studies
All other study designs
KQ 2: Psychometric development and internal (e.g., split sample … ) validation studies of new instruments; case-control studies (i.e., studies that limit the study sample
June 01, 2016 - • Multi-targeted stool DNA testing: A test of a stool sample that looks for DNA mutations that may
September 25, 2014 - nonscreened groups
KQ 2: Studies on screening accuracy assessing the sensitivity of TST or IGRA in a sample … of persons with microbiologically confirmed active TB or assessing specificity in a sample of healthy
September 25, 2014 - nonscreened groups
KQ 2: Studies on screening accuracy assessing the sensitivity of TST or IGRA in a sample … of persons with microbiologically confirmed active TB or assessing specificity in a sample of healthy
June 20, 2019 - In studies of patients who accepted
home sample collection (106, 107) or oral fluid sampling
(108), a … Home sample collection tests for HIV infection. JAMA.
1998;280:1699-701. [PMID: 9832003]
107. … Use of
antiretroviral therapies among HIV-infected men who have sex with men: a
household-based sample … In each iteration of the Monte Carlo
simulation, one sample of each proportion, relative risk, or other … Sample size.
7. Administration of reliable screening test.
March 02, 2021 - Assessment of best single sample for finding chlamydia in women with and without symptoms: a diagnostic … The"3 in 1" study: pooling self-taken pharyngeal, urethral, and rectal samples into a single sample for
April 11, 2024 - Share to Facebook
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in progress
Final Research Plan
BRCA-Related Cancer: Risk Assessment, Genetic Counseling, and Genetic Testing
April 11, 2024
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independ…
December 15, 2006 - In a recent sample of
respondents to the of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES
January 01, 2010 - .
Counseling to Promote a Healthy Diet in Adults
Baseline Intervention and control
Author, Sample … )
Counseling to Promote a Healthy Diet in Adults
Baseline Intervention and control
Author, Sample … )
Counseling to Promote a Healthy Diet in Adults
Baseline Intervention and control
Author, Sample … )
Counseling to Promote a Healthy Diet in Adults
Baseline Intervention and control
Author, Sample … )
Counseling to Promote a Healthy Diet in Adults
Baseline Intervention and control
Author, Sample
October 15, 2010 - Data Extraction: Details were abstracted about the patient sample, study design, data analysis, follow-up … bladder cancer could result in a higher yield from screening and allow researchers to enroll smaller sample … test
Handles indeterminate results in a reasonable manner
Spectrum of patients included in study
Sample … 100) of broad-spectrum patients with and without disease; attempts to enroll a random or consecutive sample … best standard; interprets a reference standard independent of the screening test; includes a moderate sample
January 13, 2025 - included in the Task Force’s recommendation, so women who
are more comfortable collecting their HPV test sample
April 01, 2023 - • The IGRA requires a single venous blood sample that measures the CD4 T-cell response to specific
January 26, 2016 - Several studies only verified a negative
screening result in a random sample of participants below a … The possibility of correlation between
sample size and effect size raises the concern that the pooled … results from a nationally
representative sample using item response theory
(IRT). … The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale:
validation for an Italian sample. … Counselling of
postnatal depression: a controlled study on a
population based Swedish sample.
June 12, 2018 - focusing on higher-risk populations with diabetes, though those trials were limited by not reaching sample …
Sample …
Sample … g Participant characteristics were reported for the larger sample of 14,749 postmenopausal women in … Insufficient
Trial focused on assessing benefits; did not reach sample size target; not clear that