February 26, 2020 - Both the central laboratory and satellite facility were not aware that the sample
was missing until … The ordering
physician was notified of the missing sample. … Follow-up investigation by the ED
ultimately revealed the initial sample with the high cardiac troponin … In Case #1, if the microbiology sample were to
have been positive, resulting delays in the treatment … For example, an incorrect labeled fine needle aspirate sample can lead to inappropriate treatment for
November 17, 2021 - factors-associated-wrong-blood-tube-errors-international-case-series-best-collaborative-study
https://psnet.ahrq.gov/web-mm/right-patient-wrong-sample … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/electronic-patient-identification-sample-labeling-reduces-wrong-blood-tube-errors
January 01, 2024 - The lab sample was reported as hemolyzed, but this finding was not recognized by the treating physician … phlebotomy staff should be counseled on proper techniques to reduce in vitro hemolysis during and after sample … Alternatively, a new sample should be collected. … Blood sample quality. Diagnosis (Berl). 2019;6(1):25-31. … The Impact of Undetected In Vitro Hemolysis or Sample Contamination on Patient Care and Outcomes in Point-of-Care
September 23, 2020 - Using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, a representative sample of hospitalizations maintained by AHRQ's
January 01, 2009 - The patient collected her own urine sample and placed it in the specimen cabinet, which opens into the … The other urine sample belonged to a diabetic patient; the technologist suspected a mix-up after a urine … dipstick on that sample indicated elevated glucose. … Sample labels are often handwritten with minimal information (eg, "Smith" when there could be multiple … In addition, specimen collection bottles should be labeled before the patient provides the sample.
March 06, 2005 - Using a random sample of more than 600 patients from a Veterans Affairs health care system, investigators … Comparison of quality of care for patients in the Veterans Health Administration and patients in a national sample
June 07, 2017 - An error associated with a mislabeled blood sample is discussed in a past WebM&M commentary. … computer-assisted-bar-coding-system-significantly-reduces-clinical-laboratory-specimen
January 29, 2020 - At our institution, an initial blood sample is sent in a purple tube from the holding
area and then … the blood bank will request a second confirmatory sample in a pink tube. … During this time,
the patient's pink tube for the confirmatory blood sample was delivered to the room … The blood bank was notified, the blood returned, and a new
blood sample sent. … collection should ensure the wristband and sample label match.
March 27, 2024 - Most reported errors were near misses and
occurred during sample collection, sample handling, and product
June 23, 2015 - medical liability claims in a review of 15,000 hospital discharges in Utah and Colorado in 1992, a sample … Of the 18 malpractice claims in the sample, 14 were made in the absence of any negligence.
November 16, 2022 - An error associated with a mislabeled blood sample is discussed in a past WebM&M commentary .
April 08, 2018 - diagnosis of stroke in the emergency department:
a cross-sectional analysis of a large population-based
sample … diagnosis of stroke in the emergency department: a
cross-sectional analysis of a large population-based sample
December 31, 2024 - The lab sample was reported as
hemolyzed, but this finding was not recognized by the treating physician … phlebotomy staff should be counseled on proper techniques to reduce in vitro
hemolysis during and after sample … Alternatively, a new sample should be collected. … Blood sample quality. Diagnosis (Berl). 2019;6(1):25-31. [
Free full text]
3. … The Impact of Undetected In Vitro Hemolysis or Sample
Contamination on Patient Care and Outcomes in
December 14, 2016 - August 20, 2018
WebM&M Cases
Right Patient, Wrong Sample … of Texas System Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Course
February 1, 2011
Sample … to sample carryover: a source of analytical laboratory error and its relevance to integrated clinical
April 18, 2018 - Both the central laboratory and satellite facility were not aware that the sample was missing until the … The ordering physician was notified of the missing sample. … Follow-up investigation by the ED ultimately revealed the initial sample with the high cardiac troponin … The incorrect patient label was placed on the cardiac troponin I sample, which resulted in the report … In Case #1, if the microbiology sample were to have been positive, resulting delays in the treatment
July 01, 2017 - At our institution, an initial blood sample is sent in a purple tube from the holding area and then the … blood bank will request a second confirmatory sample in a pink tube. … During this time, the patient's pink tube for the confirmatory blood sample was delivered to the room … The blood bank was notified, the blood returned, and a new blood sample sent. … collection should ensure the wristband and sample label match.
February 10, 2021 - The lab sample was reported as hemolyzed, but this finding was not recognized by the treating physician … phlebotomy staff should be counseled on proper techniques to reduce in vitro hemolysis during and after sample … Alternatively, a new sample should be collected. … Blood sample quality. … The Impact of Undetected In Vitro Hemolysis or Sample Contamination on Patient Care and Outcomes in Point-of-Care
July 03, 2016 - However, the laboratory noted that the patient's blood sample was hemolyzed, which can spuriously increase … Effective practices to reduce blood sample hemolysis in emergency departments. [Available at] 7. … Effectiveness of practices to reduce blood sample hemolysis in EDs: a laboratory medicine best practices
July 07, 2010 - Most errors in laboratory medicine occur in the preanalytical phase, that is, before the sample reaches
February 18, 2009 - Using snowball sampling method with nurses to
understand medication administration errors.
February 18, 2009
Sheu S-J, Wei I-L, Chen C-H, et al. Using snowball sampling method with nurses to understand medication
administration errors. J Clin Nurs. 2009;18(4):559-69. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2007.02048.x.