July 01, 1997 - FAQs
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Sample … MEPS component:
Household Component
Publication date:
July 1, 1997
MEPS sample
January 01, 2012 - associated with the estimate (i.e. potential error introduced because data were collected for only a sample … Therefore, one can be 95 percent sure that an interval constructed from one sample captures the true
August 12, 2015 - The sample design of the survey includes stratification, clustering, multiple
stages of selection, … one PSU detected" in Stata) because all of the observations
corresponding to a stage of the MEPS sample
November 01, 1999 -
Construction of Weights for the 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Component List Sample …
November 1, 1999
This report describes the overall response rates for the list sample
July 01, 1999 - Email Updates
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List Sample … 1999
This report outlines the process used to allocate and select the MEPS IC list sample
January 01, 1996 - information
on the NCHS National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS), a continuing series of
national sample
January 01, 1996 - information
on the NCHS National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS), a continuing series of
national sample
March 01, 2006 - The fourth group includes all other adults in the sample. … Sample design of the 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component. … — Less than 100 sample cases. … Sample Design and Accuracy of Estimates
The sample selected for each data year of MEPS, a subsample … — Less than 100 sample cases.
January 01, 2012 - Each new MEPS sample is
referred to as a panel and data for each panel are collected through a series … Since each annual MEPS sample is a subsample of respondents to the previous year's NHIS, a
wide range … Each new MEPS sample is
referred to as a panel and data for each panel are collected through a series … Since each annual MEPS sample is a subsample of respondents to the previous year's NHIS, a
wide range … for MEPS panel 12, and 2007 NHIS sample for MEPS panel 13.
January 01, 2011 - Introduction
The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) is a complex national probability sample … The MEPS
sample is drawn from households that participated in the previous year’s National Health … Each new MEPS sample is
referred to as a panel and data for each panel are collected through a series … Table 5.2 shows estimates from the full sample and the FF interview group. … Only 1 estimate
was significantly higher (alpha < .05) for the full sample compared to the FF group
February 09, 2005 - Publication Details
Updates to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Component List Sample … Component
Publication date:
February 9, 2005
This paper discusses changes in the sample
October 01, 2014 - The SAQ sample was poststratified to the Census Bureau’s Current Population
4 … Our analytic sample included respondents ages 18 and older in the 2004-2006 MEPS
panels who completed … The final analytic sample comprised 23,770 respondents. … adjustment procedure to reweight our analytic
sample. … Nevertheless, the large sample size and the nationally representative nature of the MEPS sample
October 01, 1997 - The HC is the
core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample
and part of the IC sample. … The separate NHC sample
supplements the other MEPS components. … Every 5
years the HC sample size is increased. … — Sample sizes are too small to support reliable estimation. … Sample Design and Accuracy of
The sample selected for the 1996 MEPS, a
subsample of the 1995
October 01, 2008 - Each year the MEPS household sample is drawn from the NHIS sampling frame. … For a detailed description of the MEPS-HC survey design, sample design, and methods used to minimize … Sample Design of the 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component . … 89.9%
Note: Estimates for immigrants in the other race category are not shown due to insufficient sample … Estimates for other race immigrant children are not shown due to insufficient sample size.
October 01, 2008 - Each year the MEPS household sample is drawn from the NHIS sampling frame. … For a detailed description of the MEPS-HC survey design, sample design, and methods used to minimize … Sample Design of the 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component. … –2005
Note: Estimates for immigrants in the other race category are not shown due to insufficient sample … Estimates for other race immigrant children are not shown due to insufficient sample size.
October 01, 2008 - Each year the MEPS household sample is drawn from the NHIS sampling frame. … For a detailed description of the MEPS-HC survey design, sample design, and methods used to minimize … Sample Design of the 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component . … 89.9%
Note: Estimates for immigrants in the other race category are not shown due to insufficient sample … Estimates for other race immigrant children are not shown due to insufficient sample size.
August 01, 1999 - Component
Publication date:
August 1, 1999
Building on a previous report (Sample … completes the reporting of response rates and describes the calculation of weights for the remaining sample
July 01, 2004 - The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for the
MPC sample and part of the IC sample. … Sample design of the 1996 Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component. … *Sample size too small to produce reliable estimates. … Income
Sample persons were classified according to the
total yearly income of their family. … The
1997 MEPS sample consisted of 32,636 people. The
response rate was 66.4 percent.
December 01, 2000 - --Less than
100 sample cases with expenses. … Sample Design and Accuracy of Estimates
The sample selected for the 1996 MEPS, a subsample … Less than
100 sample cases with expenses. … Less than
100 sample cases with expenses. … Less than
100 sample cases with expenses.
September 01, 2005 - was estimated using the weighted sum of total annual payroll for establishments (locations) in the sample … employee was obtained by using average payroll per employee reported for each establishment in the sample … The yearly response rate has averaged 78 percent for in-scope sample units. … Approximately 4 percent of the original sample has been out-of-scope in a typical year. … A total sample of 42,000 establishments was selected for the 2003 survey, prior to accounting for losses